Search results

  1. zelandonia

    Any Vets On The Forum?

    I'm a vet. Cloudy cornea or cloudy anterior chamber can be an emergency. Cloudy lens- not so much. The picture suggestion is a good one. Don't let your dog rub the eye until it is assessed. Put an elizabethan collar on if you have one. Good luck!
  2. zelandonia

    My New Kitten!

    That's fantastic!!!
  3. zelandonia

    My New Kitten!

    Beautiful little calico kitten!!!! She's lovely. Is she eating well? She's still a bit young to be apart from mama. Don't forget to take her for her first set of vaccines at about 8 weeks old. Congratulations!!
  4. zelandonia

    Animal Bites?

    I have been bitten by lots of animals but here is a picture of my iguana bite:
  5. Iguana_Bite_1.jpg


  6. zelandonia

    Sick Shih-tzu

    How is your Mom's dog doing?
  7. zelandonia

    Letting Out My Neighbor's Dog?

    Ask the owners if this is usual behaviour for this dog and if they have any tips to help you out (for instance. maybe the dog is stopping because she is not usually allowed out the back door). If this is unusual behaviour they owners should be made aware of it. z.
  8. zelandonia

    Sick Shih-tzu

    Is there a veterinary referral centre near you? I recommed referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist, internist, or neurologist depending on your dog's primary clinical signs and which specialists are readily available in your area. Good luck! z.
  9. zelandonia


    Please keep in mind the dog zodiac spot-on product that contains permethrin is toxic to cats. z.
  10. zelandonia

    Welcome Erised,

  11. zelandonia

    Cat Question

    I agree that this sounds like an umbilical hernia. If it is fairly small, your veterinarian will likely recommend surgical repair at the time of her spay.
  12. zelandonia


    Thanks. I originally completed a veterinary technology diploma and then decided I didn't have enough debt so I went back to school for veterinary medicine. :blink: So now I am both. z.
  13. zelandonia


    No problem. Also, don't feel uncomfortable asking your veterinarian to slow down or repeat something you have not understood. You are paying a lot of money to see a specialist and you deserve to understand everything that is said and be able to ask any questions you need to. If I had a client...
  14. zelandonia


    It is much better for the cat to let the glue wear off on it's own than to try to remove it with something. Bloo knows a ton about animals and I learn a lot from her posts but maybe I'll answer the cholangitis question since I am here first. Don't mean to step on any toes, Bloo! Cholangitis...
  15. zelandonia


    It is very important to vaccinate young animals. It you vaccinate too early the vaccines are useless because the maternal antibodies that the puppies receive in the colostrum render the vaccine useless. If you vaccinate too late you are risking exposing the animal to disease after the maternal...
  16. zelandonia

    Feeding Raw Food To Cats

    I do not recommend a raw food diet as it is really tough to balance the calcium phosphorus ratio. In addition it puts your cat and your family at risk for diseases such as salmonella. z.
  17. zelandonia

    Akita Husky Needs Help

    Are you sure there is not a medical reason why your dog is not trained to urinate outside? Some dogs can be born with ectopic ureters where the ureter enters the bladder after the sphincter that allows them to hold their urine. In this case the urine will just dribble out at all times and you...
  18. zelandonia


    Reverse sneezing (forceful inhalation of air) is due to irritation in the back of the nose/throat area. It can be caused by the presence of a foreign body that was inhaled up the nose, dental disease, fungal infection in the nose, nasal tumour, allergies, nasal parasites, or bacterial...
  19. zelandonia

    How Long Have You Been A Member On Tff.

    Almost 2.5 years z.
  20. zelandonia

    Location Poll?

    ditto!! Happy Canada Day! z.
  21. zelandonia

    Family Section

    If people could use it as you intend it, SuzieQPlecMama, it would be a great addition to TFF. However, I think it would be difficult to "police" because it was a thread about family that caused general to be removed from TFF in the first place. z.
  22. zelandonia

    Puppy Name Suggestions

    Petal :wub:
  23. zelandonia

    Rip Clancy

    RIP Clancy. Thanks for telling us about his short life. It sounds like you spent a lot of time with him and must have bonded a lot with him. I'm sorry about your loss. z.
  24. zelandonia

    Infection From Water Change

    Actually cat scratches are dirty enough to cause an infection all by themselves. Cat's have bacteria hanging out on their claws because they scratch around in their litter boxes and walk on floors. Their nails are shaped just perfectly to imbed these bacteria deep within your skin when they...
  25. zelandonia

    Question About Constipated Betta

    Thanks for your input, Wilder. I have frozen bloodworms and can get a more varied frozen diet this weekend. z.
  26. zelandonia

    People Giving Bad Advice

    Seeing as it's your thread, vancouver, you can PM a mod to close it if you feel your original concern has been addressed. :) z.
  27. zelandonia

    Vertical Mollie

    My mollies always ended up doing this in my FW tank. They were vertical for a while and then started spinning in vertical circles. Shortly after they died. It was really sad to see 2 or 3 go through this. I finally decided not to get mollies anymore and did some research and found out that...
  28. zelandonia

    Question About Constipated Betta

    My betta became constipated earlier this week and I treated him by withholding his regular diet and feeding part of a cooked pea. It took two days but now he has pooped and his belly has returned to normal size. He looks hungry and is dancing for food. How long after the constipation clears...
  29. zelandonia

    My New Ct

    Thanks, WW. I learn something new here every day! z.
  30. zelandonia

    My New Ct

    Thanks guys. Joby- feel free to post a pic of your Sebastian here. It will become the Seabastian thread! White Whale- I have never hear the term volcano CT before. I presume it describes tailtype. What exactly does it mean? z.
  31. zelandonia

    People Giving Bad Advice

    Hey vancouver, When I feel like you do I often visit this thread: and then I feel all better. Feel free to post your thought there but try to do it in a matter-of-fact and not an inflamatory way because the thread has been relatively...
  32. zelandonia

    I'm A Softy

    Congratulations! Maybe we can see some pics when he settles in? z.
  33. zelandonia

    My New Ct

    Thanks guys. I think he's pretty gorgeous!!! I can't stop staring at him and I think my VT's must be jealous! z.
  34. zelandonia

    My New Ct

    Hey All, Please excuse the blurry pics and the flash but I wanted you to see my CT Sebastian. I got him on the last day of April after I finished finals. He is my first CT boy. Thanks for looking. I am still trying to get the hang of fish photography. z.
  35. Sebastianpost2.jpg


  36. Sebastianpost1.jpg


  37. zelandonia

    Favorite Pet Rodent

    When I wrote that post I completely predicted that you'd be along with your 2 cents Wolf!! :lol: Yes, cavies are the best! I just thought I might have to post a pic if I called them that. ;) z.
  38. zelandonia

    Favorite Pet Rodent

    Technically, rabbits and ferrets aren't rodents so they don't really belong in the poll. My favorite rodents are guinea pigs!! z.
  39. zelandonia

    Huge Ammonia Spike

    Here is a useful aquarium volume calculator that Great Lakes posted in a FAQ topic: I think we would have to know the height, width, and length to calculate the volume. z.
  40. zelandonia

    Huge Ammonia Spike

    The only thing you can do to decrease the ammonia immediately is a water change. One possible reason why it spiked is because you may have damaged your biological filter by cleaning it too efficiently (or possibly by adding medications?). The bacteria may have to repopulate your filter before...