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  1. erk628

    Calling All Seachem Prime Users

    What is a pippete and a thread is 1ml which is 10 gallons but I only need a little under half a thread for 4 gallons. If I just add the full amount to the first bucket thats not gonna work what about the other buckets. If I did it like that I might as well wait and add it to the tank but if I...
  2. erk628

    Calling All Seachem Prime Users

    While I was out driftwood hunting today I stopped at the petstore that was in the town I was in. The had a bottle of seachem prime so I got one its just the smaller 100ml bottle its all they had. I've never used this before because the stores around me don't carry it. I was reading the back of...
  3. erk628

    Filter On An Electricity Meter

    I've never seen or heard anything about these meters before.
  4. erk628

    Driftwood And The Law

    Ok thanks! If what ever I get is driftwood and I soak it in a tub for about a month will it eventually sink or will I have to weight it down some how when I put it in my tank?
  5. erk628

    Driftwood And The Law

    Whats the difference between bogwood and driftwood when I go tommorrow I'm just going to grab what ever looks good.
  6. erk628

    Driftwood And The Law

    Nah I dout it will be frozen I will be soaking it in a tub in the basement for probaly a month before using it.
  7. erk628

    Question About Betta With Other Fish

    Hey now just because some one jumped on you doesn't give you the right to jump on flip. Flip was just trying to help and posted before you tried. If you said the tetras went nipping at the female wouldn't you think it would be even worse if you put the male in seeing how hes the one with the...
  8. erk628

    Driftwood And The Law

    I like in the United States and I'm going up to a lake tommorrow in the blistering cold and look for some driftwood for my 150 gallon. I was wondering if you guys knew if it is illegal to take driftwood from the lake. I know it i sand but didnt know about driftwood. If so I'll have to go in...
  9. erk628

    Question About Betta With Other Fish

    I would say the female! The angel would go after the male betta fins. I would put the female in and watch and see what happens any problems then I would look into getting a 5 gallon set up for the male so you can put the female back in were she is now. Remember Betta boy he said he is new to...
  10. erk628

    Question About Betta With Other Fish

    I would get a 5 gallon set up for the male! The only time a male should be with a female is during mating. I had a female in with a community in a 55 gallon and everything was fine. There was a big angle in there to. In my community though I did not have any small nippy fish!
  11. erk628

    Columbian Sharks Vs Monos

    Ive only ever had them together with no other fish. You do know columbians are brackish right? Many of those fish that you mention you have with yours are not brackish.
  12. erk628

    What Is This Piece Of Equipment?

    Just say something like its used for when you make fish food. You make up the food pour it on one of the boards then put the other board on top. You then put it in the freezer and when you take it out and take it apart you have cubes ready for the fish. The only thing that makes me think this...
  13. erk628

    What Is This Piece Of Equipment?

    I'm going with what Emma suggested about the cubes. If he made some food and put it in there then put it in the freezer when he took it apart hes have cubes.
  14. erk628

    Rio 400

    Will this tank be going on the first floor? Is there a crawlspace or basement underneath were the tank will be sitting?
  15. erk628

    Got The Ok For Another Tank

    I would suggest two heaters instead of one so if you need a 300 watt then get two 150 watts and put one on each side. As for as filters go if its a 6 foot I would suggest two fluval fx5's. I have a 150 and thats what I'm doing I just got the first one the other day and its doing a wonderful job...
  16. erk628

    Estimating The Weight Furniture Will Support

    OldMan47 would be the one you would want to talk to about this! :good:
  17. erk628

    Best Filtration System

    They grow an inch a month on average.
  18. erk628

    Help With My New 6Ft

    I've got a 6 foot 150 gallon that I've had for around 2 months that I'm getting ready to set up as a community tank. I'm going to be running two fluval fx5's. Right know I have one getting the second in a couple weeks. I strongly recommend these filters. If you decide to go this route let me...
  19. erk628

    Couple With New Tank

    Is there a specfic type or color of sand your looking for? I use playsand in all mine which is $4.00 for a 50 pound bag. They have it at a hardware store or I heard you can get playsand at toyRus. The only colors I've seen are brown and white though.
  20. erk628

    Best Filtration System

    Just so you know oscars are one of the fastest growing fish in the hobby!
  21. erk628

    Best Filtration System

    I'm going to have two fluval fx5's on my 150 gallon. A 110 gallon is only big enough for 2 adult oscars! :good:
  22. erk628

    First Five Days...

