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  1. B

    Upgrade From Vision 180 To Fluval Osaka 320!

    It's almost been a year since I started this tank up, so I thought I would update with a few pics! Plants are much the same, though bigger!
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    German Bred Pink Ramshorn Snails

    Hiya :) I'd be interested in one lot of the pink snails if possible please? Thanks :) Anna
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    Fluval Shrimp Supplements & Pellets

    Hey! Would you take £10 posted for these three? I am about to set up a shrimp tank so these seem ideal :) Thanks! Anna
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    Wanted : Fluval Osaka 320 Light Unit

    Wanted: Item Wanted: Fluval Osaka 320 Lighting unit (4ft version) - bulbs are optional. Condition Required : Used/ long as it's in good working order Price Limit : Offers Picture or Link to Item Location: Edinburgh, or willing to post All negotiations and questions must be posted...
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    Various Plants For Sale

    Hiya, I'd take the lot please! Are they suitable for a tank with shrimps? ie no copper treatments? Anna
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    Murdering Doctor Fish?

    I'd say it was the fire eel myself, I have the close relative of the doctor fish and they are very peaceful fish and haven't harmed anything in my tank.
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    If Tribalbrit doens't want this, I'd love it for my tank :) Anna
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    Upgrade From Vision 180 To Fluval Osaka 320!

    Don't think it's changed too much, but some of the plants have grown a bit, mostly the weird stuff in the top right, its really good for fry :)
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    Pet Of The Month Competition Entries...... (January 2012)

    Here is another one of my cats, a blue point ragdoll called Hobbes. He is about 4-5 months here, and is now 4 years old :) Entry verification pic
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    Show Off Your Tank!

    The plants to remove are the white and green ones, there look to be 4 or 5 bunches of them at the front on the right hand side?
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    Show Off Your Tank!

    Looks good! Some of your plants at the front though are not aquatic and will rot and die and pollute the tank. I'd add some nice big pieces of wood or rock at the back with some taller plants to bring it all together if I was you :)
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    Platies And Neons - Do The Jump?

    I've got an open top tank and none of my fish have jumped and I have some known jumpers in there! My neons never show an interest in going to the top of the tank at all!
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    New Tank - Fish And Any Other Advice?

    That's a good idea to just stick with the pH you have! Plenty of fish who like that pH and it's so much easier than constantly battling to keep it lower. Cherry barbs are lovely fish so you should have fun watching them :)
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    Show Off Your Tank!

    Taken a month or so ago, it's filled out a little but haven't attempted more pics!
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    New Tank - Fish And Any Other Advice?

    Is your tap water 7.9 too?(pH) if your pH is stable at that then I wouldn't mess with it really, you'll just have to look at fish more tolerant Of harder water. Mine is the total opposite, so soft and acidic so I have opted for fish which thrive in this, no mollies for me!
  16. B Keep Or Not To Keep

    If that's your stocking list as in your signature, I'd maybe say no to the pearl gourami, I think the angel might have have issues with it and you could be overstocked. Stick with smaller ones :)
  17. B Keep Or Not To Keep

    They are not "dwarf" gouramis in that sense really, they are a different species so won't get the problems that the blue/red etc dwarfs get. My friend has one and it's a lovely wee fish :). Another very small species is sparkling gourami, I have 5 of them in my tank, very pretty when the...
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    New Tank - Fish And Any Other Advice?

    I particularly like watching my panda cory, they are very active, and though they are not super bright, are lovely wee fish! Ember tetra and a great small wee tetra species and are a lovely coppery orange colour. Another fish I have which I love are rummynose rasbora (not rummynose tetra)...
  19. B Keep Or Not To Keep

    What size is the tank that the gourami would be going into? Honey gourami and their red variety are small, peaceful and colourful! :).
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    Fluval 405 Leaking, Tired Everything...

    If you pop onto zooplus website they have eheim 2217 for £70. I have one of them (and a 405 actually!) and it seems very well made if a little basic. I figure though, that the less high tech it is, the less that can go wrong!
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    Newbie Needs Advise On What Fish To Keep And How Many

    Hiya! If your friend gives you some filter media (probably some sponge) then you need to keep it as wet as possible in transit and then put it into your filter box along with the sponge or ceramic media you have and then start it up. You then want to start dosing with ammonia as soon as...
  22. B

    Amazon Frogbit Loads

    It doesn't explain why you stopped answering emails. I've bought a lot from this forum and received everything apart from this. I doubt they lost the parcel twice from the same person.. Anyway, this could have been sorted privately so that your thread doesn't get bogged down with less than...
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    Most Pieceful Community Setup You Can Think Of?

