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    Bubbley Fish

    I've just gave my fish a feed and noticed my baloon mollie has little bubbles all over him what could it be? He's litrally covered it little bubbles
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    Is This The Best Place?

    hi im from bedford its a biorb filter but i suppose leaving the sponge in the bottom of the tank for a bit wont hurt
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    What Fish?

    might sound cheeky but caqn you do an example of a stock for 60l of any fish which go with a male betta the more fish the better so smaller would be good
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    What Fish?

    the only reasoni havethe biorb is a really dontlike the look of rectangular tanks plus it wouldnt go with my living room very well, im stuck with the world of biorb:( having said tht it looks pretty impressive and i think that is what swayed me into keeping fish as pets so its not all bad 8-) 8-)
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    What Fish?

    #39#### is this really meaning i can only hve tetras/mollies and danios :( booooooo
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    Is This The Best Place?

    nelly thanks but all seem a bit far and maybe the bacteria would die before i got it into my tank, it sucks living so out of the way:(
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    What Fish?

    i only want one male betta, i might go with the corys as they seem werd and wonderful,as for the balloon mollie if u havent seen one they are worth ashot the look stange and wonderful fun! i was also looking into maybe just gettin one tropicl piranha but again is there such thing? and maybe is...
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    Is This The Best Place?

    I was told in a different topic this is the place to ask/ BEG haha I'm after some of your good bacteria guys so does anybody have anything they are slinging out or could donate to my cycling tank? I live in bedford so the closer the better
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    Fish Wanted For Small 60L Biorb

    Hi I know this is cheeky but is there anybody on here who lives near bedford and is wanting to get rid of a few small tropical fish cheap/free?
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    What Fish?

    Females don't have nothing on the look of a male ;) I know I can keep a male one I just would like some suggestions to what wlse would go
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    What Fish?

    Hi I have a 60l biorb tank what king of fish would be suitable, I definately want a betta fish so not too many flowing finned fish please :D I'm after so weird and 'WOW' factor fish, I like the look of baloon mollies but if there is anything people can suggest I'd love to know! (I would only...
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    Wanted: Juwel 125 No Longer Needed Thanks

    The term one mans rubbish is another mans treasure comes to mind here, if I had got something for free and then found I then had no need for it I'd sell it rather then give it away, it just so happens matt was a lucky one to get something for free lol!
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    Wanted: Your Bacteria Ridden Media/sponge Etc

    I'm from bedford :( that's a shame everyone always seems to be friendly up north aswell :( haha
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    Hi New To This....

    I will definately add more fish as I now only have 2 fish in there, so to lower ammonia only takes a water change? And the more I do it hopefully the bacteria will devolop anythin I can do to help it develope quicker?
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    Hi New To This....

    Lol awesome! Well I don't know when ill be back up! Send it next day and ill paypal u the costs! Also the tests won't do much if I'm not regulating the ammonia levels
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    Wanted: Any Biorb Accessories Or Real Plants

    I am willing to buy most biorb items if at the right price, plus was hoping to see if any of you fine fellows have any free easy to care plants I can have? Thanks :D
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    Wanted: Your Bacteria Ridden Media/sponge Etc

    Hi I'm just cycling my tank and need something to speed things up and was hopong one of you guys could help me out! Cheers
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    Hi New To This....

    So if I get this correct I'm doing ok with a fish cycle? I just need to ensure iu do 25% daily changes, how long for this as its a lot of dechlorinator etc to use. Also I won't be able to get a ammonia tester untill end of the month but have the tetra 6 in 1 test strips which tell me everythin...
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    Hi New To This....

    Hi I don't actually have much disposable income so I can't spend much on it all, so what I've done with buying 2 danios and leaving them in the tank for 4 weeks is ok for cycling? I've done 25% water changes weekly and its only recntly its killing them off, details of my tank are: 60l biorb with...
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    Hi New To This....

    hi im very new to keeping tropical fish and found out from my grandad about cycling using fish, which i have now found to be very hard and unhumane, i had 2 danios in my biorb 60l for about 3 weeks and they were fine, i then brought 3 mollies just as i thought it seems ok just to find now that 2...