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  1. bally

    Cloudy Water

    any body any ideas why its still cloudy, could it be this dead fish, i cant get the thing
  2. bally


    none of my snails were attracted to the veggies at all,,,,think they were all meat eaters lol :rolleyes:
  3. bally


    i had terrible snail infection, crushed as many as i could, but the eggs survived and they came back twice as strong. Did the lettace and cucumber thing, didnt work. So got me self a clown roach, and he has almost eaten them all, there are still a few but no where near as many as before, and...
  4. bally

    My Fat Guppies

    heres the best pics i can get
  5. 09102008091.jpg


  6. 09102008085.jpg


  7. bally

    Cloudy Water

    dont understand this, just done the 50% water change, and the waters gone cloudy again, not as bad but on its way, i ll see how its looking tomorrow. I wonder if the rotting body is makign it cloud
  8. bally

    Cloudy Water

    hi everyone okay i took a water sample into the shop today for testing. The results was all good, slight nitrate which i will come to later. The man in the shop has advised me that my local water company tend to add a lot of extra chorline to the water on a friday afternoon, the day i did the...
  9. bally

    My Fat Guppies

    hi, i try to get a pic tonight and post it up
  10. bally

    My Fat Guppies

    Hi Guys I have 4 female guppies and one male,they all look huge and seem to act strange. I take the fattest one out put her in a breeding tank for a few days and nothing, i do this with the other 3 and nothing. Last week i found a few fry living around the filter,these are quite large so think...
  11. bally

    Cloudy Water

    i m pretty good with the amount i feed them, twice a day and not more than they can eat. I am pretty convinced that the problem is this "bloom" effect, as this morning a noticed one of my baby mollies (only 1 left now) has gone missing, which seemed to be fit and healthy yesterday, so something...
  12. bally

    Cloudy Water

    mmm, i did the change on friday, and its still cloudy, would have thought it would have cleared by now. Maybe a water change is required, and i ll see what happens then. But i was thinking on Saturday i had 2 power cuts, for short period of time, but pump and filter went off. Maybe this has...
  13. bally

    Cloudy Water

    hi never replaced the carbon filter nor did i replace the sponges, all i replaced was the white filter material thats sits at the top of the filter box.Its is suppose to be change at least one a month. so cant see how that will have effected the balance. I did an ammonia test and it was...
  14. bally

    Cloudy Water

    hi there i have had a new tank now for about 3 momths and its all going well. its a juwel 125 lts tanks and its stocked with about 10 fish, all friendly type. i did a water changed on friday and also changed the white filter substate in the filter box (white wool i think its called) anyway, i...
  15. bally

    Babie Mollie

    the babie has been bu itself in there for 3 weeks now, and i lift out the breeding tank every other day so the water and waste are dragged into the main tank
  16. bally

    Babie Mollie

    hi, several weeks agi my mollie give birth to about 10 babies, we lost 7 but have 3 left. One is huge and been put back in main tank, an other is not as big but back in main tank as it is big enough to survive. However the 3rd is still so small, its in the breeding tank all alone. Not sure if it...
  17. bally

    Funny Water Colour

    oh thank you very much its doesnt really bother me, just curious as to what it was thank you
  18. bally

    Funny Water Colour

    hi, i have a juwel 125 litre tank, over the last few weeks the water has a funny yellow tint to it, i thought i may have been the start of alge, and add the anti green solution, but its still there. Could it be leeching from the bog wood, or is it a normal colour thanks
  19. bally

    New Breeding Tank

    hi my breeding tank is about 35lts very small, fitler wool is the white wool like materal used in filters, in the UK we call if filter wool. as this is an undergravel filter i cant see where any filter materials would go
  20. bally

    New Breeding Tank

    hi there i am new to tropical fish and have bought a Jewul 120, which is finally up and running well, took over 2 months but getting there. Anyway i have several guppies and would like them to breed as i understand they do this alot. i bougth a second hand aqua one 320 tank to house any...
  21. bally

    Black Molly Is Not Well

    oh bad news, he died while i was out, he never had a film over him,just looked off colour
  22. bally

    Black Molly Is Not Well

    hi please help, my black molly has not been well this last 2 days, he spends all day up against the filter pump and doesnt seem to have the energy to pull away.I have now put him in one of them floating tanks which you use for pragnant fish. i can not see anything wrong with him in appearance...
  23. bally

    New Fish Dying

    thank you everyone. everyone of the fish i bought 2, guppies and 4 neons are now dead. So i have done about a 40% water change, i will take a sample into the shop tomorrow to get it checked. thanks everyone for your advice
  24. bally

    New Fish Dying

    oh no, to get nitrates down then should i do regular water changes? Or is there another way? will these settle out what the cycle has completed
  25. bally

    New Fish Dying

    hi i am going to buy 3 guppies tomorrow. I cant understand how the fish that are in the tank are fine, and new ones i buy are not. To be honest i ahve bough may 12 fish from this shop and all but 4 have died. Should i consider met blue
  26. bally

    New Fish Dying

    hi i havent tested the nitrates, i assumed these would be okay once the ammonia is right, as as the other fish in the tank including the babes are doing well, i assumed it was ok. i use API test kit
  27. bally

    New Fish Dying

    hi Just actually remembered, i placed the plastic bag in the tank with its sides rolled down so it could get up to temperture, what happened was the bag snagged on the the side and tipped and the 2 guppies escaped into the tank, i guess they bearly had 5 mins to becomes use to the water. The...
  28. bally

    New Fish Dying

    Hi Guys I am new to the forum and fish keeping i bought a rio 125 4 weeks ago, i did something very silly and stocked it before allowing the nitrogen cycle to run, and as a result lost half of the fish. I learnt a lesson and I have carried out all the tests and now all the results are good...