Fish Food Ingredients


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Lima Ohio USA
I have a heck of a time trying to find good foods for my fish. I use to feed them a lot of frozen brine shrimp bloodworm's and beefheart but now relieve that its not good for them all the time. My oscar I mainly feed pellets which he likes because he will eat anything I throw in there. My loachs I've been feeding cucumbers lettuce sinking pellets bloodworm's and beefheart. My terrors there kind of picky but I'm getting them to start to like pellets. I usually get shrimp at the store. I got dapahnia cubes last time I was at the LFS but just read the ingredients to that and there about the same as bloodworm's and brineshrimp. When I'm buying fish food at my LFS what should I be looking for in the ingredients? None of my fish like flakes but this will be a option wants I get my community tank going.
Hikari and New life spectrum are good name brands.

If you simply need fish food that is good quality with no silliness. I suggest looking at I've always heard good things about his food.
Hikari and New life spectrum are good name brands.

If you simply need fish food that is good quality with no silliness. I suggest looking at I've always heard good things about his food.

Agreed. I always buy from them. The food is top notch and it's a bunch cheaper than buying it in the LFS.
Pellets and flakes I really don't have a problem with its just the frozen foods I seem to have a problem with. It seems like everytime I buy something frozen I come to find out they should be treated more like treats and feed every once in awhile instead of put in with there regular diet. I'll check that site out thanks for the link.
A while back, I saw a post in the new world section talking about making food for their discus. YOu can google some recipees for home-made fish food, and a lot will come up. I'm pretty sure that you have to freeeze it until you are going to use it. It had a lot of great items in it too. You could look into home-made fish food.
Thanks betta boy I didn't think about that. It would be a lot cheaper I could make it in bulk plus I would know what's in it. Thanks again!

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