Stocking Questions, Shrimp And Fry Questions


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Sep 21, 2011
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I'm about to move my platies to a bigger aquarium, I think. I have 4 platies in a 16 gallon (60L) aquarium, plus 3 about 3/8" long fry plus a couple of tiny fry as well. My only hesitation is how the fry will do or would it be best to move them into another aquarium, or could also set up a breeder net. I do plan on getting more (live) plants so they have something to hide in.

The possibilities are a 28 gallon or what I think is around a 30-gallon cube type aquarium. Is there any difference in stocking amounts between a more normal 28 gallon (a bowfront, 24" long) and a cube type aquarium -- squarish, about 20" long / 18" wide / 21" tall if measurements are right?

How many platies would be ok in each, assuming I leave a little room for fry to grow a bit before moving them out into their own quarters?

Also, I am considering adding some shrimp to the aquarium. What type would be best, and would they eat fry? Algae eating shrimp is one possibility as algae grows in my aquariums pretty fast. I've never had any shrimp before, so any advise on type and number of shrimp would be great.

Cory cats -- would they eat fry? I saw one post where 6 cories were suggested in a 60L with 3 platies already, honestly I don't think they'd have enough space? Would 2 or 3 be ok, or is there any real need for catfish in an aquarium?

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.
Depends on the fish, really. But there is not much use in having a taller aquarium. You'll be able to fit bigger and more fish in a longer tank, as fish like to over distances. There are a few exceptions (such as angelfish) but they might not like being in such a small cube shape themselves.

If you're set on the two aquariums you mentioned, I'd get the 24" long one. But if you have wiggle room for suggestions, a 29 gallon or 37 gallon are good ideas if you want a smaller tank. Both are 30" by 12", which is a much better footprint. The cory's would be more happy in it, and the platies would have a bit more room too.

I highly doubt any shrimp would eat fry. They're not really predatory.

And I'd be a little bit worried about the catfish depending on their size. They might even go after the shrimp if you get really small ones. But that's off general catfish experience. Not cory catfish experience.
The shape of the tank does make a difference when it comes to the type of fish and the number the number of fish. But it's better to have a normal shaped tank so that this gives the fish to swim. Think of it this way, does a fish swim mostly vertically or horizontally, so it would be better to have a rectangular shaped tank. I had asked the exact same question to my LFS. :)

I also have live bearers, and deal with the algae, I opted to have otto cats and a couple of flower shrimps which are cool to watch. I've had fry in my tank and the shrimp wasn't a problem, it was all of the other fish who ate them with a combination of not having enough hiding places. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the other types of shrimps, so I can't help you there.

I too have some platies, they are the dwarf kind, dark red. There's a male and 2 females, so I can't wait to see the little red fry! Good luck with your tanks...if you protect the fry yourself, be aware that you'll get a ton of them. I've made this discovery but I find it hard to let nature take its course, so right now, I'm separating the males from the female as soon as I can, I already have over 60-70 fry with another batch due in a couple of weeks. :S
I already got the 28-gallon, and will be picking up the square tank (second hand) hopefully this weekend. The latter one already has fish in it that I need to decide what to do with (keep or trade).

I'm in the process of moving the platies to the 28-gallon at least for now. I caught the fry, 3 tiny ones and 3 "bigger" ones, plus there were 2 small fry in the filter! I still haven't decided what to do with the fry. As far as baby fish getting sucked up the power filter tube -- is there something I can put over the intake to help that, yet still help clear the water?

Please keep the suggestions/advice coming, especially on the shrimp, and what size / amount of fish I could have in the square aquarium. I would like to have a few shrimp in with the platies.
Another question -- would a kissing gourami, about 3 inches long, be ok with 4 small rosy barbs (about 2" long) in a 25-gallon aquarium? There's also a black ruby barb in there that rules the tank, but she's probably going to a LFS store soon.
I think a kissing gourami would get far too large to be in a tank of that size, I think they need a 4ft tank realistically...

I have guppy fry of various sizes in my tank and I have a few species of cory cats and they never bother them. I also have a few species of shrimps, and they never bother them either :) Panda cory are a nice small species and active, and would look good in a group in your tank :)
Another question -- would a kissing gourami, about 3 inches long, be ok with 4 small rosy barbs (about 2" long) in a 25-gallon aquarium? There's also a black ruby barb in there that rules the tank, but she's probably going to a LFS store soon.

So, it's about half grown, as it should get to 6 in. It's the biggest gourami of the bunch and will need a 30gal tank or so. Is this 25 gal tank the square one, then it's definitely too small. You might want to put it in the bigger one. You indicate the size of the square tank was roughly 20" so this is less than 2 feet wide, a tank that size is approx a 10gal or 15gal due to it's thickness.

you could bring it to the lfs, exchange for a pearl gourami...Sorry, I just got one for myself as I find them a fascinating colour.

I already got the 28-gallon, and will be picking up the square tank (second hand) hopefully this weekend. The latter one already has fish in it that I need to decide what to do with (keep or trade).

I'm in the process of moving the platies to the 28-gallon at least for now. I caught the fry, 3 tiny ones and 3 "bigger" ones, plus there were 2 small fry in the filter! I still haven't decided what to do with the fry. As far as baby fish getting sucked up the power filter tube -- is there something I can put over the intake to help that, yet still help clear the water?

Please keep the suggestions/advice coming, especially on the shrimp, and what size / amount of fish I could have in the square aquarium. I would like to have a few shrimp in with the platies.

I already got the 28-gallon, and will be picking up the square tank (second hand) hopefully this weekend. The latter one already has fish in it that I need to decide what to do with (keep or trade).

I'm in the process of moving the platies to the 28-gallon at least for now. I caught the fry, 3 tiny ones and 3 "bigger" ones, plus there were 2 small fry in the filter! I still haven't decided what to do with the fry. As far as baby fish getting sucked up the power filter tube -- is there something I can put over the intake to help that, yet still help clear the water?

Please keep the suggestions/advice coming, especially on the shrimp, and what size / amount of fish I could have in the square aquarium. I would like to have a few shrimp in with the platies.

A very quick and cheap solution for the filter intake, is to use one part of an old pantyhose, stocking, attach with elastics. There is also a foam intake cover/sleeve sold at lfs.
So, it's about half grown, as it should get to 6 in. It's the biggest gourami of the bunch and will need a 30gal tank or so. Is this 25 gal tank the square one, then it's definitely too small. You might want to put it in the bigger one. You indicate the size of the square tank was roughly 20" so this is less than 2 feet wide, a tank that size is approx a 10gal or 15gal due to it's thickness.

The 25 gallon has the same footprint of a 20 gallon, just taller. I think it is 12.5" wide by 24" long by 20"? high. The other I'm really guessing on volume rating due to what I've found on the internet, the owner didn't know the actual volume. She measured the length as 20" and the height of 21" -- I had assumed the width was the same but having searched on the internet I think it is less than that, maybe 18 - 18.5" -- I don't know until I get it.

The gourami is at least 5+ years old and has lived in the squarish aquarium and came with it (along with other fish) when the current owner got it. If the growth has been stunted, would it grow more if given larger quarters and/or less stocking? I do know the squarish aquarium is overstocked and have been told that by the current owner.

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