What Fish?

I have silvertips and I think they're far too active to be comfortable in a biorb :crazy:

Like zebra danios, I wouldn't want to see them in anything less than three feet in length.

Here's proper list of all the things that are suitable (off the top of my head; some may not be compatible with others on the list, like the betta and guppies for instance)

a male betta
a group of female bettas
dwarf or honey gouramis
ember tetra
green or normal or cardinal tetras
black or red phantom tetra
serpae tetra
lemon tetra
glowlight tetra
chili rasbora
dwarf emerald rasbora
pygmy rasbora
clown plec
cherry barb

That's actually a really good lot of fish that are suitable.
might sound cheeky but caqn you do an example of a stock for 60l of any fish which go with a male betta the more fish the better so smaller would be good
Well, I like larger shoals of one species, rather than bits and bobs of many; it looks more natural and more impressive and the fish are 'happier', as far it's possible to tell.

I'd have the betta and then a dozen of a contrasting shoaler; so, if you have a red coloured betta, have the dwarf emerald rasboras or the celestial pearl danios. If your betta's going to be blue or turquoise, have the chili rasboras or the ember tetras.

I suppose you could do six of the shoalers and six otos with the betta, but, as I said, I'd stick to one other species if it was mine.

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