Huge Ammonia Spike


Jan 28, 2006
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I just tested my water, the ammonia colour wasn't even on the list. It was darker! The nitrite was 0.3. Something I did today caused it, and I will tell you all about what I did.

The tank has been cloudy recently, and also one of my fish has a shredded fin. I did a 20% water change, and then I de-chlorinated the water and put it in. I cleaned all my filter media, because it had been really dirty, probably causing the cloudiness. I put everything back and got it running. Today I received my Amquel Plus and I added the correct dosage of it. I also added Melafix.

What can I do to stop the Ammonia, and what caused it?
The only thing you can do to decrease the ammonia immediately is a water change.

One possible reason why it spiked is because you may have damaged your biological filter by cleaning it too efficiently (or possibly by adding medications?).

The bacteria may have to repopulate your filter before they can effectively convert the ammonia to nitrites and nitrates.

Are you adding the medications for the fish with the shredded fin? Is there any way you can isolate that fish in a hospital tank so you are not treating all the fish who may not need meds?

Wash the filter media under the tap ? Sounds like the filter is now "dead" so you are looking at either rehousing the fish, or LOTS of water changes... every other day I would do 25% - make sure the water has conditioner AND is the right temp before adding to the tank.
I cleaned the filter media with tank water. I must have cleaned it too much. I guess I'll just do water changes. I do not have a hospital tank, sorry to say.

How fast can the fish die?
I went out and bought a hospital tank today. I think it's 5 gallons, maybe 10, doubtful. 10x20" anyway. Should I put the tank water in the 5 gallon, or not because the Ammonia problem?
Haha, well should I run the filter in the main tank or again no because ammonia.
Haha, well should I run the filter in the main tank or again no because ammonia.

Both tanks are now at a virgin state.... may as well leave the main tank setup and stocked... just keep the water changes going until you see nitrItes, then cut back to half as many.

Better still, put the filter into a NON fish tank and force the ammonia up to about 4-5ppm, with 85F this should cycle the filter faster...
Ok, well I still need to get a heater tomorrow. Also, is 10" in height and 20" in width 5 gallons?
I figured it out, it's 10 gallons.

I am getting ammonia to cycle the tank tomorrow. Should I also cycle the tank with the fish in? Or will that hurt.
do NOT add ammonia if you're putting fish in there. i would do a fishless cycle on an empty tank... but there's really no point if you already have fish and need to cycle both tanks.
Well, I thought I would just fishless cycle the hospital tank. Are you saying I shouldn't?
I'm doing a water change now, and the fish are extremely stressed. They are losing there colour and shaking like crazy. I really don't want them to die!!

EDIT: Wow, should not have posted so quick. I just finished the water change, and they already seem happier, the tank is clearer, and the ammonia is down. Great news.

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