Is This The Best Place?


New Member
May 15, 2011
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I was told in a different topic this is the place to ask/ BEG haha I'm after some of your good bacteria guys so does anybody have anything they are slinging out or could donate to my cycling tank? I live in bedford so the closer the better
Sadly I cannot as I'm in ireland, but the best thing oi could offer is that my sister is in northampton (I know its far enough but not that bad) and she would be able to give you some.
Hi antinator,

I'll move your topic to Tropical Discussion. Good Luck!
nelly thanks but all seem a bit far and maybe the bacteria would die before i got it into my tank, it sucks living so out of the way:(
hi im from bedford its a biorb filter but i suppose leaving the sponge in the bottom of the tank for a bit wont hurt

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