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  1. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    I think that the movie Frodo was just fine personally. I think Peter Jackson did an amazing job capturing the essence and spirit of the books. You have to realize that the scope of Tolkien's books is astronomical, and it would have been impossible for Jackson to have included every plot line...
  2. dmpfishlover

    My new bettas are arriving tomorrow!

    Beautiful Fish!! :) Do you have males and females? If so, maybe they will breed for you. ;)
  3. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

  4. dmpfishlover

    Betta breathing at surface

    Totally normal :)
  5. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    Aahhhh...good old VHS!!!! My siblings and I would walk to the local video store to rent VHS movies almost every Friday afternoon... sometimes 4 or 5 at a time because you would rent them for the entire weekend!:yahoo:
  6. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Totally normal. The female will periodically rearrange her eggs to ensure that all of the eggs are getting equal exposure to oxygenated water.. so that eggs closest to her body are moved to the outside... and will continually fan them as well. I've never raised shrimp, but I have raised...
  7. dmpfishlover

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    How big is your tank? # of Gallons/Liters? Tank Dimensions?
  8. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    The Goonies!! Have you seen it? Sean Austin was the main character and he was just a kid then...It came out in 1985... It is a Total Classic and a MUST SEE if you haven't already. One of my favorite movies growing up!!
  9. dmpfishlover

    Whats Yours?

    Agreed!! I would love to have a 75 gallon or larger planted tank some day with a good sized shoal of Altums, and some schooling Tetras. :)
  10. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    Did you know that was not Sean Austin's first Movie? Do you know what his first movie was?
  11. dmpfishlover

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Have you already confirmed that the species you are considering will be okay with your water parameters? For example: water hardness (GH), pH, etc.. Do you know what your water parameters are and if the fish you have selected can live in those water parameters? Also, have you confirmed that...
  12. dmpfishlover

    Whats Yours?

    I used to have Bosemani Rainbow fish... They were absolutely beautiful, and I would love to keep them again someday.
  13. dmpfishlover

    Hi, new user here -- One of my guppies disappeared without a trace

    Same happened to me years ago with a Neon Tetra! They can make short work of a body!
  14. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Nice looking tank!!! :) Unfortunately, I suspect that several of these species may try to eat the baby shrimp once they hatch?... I have never bred shrimp myself. I do know a lot about them (along with other freshwater arthropods/crustaceans, as I Majored in Zoology in College and Minored in...
  15. dmpfishlover

    Male Betta

    Just to add to what JuiceBox has mentioned... You also have to consider the fact that the fish was just introduced to your tank. The whole process is VERY Stressful for fish.. Being netted in the fish store, transported in a plastic bag and dropped into a strange and unfamiliar tank that has...
  16. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    If you have fish in your tank, depending on what kind, you might lose most of the baby shrimp when they hatch, because some fish love to eat the babies.... If you have fish in the tank, what kind do you have?
  17. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    It can appear that way, yes..
  18. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    Me too!! Another REALLY good older series that you should read if you haven't already is the Chronicles of Narnia... First book is "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".. .It is one of my favorite books that I read growing up!! :)
  19. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Do you have any fish in the tank with the shrimp?
  20. dmpfishlover

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Shrimp take care of their eggs just like Crayfish and Lobsters do. They lay the eggs and then secure/attach the cluster of eggs underneath their tail and hold them there until they hatch. As PheonixKingZ mentioned, they use small appendages on the underside of their tail called swimmeretes to...
  21. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    When you say Rudy, are you referring to the Movie "Rudy", starring Sean Austin, who plays Samwise Gamgee in the LOTR Movies?
  22. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    The Hobbit was written as a children's or young adult's book, and Tolkien originally intended for the LOTR books to also be children's/young adult's books, but then as he was writing them, the writing became much "darker" and the wording a little more difficult, so they were marketed as adult...
  23. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    I would read the Hobbit first... as it is a prelude... It focuses on Bilbo and his adventures before the events of the LOTR Trillogy and Frodo's adventures.
  24. dmpfishlover

    LOTR books...

    Very cool! They definitely look like someone has read them (a few times!), and that they were Loved.... you should really read them.
  25. dmpfishlover

    New Betta

  26. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    I think that I want an algae eater simply because I like the idea of the tank being like a mini ecosystem, with everyone doing their "job". I didn't plan on getting an algae eater, to control algae in the tank, as I know that won't really work and that a balanced tank wont have to many issues...
  27. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    Good to know, thank you! For now, I am not planning on breeding the fish, so perhaps a single male Bolivian Ram will be best. Breeding might come later, as I add more tanks. ;) then, I would probably have a species only tank for any that I plan on breeding.
  28. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    Thank you so much! I had simply thrown out the # 8-12 because I heard that Otos are a shoaling fish and do better in numbers. Would a BN Pleco (or two?) be a better algae eater to add to the tank then the Otos? Would one or two BN Plecos be okay with Cories? No matter what, I am stocking...
  29. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    I definitely plan on adding plants as soon as I can, but this will have to wait until I return from vacation in 4 weeks. I also definitely plan on adding floating plants, as I know how beneficial they are, and I like the look of the roots hanging down in the water. I won't be adding fish until...
  30. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    Thanks, I am hoping that I can find out if my stocking plans are going to way overstock my tank and if I should cut back on either some of the numbers, or some of the species?...Or if my numbers are fine? Hopefully someone can advise on this...
  31. dmpfishlover

    So Many Babies

    That's a LOT of Cories!!! I love it!! :yahoo:
  32. dmpfishlover

    cloudy tank water

    You may have removed a lot of the beneficial bacteria by doing such a thorough cleaning of your tank, driftwood and filter. Your water parameters seem fine though... A lot of new tanks will go through a cloudy period... If the water is cloudy with a white/grey color, this can be a bacterial...
  33. dmpfishlover

    cloudy tank water

    What did you do to "clean" your filter and tank "really well"? It is recommended that you not clean your filter for the first few months after setting up a tank, and how you clean it can be very important.
  34. dmpfishlover

    The return

    My Divorce was the exact opposite... I didn't care about any "stuff", I just wanted a fresh start and a new life... :)
  35. dmpfishlover


    Where do you get the starter culture? Did you purchase it?
  36. dmpfishlover

    Advice Please

    I know, I know… Not another stocking question!:p But, I couldn’t help it…. I have put so much effort into setting up my tank and getting it cycled, and making sure that I am doing everything right, that I want to make sure I am also stocking my tank properly (BEFORE I add any fish!). I have...
  37. dmpfishlover

    55 gal in progress planted tank.

    Glad he found a good home!! He is stunning! I love Rams. I am thinking of getting Bolivian Rams when my 55 gal is ready for fish.
  38. dmpfishlover

    55 gal in progress planted tank.

    Nice looking Tank!! I love the Gold Ram... So pretty!! :)
  39. dmpfishlover

    New Tank #DreamTank

    I agree with everyone... A background and some live plants would really make the tank look stunning... I personally like black backgrounds. I think green plants really "pop" against a black background. Nice looking tank and a very pretty fish! :)
  40. dmpfishlover

    Check out my outdoor Molly pond! Plant filtered only.

    I'm sorry this happened to you. :( I hope you are able to get it all sorted out okay. It is a beautiful little pond! I've always wanted one... maybe someday. Good luck and keep us posted!!