Filter On An Electricity Meter


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2009
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My boyfriend has decided to get a figure 8 puffer but his house is on an electricity meter.

Is anyone here on a meter? how much does it cost you?
My boyfriend has decided to get a figure 8 puffer but his house is on an electricity meter.

Is anyone here on a meter? how much does it cost you?

Everyone's got a meter haven't they?

yeah lol! Its the kind where you put money on a card and then put the card in the machine. So the house isn't billed quarterly like in normal houses! ¬¬ works out more expensive that way too but I was just wondering if anyone else on this kind of system has tanks and how much it will cost them.
we are also on a meter and the lights filter heater etc use nigh on nothin really if you said a pound a day thats way over what i think it would cost as truck said find out the wattage then the price per unit the company charge
I barely use £7-8 a week in my house and that's everything big hd TV,lights,washer,laptop,htpc,surround sound,360 the lot lol i have one tank but its got 2 heaters and 2 filters running in it.
I've never seen or heard anything about these meters before.

They're really annoying! You can have gas and electricity ones, you top up a card and put it in the machine until the money runs out - good for a rented house I suppose but we ran out of gas the other night and obviously the shops were shut! Very annoying!! No heating!

Sounds like it wont cost too much then - thank you :)
Whats the point is it cheaper then a monthly bill or something?
I've never used one, but as far as I know it is usually more. It can be easier though for people who don't plan to live at a specific place for very long, like renting. Or if you travel a lot.
Oh I see I don't think we have anything like that in the states at least I've never seen or heard anything about it.
The main difference is that it is prepaid. They tend to be used in places where they think that the occupier is less likely to pay the (post paid) bill.
Also most companies expect you to sign up to a 12 month contract and most students wont live in a house for 12 months

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