Angel Fish

My frogs lived with my Angels tetras etc but it's not very good to keep adf with fish as they arnt very good swimmers and get out competed for food so it's best that if you do keep fish not very many at all
well still a noob but, chucking in my 2 penneth,
i have adf`s with all my fish, they certainly dont go without food, and nothing, and i mean nothing messes with the frogs. they climb over fish, rest wherever they want and as for feeding, well, bloodworm is unreal, all of them get their fill and some, iv`e watched a frog stuffing his face quite happily and a male krib joined in next to him, the frog head butted the krib out of his space and carried on eating, all the fish sort of stop swimming and divert round the frogs, it looks like, what the hells that? then move on, amusing to watch.

might be just lucky i dont know, but thought id let you know


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