    That is a very nice write up fat minnow and very easy to understand. You should sell that to the people who make those dummy books and call it cycling for dummies!
  23. erk628

    Fish Food Ingredients

    Thanks betta boy I didn't think about that. It would be a lot cheaper I could make it in bulk plus I would know what's in it. Thanks again!
  24. erk628

    Fish Food Ingredients

    Pellets and flakes I really don't have a problem with its just the frozen foods I seem to have a problem with. It seems like everytime I buy something frozen I come to find out they should be treated more like treats and feed every once in awhile instead of put in with there regular diet. I'll...
  25. erk628

    Fish Food Ingredients

    I have a heck of a time trying to find good foods for my fish. I use to feed them a lot of frozen brine shrimp bloodworm's and beefheart but now relieve that its not good for them all the time. My oscar I mainly feed pellets which he likes because he will eat anything I throw in there. My loachs...
  26. erk628

    Just Curious.........

    I thought you were asking if you took a filter from a cycled tank and put it on a new tank if you would be good. Didn't know you were talking about just taking a little of the media!
  27. erk628

    Just Curious.........

    Yes you are correct its all about cycling "maturing" the filter media. If you have filter media already cycled "matured" no reason to try to do it again put it on the new tank and start stocking it. Make sure to stock slow though or you could cause a mini cycle because the only present bacteria...
  28. erk628

    Newbie Here

    Welcome to TFF! :hi:
  29. erk628

    Couple With New Tank

    I'm very glad to see that you will be doing s fishless cycle. While your tank is cycling it will give you guys time to do research on the fish that you guys will want to keep! :good:
  30. erk628

    New. Again!

    Welcome back! :hi:
  31. erk628

    Please Help!

    Ok I'll help were I can! First off a betta really don't need a 10 gallon you could have went with a 5 gallon that would have been less then half what you paid. But seeing how you have already bought it and are using it it will be fine I'm sure the betta will love it. The first thing your going...
  32. erk628

    First Five Days...

    The only water change you will have to do is at the end of the cycle to lower you nitrates.
  33. erk628

    Need Help With Water Circulation

    just watched a couple vidoes on youtube with saltwater tanks that have them and they seen to be pretty powerful. I may be able to get away with just two bigger ones like the 850 GPH like drobby mentioned. To help keep the current down I may just go with one to start and see how that works I'd...
  34. erk628

    Need Help With Water Circulation

    Well while I was feeding the fish a minute ago I got to thinking again :unsure:. Now the undergravel jet system would be nice I think it would just be to much of a pain. I would have to drain the tank completely take all the sand out build it and strategically place the jets and probably get...
  35. erk628

    Need Help With Water Circulation

    How many you think I'm thinking ones not going to cut it that would be a lot of ground to cover. I was thinking about maybe starting with two but not sure or not even sure were to place then. First thing I though was maybe one on each side but I may run into a problem with them working against...
  36. erk628

    Big Fish

    Googled it and Nelly hit in on the head
  37. erk628

    Safe Sites To Buy From?

    Theres quit a few members on here that are from the states including myself actually we got people from all over the world. But most of our members our from England.
  38. erk628

    Aa Now Im Scared

    I agree with FHM said usually when a heater malfunctions it will either get stuck on and get the water to hot or it will just shut off.
  39. erk628

    Need Help With Water Circulation

    Heres a picture of my tank Thanks for the response drobby yeah I was thinking at least two would work best also, or maybe even more. What size would you recommend I'm thinking a couple of the...
  40. erk628

    Need Help With Water Circulation

    Objective: I want to eliminate dead spots give the fish who want to play/swim in the current and the ones who don't won't have to and wont get stressed. Background: I have a 150 gallon with a adult oscar and 5 rather small clown loachs. I've had it for a little over a month now. I just got a...