Search results

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    Bolivian Rams

    Matt I will have all 4 if u can bring them to mine! Hopefull have a buyer for all my tetras!
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    Loads Of Tetras

    I want all of em to go really so ill do them all for £30 I don't even know how many there really is as its hard to count them all lol I know there is defo bound to be 30ish here or there.
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    Loads Of Tetras

    Bttt someone must want these lol
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    Loads Of Tetras

    I am looking at 1.25 pound per fish (don't know a actual value of these just had a look at p@h for prices) but could be swayed slightly on price as you would have to catch them and bag them yourself as I have not got the patience in tryin to catch the critters lol
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    Loads Of Tetras

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    Loads Of Tetras

    Hi I have varioud different tetras given to me by my brother I've got far too many to count easily 30+ from what I can tell they are a mixture of neons, glowlights, silver tips and black neons from what I can see maybe more, I'm open to sensible offer to these as they are healthy fish which...
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    My New Pond.....

    mmmmm.....maybe fill the pond up? as ive just tested the ground underneath and it is solid......i.e no way on earth i can dig 4ft deep.the fish look quite mature so how would they have survived these harsh winters in a 3 ft x 6 inch pond?:S
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    My New Pond.....

    ive just brought a house which had a measly 6 inch deepx 3 ft round pond with a couple of goldies in it... i thought this was cruel so i tryed extending it, ive now made it 12 inches deep and 8ft wide BUT i was told goldfish will not survive in a pond only A foot deep is this correct as ive now...
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    Is there any such thing as a tropical eel and can anybody give me a name of any that could survive in a 60l tank? Its a biorb btw also do they need a 3-4 year matured tanks and are they easier/harder then fish?
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    Plant Donations

    How large is it or does it grow ill take it off your hands for postage costs ;)
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    Plant Donations

    anyone have a thin slow growing plants about 30 cm? i dont know any names etc but am willing to pay if nobody cares to be generous:D
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    Hi New To This....

    well this is just a quick hi from me and a few piccys of my tank:D ive been reading the forum and getting loads of hints and tips!
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    Golden Apple Snails

    Ok ill take all 3 for 3 quid posted do you accept paypal? Pm me details
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    Golden Apple Snails

    ill have 2 for £2 delivered if your tht desparate to sell them i have money waiting on paypal
  15. A Guy With Dying Molys

    I'm just wondering as I also have a biorb 60 how high did you fill your water level? The fish was probally at the top gasping for oxygen as the tank is full too high, also stupid question but do you have a heater?
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    Feature Fish For A 90L ?

    2 male bettas would be beuatiful :D no i joke! i would say some honey gourami are quite nice
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    right ive heard alot about feeding your fish the odd pea..........welli tryedit and wow was i shocked...they went mad for itD
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    Female Yellow Molly

    Where are you based dafrnhm
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    Female Yellow Molly

    #39#### no1 lives near bedfordshire otherwise it would of been a sale ;) haha
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    Female Yellow Molly

    Where are you based as can't see as on my mobby
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    Plants :d

    I know its being cheeky (borderline very cheeky) but is there anybody who is willing to donate a cutting or anything to a very needy tank, my girlfriend pulled out all my plants and destroyed them thinking they were weeds .......I know don't get me started!!! I'm now plantless and feel sorry for...
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    Snail Question?

    With the shrimp I have ceramic media and its a boorb so I'm scared they mat get lost or die in the media :(
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    Snail Question?

    Hah maybe I'm getting lied to :( the world of aquatics is full opinions and different views its hard to find the right ones :L
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    Snail Question?

    I have just been told snails leave nasty snail trails is this true? I don't want to end up cleaning more then I already do lol
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    Snail Question?

    Can I get a mix of tetras or will they only shoal with simalar varieties? Or will they all stick together?
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    Snail Question?

    Is there a small fish that shoals but is more WOW'ish :P
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    Snail Question?

    I just feel neons are quite boring lol but thts just my opinion, maybe they will look better in a shole
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    Snail Question?

    So going by the 1cm rule how many tetras can I get? Do the shole with differnt colours or will I have to stick with all neon blue?
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    Snail Question?

    So basically my stocks are completely wrong, DOH! Its so hard to find a correct stock for a biorb :( I only went for it because it looks nice and finishes off my living room far better then any large rectangular tank, the problem I have is my tanks only 60l so adding 10 + tetra will be my full...
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    Snail Question?

    I know they are in small numbers the danio seems to swim around quite happy by himself, why is it the need more? As they all seem happy swimming away
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    Snail Question?

    Any suggestions of a easy to keep snail that looks gorgus? Also my tank stock is 3 neon tetras, 2 sail fin tetras 1 danio
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    Snail Question?

    Ok now I've seen a lot of you keep snails I'm just wondering what variety is best for a biorb 60? Also what is the pros and cons od owning a snail? Can I also ask the same questions about owning a shrimp,
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    Giant Danio!

    Do I need to mush them? I have tinned peas will they do?
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    Giant Danio!

    Ill try with a picture but its very hard to catch him as I have a biorb
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    Giant Danio!

    giant danio! ?by antinator » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:02 am I've had this danio since I litrally finished cycling and he seems very happy he lost his partner in crime as I got them as a pair from p@h, over the weeks it has been getting fatter and fatter its huge noow, Is this pregnacy or...
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    God Knows If This Is The Right Place

    its a 60l biorb, ive looked on ebay and found somebody down the road who sells knifetails( ithink thats what they are called) foir a quid each so ill be buying a few of those :D but any other help of where the people around bedford are on here would help:D
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    God Knows If This Is The Right Place

    haha i knew someone would have a problemwith these tanks but tbh they are fine if you give them the time they need, im not after a new fishtank just 1" fish so please can we stick to topic? if there was such thing as a nice looking ball shaped tank which fits in a corner of my living room other...
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    God Knows If This Is The Right Place

    thanks for those with PROPER replys, no need to be smarmy when im new to owning fish,but yes my tank is fully cycled and i have a couple of danios, 2 mollies and they have been fine for 2 months now,i am just wondering who has some small fish for sale?......i need fish only 1" in size as i have...
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    God Knows If This Is The Right Place

    hi, i havent a clue where to post this so ill do it here as it seems the most generic, i am after some small tropical fish only ablout 1inch max in size, i live in bedford and there seems to be no memebers who live anywhere near me :( so please if you have any for sale lemme know;)
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    Bubbley Fish

    mmmmm it doesnt look that serious as its very small flecks on the tank has very good areation and i havent done more then a 30% water change so its very confusing ill keep an eye on him as he seems very lively and feeding well etc