Letting Out My Neighbor's Dog?


Mar 10, 2008
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My neighbors asked me to start letting their dog out because they are working later hours and the dog is growing older so she can't hold it. I let her out Wednesday and today. She doesn't really want to go out and she is a big dog. I think she is a Newfoundland.She won't go outside even if I make a trail all the way from the bed to the patio outside. She stops right when she gets to thedoor. Today I didn't get her to go out but yesterday I did. Why is she like that?
It could just be because she's really old and doesn't want to go - or perhaps is a bit frightened of you etc.

Would she come with you if you put a lead on her and lead her out to the garden - and wait there while she does her business (off the lead)?
the owner doesn't have a collar for her. That's really not good and dangerous. Any other advice?
my dog doesnt like going out if the bombs and stuff have been going off outside my mouse. maybe the dog can hear something outside and is scared?

maybe it just doesnt like you :p

or it may have stiff joints and isnt able to go out too often.
Perhaps you could try coaxing her out with some doggie treats? If the dog continues to resist just tell your neighbors about the predicament and maybe they could find a solution ie: getting her a collar and lead. If all else fails her owners might have to find another way to deal with the problem. Good luck!
I've been chasing, retrieving, and returning stray dogs since I was a kid. Belts are a wonderful thing. Take it off, make a loop, collar & leash all in one.

Use a little caution, strange dogs sometimes have an aversion to collars being put over their head, but with an older dog it probably won't get too upset.
Ask the owners if this is usual behaviour for this dog and if they have any tips to help you out (for instance. maybe the dog is stopping because she is not usually allowed out the back door). If this is unusual behaviour they owners should be made aware of it.

my dog doesnt like going out if the bombs and stuff have been going off outside my mouse. maybe the dog can hear something outside and is scared?

maybe it just doesnt like you :p

or it may have stiff joints and isnt able to go out too often.
bombs???? where do you live????
It is illegal for a dog to be out wandering the streets on its own. If you are with the dog when it is out then it isn't a problem. As mentioned above it could be the dog is unable to walk very far due to its age. Or the dog is trained not to go outside without its owner. My dogs won't leave my front yard unless I am with them. People have tried to get them to wander and they just stay on the front yard. Maybe their dog is the same.
Have a chat with the owners and see if they can get the dog to go for a walkies. If not then the dog is probably just old and tired.
If they can get the dog to go for a walkies then it is you and the dog doesn't trust you enough. Spend some more time with the animal and develop a bond with it. then you will have more chance of being able to take it walkies :)


From Tolak
I've been chasing, retrieving, and returning stray dogs since I was a kid. Belts are a wonderful thing. Take it off, make a loop, collar & leash all in one.

Everytime I take my belt off my pants fall down and the dog runs around laughing at me :)
Everytime I take my belt off my pants fall down and the dog runs around laughing at me :)


My last time playing dog catcher involved a stray Yorkie/Chi mix on Easter Sunday. I finally catch up to the little bugger after a good half mile trot, take off my belt & realize my belt is wider than his head. So I hand my belt to my wife, who was in on this, toss my flannel shirt over the snarly little guy, pick him up & bring him home. Dog in one arm, holding pants up with the other hand, with my wife carrying my belt.

For some reason it didn't dawn on me to hand this tiny dog to my wife & reassemble myself. Duh.

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