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  9. riffraff

    View From The Bed

    morning... so a little while back i got a little 30"x12"x15" clear seal as a rescue tank, its gone through a few phases and is ongoing but heres a little journal type thing of how its going, started of as a bigger tank for some recued gold fish, chucked in the freebies i got with it, fake...
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  13. riffraff

    Apple Snails

    bleach :X think that should have said blanch lol dont bleach the food :S riffraff
  14. riffraff

    Angel Fish And Their Enemies

    seems teeny to me for angels riffraff
  15. riffraff

    My Amazing Birthday Frog

    heres my amazing birthday ... late last night done a water change on my 2nd tank, and moved a few frogs over from the main one, all was well and off i went to sleep....... 5am, alarm goes off and happy 45th to me, i stumble through to the bathroom, bleary eyed and a little older, out of the...
  16. riffraff

    Lily Question

    you sir are a genius, thank you riffraff
  17. riffraff

    Lily Question

    morning all...... ok so i bought this lily on eblag (Nymphaea Rubra Bulb ) as i liked the look of them in planted tanks, put it in and away it went, really mad fast growing once the shoot peeked through the substrate, pics here then question.... . . . , question is, can i stop them...
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  21. riffraff

    Iv`e Only Got 12" To Play With

    haha well thats excaclty why i worded it that way, i knew it would catch the eye of certain members here :rolleyes: only problem is, your all so busy with your wandering mucky minds and thoughts i`m still looking for something about 12" to stick in my space :crazy: see what i did there...
  22. riffraff

    Iv`e Only Got 12" To Play With

    evening all... so the xp3 external is dead, and i need a new external filter, ive been scouring the net, and all so far seem to big. problem is this filter has to go on a shelf under the stand, it cant go in the cupboard as there`s a filter in their already, so does anyone know of a small in...
  23. riffraff

    Anyone Use Purigen?

    :P noooooooooooo lemony thick bleach, domestos only riffraff
  24. riffraff

    Anyone Use Purigen?

    not any bleach!! just get plain thin, thats thin bleach, cheap plain thin bleach. i use asda own brand thin cheap bleach, that`ll do. riffraff cheap thin plain bleach :good:
  25. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    thank you Iiriva, i really need to note down all the names :blush: , the bushy one on the right that reaches all the way to the top and bends over needs trimming as its brown on top where i assume the lights burning it!!! the one on the left bit of bogwood has grown up and out the water by...
  26. riffraff

    Angel Fish

    hmmm.. well still a noob but, chucking in my 2 penneth, i have adf`s with all my fish, they certainly dont go without food, and nothing, and i mean nothing messes with the frogs. they climb over fish, rest wherever they want and as for feeding, well, bloodworm is unreal, all of them get their...
  27. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    just a little update to cheer myself up, also its cool to have a little record of it and share so people can see just how much things grow and fill out. cheers riffraff
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  29. riffraff

    Teeny Tiny Fish Wanted

    thanks for all your replies riffraff
  30. riffraff

    Teeny Tiny Fish Wanted

    afternoon all, so i have a 30"x 18" x12" tank im setting up in the bedroom for a rescued bn, the filetr is a fluval 3 internal and even turned down its got quite a flow on it,going to be planted and its got a nice bit of bogwood in it. so thats the set up, my question is could you recommend some...
  31. riffraff

    Have Moss Nice And Green

    BigbruiserAl , hello mate, whenever you have a £10 batch ready drop me a pm and i`ll paypal you as soon as i get it. (the message i mean) thanks in advance riffraff
  32. riffraff

    My Temporary 40 Gallon Tank

    hello... are you in the uk? cant you get some large plastic storage boxes or something like that from argos? that looks super crowded and it might be good to take the plastic fish out? every little inch they take up is less room for the fish. riffraff
  33. riffraff

    What A Blummin Disaster

    evening all, so i done my sunday water change, and thought i`d change the floss in the xp3, easy enough and same old same old... had the bathroom as usuall and for some unknown reason i had the baskets balanced on the sink edge, (sure thats how i usually do it :unsure: ) anyway, went to the...
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  35. riffraff

    Can Anyone Help With I.d Please

    i see, well i knew that bit but i didnt know if there where different types if you know what i mean? yes , he`s a rescue fish, but he`s ruining my main tank, kicks the substrate all over the place and knocks the plants about, i`m in the middle of setting up a tank for him, or i might pass him...
  36. riffraff

    Just Had To Do My First Euthanasia

    well thats that, one of my male dwarf gourami`s had dropsy,checked and triple checked all the symptons. the only method i had heard of was the freezer method, luckily i read up on ways to end it all and came across the cloves way, well its all done now, seemed very humane. i spose its all part...
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  39. riffraff

    Can Anyone Help With I.d Please

    hello all , a while ago about 3 weeks or so i rescued a bristle nose from a poor tank that was being sold anyway, he`s settled in well and i dont see much of him, but tonight i managed to get a few snaps...can anyone tell me what sort he is please thanks in advance riffaff