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  1. F

    Betta Imbellis Pair

    Hmm. I'd go with a pair of imbellis in the tank with some showcase shrimps then. With plants it should be enough space for them to run away. Thanks.
  2. F

    Betta Imbellis Pair

    But they are called Imbellis--peaceful betta? Just confused.
  3. F

    My Poorly Bettas :(

    I think import from Thailand on aquabid's between 3 and 5 months old, sometimes 6 months by the time it gets to the transshipper. A quick google says average life span is 2-3 years, but quite common to have 3-5 years or more depending on setup and care. Although I think in the context of you...
  4. F

    My Poorly Bettas :(

    With the first guy, is he a dragon or metallic? Looks like he lost a lot of scales otherwise. I've seen a photo of him and he looks big. Might be old age; how old is he? With the girl, it might be your camera but the little white spots look like ich. From the top view she looks rather bloated...
  5. F

    Betta Imbellis Pair

    I'm flirting with the idea of buying a small tank just for a pair of imbellis, breed and sell them. Mostly just to have a pair 'cause they look so good. I'm familiar with betta splendens but not with imbellis. Through a bit of Googling I've read a minimum 10 gallon is fine for a pair, but some...
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    Cool Idea

    I'd be concerned with water changes and if algae grows, ease of cleaning the tank. Internal filtration in tanks like these don't tend to be very good.
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    Karma Sucks

    Sorry, only saw the second post which I thought was first.
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    Karma Sucks

    What I've read a lot of is to crank up the heater in the ich tank slowly, until it's 80 deg or smth to hasten the ich's life cycle, and add some salt. Check online for definite answers.
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    Can They Live In The Same Tank?

    I wouldn't put them together, even though a lot of people do. Bettas like soft water while livebearers love hard water and minerals affect the bodily system of the fish.
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    Rehab For Ripped Fins

    Some people swear by Indian Almond Leaves, enough to really tea-colour the water. Melafix applied to the injured areas, too.
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    What Size Tank?

    Nobody knows. I've done my research on this and it seems that's the general consensus behind screams of don't do it and whispers of someone's done it. An article I've read said a male would claim about 40-60cm of space (I assume 40x40x40 at least? ie 16 gallons). In a scientific article, one...
  12. F

    Betta Not Eating/choking?

    A few possibilities: 1, he doesn't like the food. He may have had a few out of necessity and when he's not famished he won't eat them; 2, it's too dry/too big. Try breaking it further and/or soaking it before giving it to him; 3, if the water's too cold he may not eat as much or is a lot more...
  13. F

    Betta Tank Mates / Tank Size

    Consider choosing your substrate to have rounded gravel/sand/whatever; someone said in another board that his corys' mouths/barbels were injured/missing from probably a bad batch of gravel. Maybe try um, rubbing your hand over the substrate to see if it's sharp. When he did that during a replant...
  14. F

    How Long Is A Piece Of String?

    Test your tap water for ammonia. Some tap waters have a relatively high concentrate of ammonia.
  15. F

    Breeding Bettas

    That's awesome. More than the setup itself and technical aspects though, I think it'll be a good idea to also ask people for their emotional and psychological effort--what they went through. A good example is the controversial ethical topic of culling. I've never bred fish but I've reared...
  16. F

    Breeding Bettas

    The first question you'll need to answer is: Why do you want to breed betta?
  17. F

    Three Males One Tank

    I don't think they are that different from males and feel that the current notions that females can be sororities, the whole hierarchy dominance theory in general for splendens are off. I need more reading up on research and stuff before my idea can even stand to be a hypothesis to test out...
  18. F

    Betta And Planted Tank

    From the theory I know of planted tanks, If you keep a low tech planted tank, and therefore use a low light plant, yes the plant will use the waste chemicals and therefore be in competition with the nitrifying bacteria. Because plants are more efficient at using those chemicals, the bacteria...
  19. F

    Three Males One Tank

    KittyKat, Thanks. I will either get 3 males or 2 males and 2 females, or thereabouts. I suppose our ways of seeing what is heavily planted differs and I have put up this question to be answered by others. It's interesting. I thought of using two filters so as to have better flow in the tank...
  20. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Yeah, I don't intend to breed them, can't be bothered with raising the fry. If it so happens they mate, then survival of the fittest/natural selection will do the trick. In which case then the number of fry that survives should be small and I'm happy with that. The thread is slowing down, so...
  21. F

    Should I Fast My Betta?

