New Fish Dying

Bally, I'm glad WD cleared up the chemical name thing. It saved me doing it. I would not get any new fish, not even replacements, until you get your water chemistry straightened out. Both ammonia and nitrites need to be kept below 0.25 ppm. Ideally they should stay there on their own before you add any fish. If you are using zeolite or water changes to keep them that low, your tank still needs to finish cycling. The less fish you have in while cycling, the better you will be. It will save you lots of water changes if you don't have as many fish.
thank you everyone.

everyone of the fish i bought 2, guppies and 4 neons are now dead.

So i have done about a 40% water change, i will take a sample into the shop tomorrow to get it checked.

thanks everyone for your advice
Get them to write the results down in numbers; don't just let them say ''It's fine''. That will tell us nothing. Let us know what they are. The last thing you need to do at the moment is to add more fish.
Sorry to hear about your fish but at least you can cycle properly now without the upset of losing any more.

Invest in a bottle of household ammonia, reread the fishless cycle thread and start over. If any beneficial bacteria have built up already then you will get a good head start :good:

Keep us posted
Im not sure about what happned to the guppies
but begginers shouldnt ge mollies as they are better suited to brakish water conditions

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