Betta Imbellis Pair


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I'm flirting with the idea of buying a small tank just for a pair of imbellis, breed and sell them. Mostly just to have a pair 'cause they look so good. I'm familiar with betta splendens but not with imbellis. Through a bit of Googling I've read a minimum 10 gallon is fine for a pair, but some warn to treat them like splendens, ie house male and female separately. I'd like opinions from people who have done this. I'm considering getting a 60 x 45 x 45cm, about 30 gallons, with some shrimps and that's it. Would two pairs work in that tank too? What do you think?
My experience is that they're probably the only other Betta which should be treated as B. splendens. If you really want a peaceful pair, try B. simplex or something like that. Given how placid my simplex were, I'd probably be quite happy to try two pairs in a 60*45*45 cm tank.
Well, they are peaceful compared to B. splendens, but still not always *that* peaceful. If you want to try a pair, then you would need to make sure one is able to get away from the other in an emergency, so it would be a bit of a specialised set up compared to what people would have normally. It is doable, but I'd be happier trying it in a larger tank. As with B. splendens, the temperament also does vary between individuals, so it would be well worth getting a pair which is known to get along well over two random fish or two from a much larger tank.
Hmm. I'd go with a pair of imbellis in the tank with some showcase shrimps then. With plants it should be enough space for them to run away. Thanks.

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