My Poorly Bettas :(


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2011
Reaction score
Sunderland, United Kingdom
Over the past month I have lost 4 of my bettas, 2 males and 2 females.

I now have 3 that arent so clever :(

First of all Bumble

About 3, maybe 4 weeks ago I found him lying on the bottom of tank breathing quite heavily. I removed him to a shallow hospital tank where he just lay on his side.
He is still in the tank now, he lays there all day, wiggles to the surface for air, eats fine, then lays back down.
He has no obvious signs of any illness.
His fins are beginning to look a little tatty but I cant see how this is affecting him.
Could he have hurt his back??


Next Waffle :(
About 3 days ago she was acting different and laying on the bottom alot. She is now in a hospital tank.
She is clamped up and her insides look kinda dark than they usually do. one of her side fins seems red and 'different' compared to the other, tried to get it in the picture but it cant be seen.
She has always had issues with swim bladder, on and off, but nothing recently.
She has no signs of fungus after a meth blue bath.


Thai :(
He was also acting quiet and off his food about 3 days ago. 1 morning I thought he was dead he looked that bad.
Moved him to a hospital tank and didnt expect him to make it. 3 days later and he is still with me but looks dreadful.
He lost all of his colour, although that is back a bit now, his fins look terrible (just over the passed few days). His fins never ever grew back to their 'full' after he suffered bad fin rot, but that was about 5 months ago.
He just 'sits' there, swims up for air and sits again.
He will swim when im there as he comes to see me.
every morning and night I expect him to be gone but he is still hanging on.



All water paraments are fine, been testing them daily with these problems, and also been given frequent water changes.

4 more of my females are slightly clampled up with thier tails.

All the other males are fine, no signs of any illness what so ever.

HELP!!!! :-(
Over the past month I have lost 4 of my bettas, 2 males and 2 females.

I now have 3 that arent so clever :(

First of all Bumble

About 3, maybe 4 weeks ago I found him lying on the bottom of tank breathing quite heavily. I removed him to a shallow hospital tank where he just lay on his side.
He is still in the tank now, he lays there all day, wiggles to the surface for air, eats fine, then lays back down.
He has no obvious signs of any illness.
His fins are beginning to look a little tatty but I cant see how this is affecting him.
Could he have hurt his back??


Next Waffle :(
About 3 days ago she was acting different and laying on the bottom alot. She is now in a hospital tank.
She is clamped up and her insides look kinda dark than they usually do. one of her side fins seems red and 'different' compared to the other, tried to get it in the picture but it cant be seen.
She has always had issues with swim bladder, on and off, but nothing recently.
She has no signs of fungus after a meth blue bath.


Thai :(
He was also acting quiet and off his food about 3 days ago. 1 morning I thought he was dead he looked that bad.
Moved him to a hospital tank and didnt expect him to make it. 3 days later and he is still with me but looks dreadful.
He lost all of his colour, although that is back a bit now, his fins look terrible (just over the passed few days). His fins never ever grew back to their 'full' after he suffered bad fin rot, but that was about 5 months ago.
He just 'sits' there, swims up for air and sits again.
He will swim when im there as he comes to see me.
every morning and night I expect him to be gone but he is still hanging on.



All water paraments are fine, been testing them daily with these problems, and also been given frequent water changes.

4 more of my females are slightly clampled up with thier tails.

All the other males are fine, no signs of any illness what so ever.

HELP!!!! :-(

It looks like what happened to mine; and I never found out what it was. Try myxazin and protozin I think - I found it helped mine. The tatty fins will be down to their immune system (going or fighting something). Have you looked up columnaris? It was suggested that mine had that but I wasn't sure?
Really sorry Vicki,- as you know I've had the same problem and have lost so many recently. I never did find out what was wrong with any of them. There were no signs of anything :sad: I really hope that someone can offer you some knowledgeable advice that will help xxxxx
With the first guy, is he a dragon or metallic? Looks like he lost a lot of scales otherwise. I've seen a photo of him and he looks big. Might be old age; how old is he?

With the girl, it might be your camera but the little white spots look like ich. From the top view she looks rather bloated. Might be internal parasite?
With the first guy, is he a dragon or metallic? Looks like he lost a lot of scales otherwise. I've seen a photo of him and he looks big. Might be old age; how old is he?

With the girl, it might be your camera but the little white spots look like ich. From the top view she looks rather bloated. Might be internal parasite?

He is a metallic dragon. Unsure f his age, he is a import

Waffle definitely does not have white spot, im 100% sure of that

loraxchick....youre needed :D
Awww bless them,I hope you find out what's wrong with them soon
I think import from Thailand on aquabid's between 3 and 5 months old, sometimes 6 months by the time it gets to the transshipper. A quick google says average life span is 2-3 years, but quite common to have 3-5 years or more depending on setup and care. Although I think in the context of you losing so many fish in a month, it's most likely something else. I've heard of tap water containing more amounts of ammonia or chlorine sometimes and that screws things up for people. Gotta have a reason. Just throwing ideas out there. More importantly, to find out what it is so it doesn't happen next time. Perhaps consider doing a necropsy if you're up for it.
when in doubt, water change! Put a de-chlorinater in there, maybe a pinch of salt for good measure, have you tested your water? What are your parameters?
As said at the start, my water is fine 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate as im doing extra water changes on all of my tanks. Of course I use dechlorinator

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