Driftwood And The Law


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Lima Ohio USA
I like in the United States and I'm going up to a lake tommorrow in the blistering cold and look for some driftwood for my 150 gallon. I was wondering if you guys knew if it is illegal to take driftwood from the lake. I know it i sand but didnt know about driftwood. If so I'll have to go in stealth mode.

Its not as far as I am aware. I usually avoid things in the water do to the abundance and micro organisms they will be carrying. It can be too cold where you are. I mean here all the lake are frozen solid, I would need a ice pick to get wood.....
Its not as far as I am aware. I usually avoid things in the water do to the abundance and micro organisms they will be carrying. It can be too cold where you are. I mean here all the lake are frozen solid, I would need a ice pick to get wood.....
Nah I dout it will be frozen I will be soaking it in a tub in the basement for probaly a month before using it.
Whats the difference between bogwood and driftwood when I go tommorrow I'm just going to grab what ever looks good.
bogwood is usually roots of bog trees. Drift wood is when trees fall into the water. It is much softer than bog and don't be surprised if it has a spongy feel to it. Drift wood usually floats very well.
Ok thanks! If what ever I get is driftwood and I soak it in a tub for about a month will it eventually sink or will I have to weight it down some how when I put it in my tank?

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