    You could look into Rummynose Rasbora, Celestial Pearl Danio and ottos. Cardinals and neons and embers are lovely tetra too, I have them also. My tank is a very peaceful place with no big fish other than the bristlenose plecs which are also peaceful!
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    Amazon Frogbit Loads

    Don't suppose you fancy replying to my pm or emails about my lot not arriving twice? My fault for paying by gift I suppose..
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    November 2011 Pet Of The Month Winner Is:

    Oscar was free to a good home at 18 weeks old as the guy who bought him realised kittens need attention, so we got him that way luckily! Full papers etc too! Normally would have been £400 ish. Bengal was a cheapy £250 but no papers which I wouldn't do again, but he was our first cat and didn't...
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    November 2011 Pet Of The Month Winner Is:

    Hiya :) He is a bronze Egyptian Mau, just as naughty as a bengal though but slighter built and not as big. I have a bengal too, he is Satan in cat form. Anna
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    November 2011 Pet Of The Month Winner Is:

    Thanks guys!! I never win anything like this so I am really pleased! Oscar can have a wee treat tonight for being a good subject!! Thanks all who voted and all that entered, some great pics to compete with!! Anna and Oscar x
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    Stocking Questions, Shrimp And Fry Questions

    I think a kissing gourami would get far too large to be in a tank of that size, I think they need a 4ft tank realistically... I have guppy fry of various sizes in my tank and I have a few species of cory cats and they never bother them. I also have a few species of shrimps, and they never...
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    Few Plants Needing Help...

    I am not sure what your plants are in all honesty... What is the wattage of your bulbs? I managed to grow a nice variety of plants under two T8 (thick bulbs) at 24W each. One was a juwel daylite (white bulb) and one was a juwel warm lite( pinkish bulb). You might want to try some of the...
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    Xmas Moss, Crypts, P.helferi

    Plants arrived and in the tank now thanks!! Real fast delivery :)
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    Xmas Moss, Crypts, P.helferi

    Hiya :) I'll go first class please! What is your paypal address? I will give you my husbands work address to post to so that there will be someone in to recieve them! I don't mind about MTS babies either ;) More the merrier!!
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    Xmas Moss, Crypts, P.helferi

    That sounds good thanks :) Anna
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    Xmas Moss, Crypts, P.helferi

    I'd like the 2 bolbitis, the larger of the two (one with runner) helferi and two clumps of the moss please! Just a note! I have a lilly bulb the same as this one and I have the same tank as you...mine grew a shoot to the top of the tank in 3 days!!! It's already growing a brand new one now...
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    Xmas Moss, Crypts, P.helferi

    Hiya :) Am interested in a few of your plants to help bulk out my tank! Bolbitis heudelotii and Pogostemon helferi, and also the christmas moss have caught my eye, are these attach to wood plants or in the substrate types (moss I assume you attach to stones etc? Would you do a deal on all...
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    Hello From Scotland :)

    The white water is probably a bacterial bloom which can happen when doing a cycle in the tank, water changes will help but it usually clears after a few days.
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    55 Gallon Stocking

    The otto's are lovely little fish (I have 4) but they should really be added when the tank is more mature and has more algae as they can be quiet sensitive to changes and can often starve in immature tanks. For the bristlenoses, I'd go for 1 unless you want babies! I started with a big male...
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    Hello From Scotland :)

    If the tank and filter were brand new and never used, then you will not have any bacteria living in it to help break down the waste that your fish produce. Fish produce ammonia, ammonia is toxic to fish so you need your filter to act as the "cleaner" for these products. Cycle is ammonia broken...
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    Hello From Scotland :)

    Hiya! Welcome to the forum! Sadly, some shops will give some less than desirable advice just to make a sale :( The plant which is white and green at the front is the one you should remove. There are lots of nice plants that are completely aquatic that you could use, but that one won't last...
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    Upgrade From Vision 180 To Fluval Osaka 320!

    I actually read your tank thread all the way through and was so inspired by it that I decided to get the same tank! I really like your tank! I wish I could grow Vallis, but it likes hard water and mine is softer than a soft thing! Thanks everyone for the lovely comments! If I can get some...
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    Assassin Snails

    I think if you look on ebay you should find some, I have used one person from Ebay before who has a shop name of "the fish hut" and Colin sells them I believe. He does delivery too and I have gotten fish and shrimp from him as he lives near me so I collected. :) Think he does 4 for £10.