    About the fish's stomach is only as big as its eye: I saw a photo of someone's goldfish, he did an autopsy to find out the illness and its stomach was far larger than its eye; stomachs can also expand. Betta splendens is also carnivorous. Carnivorous animals that I know of (sharks, cats, some...
  22. F

    Kg Bettas

    Hey fuzzynicki, you going to put them in the big sorority tank? The first female looks gorrrgeous!
  23. F

    What Do You Think

    I've seen them on aquabid recently, a female splenden probably a halfmoon. Wonder if it'll help them swim better or not so much since it'll be another drag. It doesn't look too bad though, but I'm still partial to the usual look until the fad catches on.
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    Three Males One Tank

    I had an inkling of this as well. I was tweaking with the idea that once a month or so I'll remove 50% of the water, maybe leave lights, CO2 and fertilisers off or, most likely, reduce the amounts, pretend it's a 'dry season' for a day or two and refill. I'll be in Brisbane too so humidity and...
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    OscarWilde, How's it going now after a month? I'd surely get it if it includes nitrite, CO2 and other parameters.
  26. F

    My Mudskipper Paludarium

    That made mudskippers look cute!!! Absolutely adorable in your video! And GREAT WORK on your DIY hardscape. Coming from a natural aquarium background, it is to me totally magical how well you've made that tree root look!
  27. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Hunterprey Several other people have spoken about line of sight and caves/holes, so I'll be integrating that into my layout too. I thought about your 6ft idea, but with the same volume of water, it'll be too shallow for my liking. More than that, whether or not I'll raise the height, I'm not...
  28. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Oh my god. That was such a light bulb moment for me. How did I not think that it's the females that choose?! I kept imagining the boys fighting and the champion will strut up to the girl and be like, "Hey there ;)" and I'll be left with two shredded boys. LOL *smacks own head* THANKS! Would...
  29. F

    Future Breeding

    Gandor, Marmite and BUMBLE-OMG are absolutely gorgeous! The girls have great finnage. Good luck!
  30. F

    Three Males One Tank

    riogal_11 "That way, they won't be so focused on each other." I was thinking of adding a shoal of cardinal tetras, 6-8, so that they can create a neutral front area. And great idea about feeding rings! I might have to make one small enough. As a side note, having posted in another betta forum...
  31. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Thanks guys! All your posts have been most appreciated. A pattern seems to emerge that, from people who have actually kept male bettas from different spawns together, either coincidentally or intentionally, the personality of the betta is one of the most important factors for such set ups to...
  32. F

    Three Males One Tank

    loraxchick Thanks! Much appreciated. I will surely document my success or failure and let you know. Would you be able to point me to these successful keepers so I may be able to glean some ideas off of them?
  33. F

    Three Males One Tank

    No, mate. It is not simply my opinion for I am looking for suggestions whilst the answers provided are irrelevant to my situation, hence not contributory. I do not go into a thread and push upon someone else my opinion that we should all have three males in a 100g tank when the person is asking...
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    Three Males One Tank

    Lol. No, simply that your posts were not contributory.
  35. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Exactly it's a forum which was why I stated at the top of my initial post I was looking for only suggestions related to my specific situation, from people who have had similar experiences. No one has any need to say anything irrelevant to my initial post. I have specific requirements in my...
  36. F

    Three Males One Tank

    I know that. I know they're not wild. But 100 gallon heavily planted for 3 males is better than say 20g empty tank. It'll more closely resemble their wild habitat in the sense that it'll play to their instinct which is to gain more territory that they can safeguard but in a space big enough that...
  37. F

    Three Males One Tank

    ZoddyZod Lol I do adore the splendens. 100g planted tank is not too big for these fellows if they're happy in it; it'll more closely resemble their wild habitat I believe. Besides, if I can manage the scape, it'll be so brilliant looking that the splendens are big bonuses to the tank...
  38. F

    Hi, I read your comment in...

    Hi, I read your comment in about housing multiple bettas, and would appreciate your input to my plan here: Thanks in advance.
  39. F

    Three Males One Tank

    Tell me how it can work. I know how and why it wouldn't work, I've had enough opinions on that, but I'd especially appreciate people who have done something similar, eg big tank with multiple betta and decorations, to provide suggestions on improving the odds that I can house three male...