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  1. F

    April Competition!

    I'll nominate Sqtbirch......... :)
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    Angels' fin ??

    I noticed one of the angels top fin is twisted and wasnt like that yesterday. My water parameters havent changed. They are all stable and nothing out of the ordinary. I know mamaphish was asking about this same thing once, but couldnt find the thread to reread it. I see no other outward...
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    Had to do it again

    William, I'd like to thank you on questioning my water color. It sent some light bulbs off in my head to investigate further as I didnt have the tank quite that dark before. I had found the impeller shaft was broken and not filtering correctly. Thank you, thank you!!!!! Jude'
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    Had to do it again

    The color comes from peat soaked in RO water. When I replace the water part of it is tap water that is 7.8 and the peat is anywhere from very acidic to 6.6. I like to keep my tank at 7.0.
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    I have been reading alot of information on Natural Medications. I understand that garlic is good for internal parasites, but the debates are on whether it needs to be freshly chopped or whether garlic in a jar would be okay. I have purchased a jar of, now get this, Garlic Salmon Bait Eggs used...
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    Was told plecos grow... Is it true

    Dont know if this answers anything, but one of my first inhabitants was a 2" pleco. I have owned it since the end of February. The thing isnt so little anymore. It is now 5" long in a 55 gal long tank. I have seriously thought about taking it back to the store since I changed his habitat a...
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    DIY Melafix

    I found a site that had DIY Melafix. I purchased the Tea Tree Oil from a local Health Food Store. Its 100% Melaleuca Alternifolia at a cost of $13.00 per 30 ml. The recipe calls for 1ml of Tea Tree Oil to 120 Ml of Distilled Water. Since this recipe does not have emulsifiers in it to...
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    Had to do it again

    This is a more distant pic. I couldnt help myself. I'm so proud he has made it to for 5 days, but I guess it pays to look elsewhere for healthier fish. :)
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    Angel Survivor

    This is my favorite angel. I have had him since Sunday and is doing quite well. I hope it keeps up being healthy. :unsure:
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    Angels Again

    :crazy: Well, someone can kick my batooty as I now have 4 new angels. I swore I would not put myself or the fish through this again. I purchased them from a FS about 120 miles from where I live. They looked great in the tank at the store. I am hoping to keep these going. Can someone give...
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    I couldnt help myself when I saw that you said "Don't want the birds to drown if they went in for a drink." I have tried to keep birds out of my pond as most do drown. I have plastic and rubber snakes that I put at the ponds edge that seem to work. If I didnt, I have all the neighborhood...
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    Israelie Koi

    I purchased an Israely Koi and wonder if anyone has a site or information on it at all. The Koi is almost black in color with a rust color belly. Its a beautifull fish that got added to my outdoor pond. :wub: and wouldnt you know its snowing today as yesterday it was almost 70 here.
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    DIY CO2?

    We have experimented with different diffusers for Co2. One for a 58 gal tank and one for a 55 gal tank. We tried the bubbler method with a 2 liter bottle of mix. It blowed the bubbler apart so it was back to square one. We then purchased a Control that is used on a bubbler to adjust the...
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    I purchased 5 new albino corys. I thought they would be great to own and watch grow. Could anyone tell me if there are differences between this variety and the green corycats as they are all in the tank with each other. What I mean by differences is; do they have different needs or food for...
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    Starlight pleco

    I was at a fish store yesterday that is about 120 miles from my home. I saw one of these in a tank and thought how beautiful it was. You are so lucky as I wish I had room for it. I have one of the other variaties that is now about 4" long.
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    Guppy tail raggy

    I'd say keep an eye on your other fish to insure that it isnt more than just fin nipping. Use Melifix to repair the fins. Its a great product!!. I use it in my tanks since reading many posts on its usefullness. I saw results in 24 hours. If you use the product and dont see any results then...
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    Guppies Abdomen out of proportion

    I cant say that changing the water or temp is a good idea. Here we give them frozen brine shrimp and this seems to ease them to the point they are more than willing to pop them out :D The one thing I didnt mention was ours had babies every 21 days and not the standard 28 days that so many...
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    Sick Angelfish

    Wanted to give an update on the fin rot angelfish. He is still alive and this is the 4th day into medicating the tank. Yesterday it showed some popeye symptoms, along with his tummy being swollen. He does eat bits but not much. He sure is hanging in there as sick as he is. The tank is being...
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    Guppies Abdomen out of proportion

    What I can tell you is our guppies gave birth during daylight hours. Their behavior before hand would differ depending on which guppy as each has their own personality. Basically though, they would hang out at the top of the water first in one of the corners to hide, breathing quite heavily...
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    WHat are they?

    Just wanted to let you know that I own one of the bulbs that you have mentioned from Walmart. Its a hybrid apon that was a joy to watch grow, but it wont be without a problem. It seems that version of bulb will grow leaves but eventually grow seed pods. Once produced, the plant will die...
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    Sick Angelfish

    :nod: I am using a bubble up filter. Thank you so much for your advice as it was taken. As of today, I have no ammonia. It works quite quickly to add stones from my main tank to the hospital tank. I have also been using water from the main tank to supplement water changes since my well...
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    Ammonia is up

    An ammonia spike happened to me too after treating a 55 gal tank with Erythromycyn for 4 days. It spiked one day then went back to normal. I now use a hospital tank so this wont happen again in the future. I am curious how this goes so it gives me information to use in the future if I would...
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    Sick Angelfish

    As I had posted before, I have one angelfish that has severe fin rot. I have since moved it to the hospital tank. :( I am treating with Kanacyn and Hex-a-mit. The problems lies in that the bubble filter has no biological so I have ammonia spikes in that tank which I know is not good for...
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    Nitrate HIGH!!

    Dragon, would you be able to explain the setup to me in twenty words or less :lol: ??? I sure am interested as I am hooked on fish :hyper:
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    Down on my luck

    I did a fishless cycle that worked for me. It took about 14 days from start to finish with the use of plain old house ammonia. I didnt have any bacteria to start from, so it was from scratch. When my ammonia spiked and starting dropping and the nitrites began I added plants to the tank. I...
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    What kind of plants

    When I did some research on what Angels like concerning plants, about the only thing I had learned was that they do like Sword plants due to the possible mating on them. I do know there are several varieties of sword plants. I put a medium length Amazon sword in my tank and they seem to sleep...
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    Fish Sexing

    :S My daughter has two bettas. The one was gotten as a center piece from a wedding back in September. Sometime in January, the LFS had offered what was thought to be a female betta to go with the male. It was quite young when it was given to us. We are not sure of the sex of the second betta...
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    Newbie Tank

    :shifty: The tank is presently the home of 2 angelfish, 5 corys, 1 pleco, and 6 female-2male guppies. I will be going again on Monday to purchase 2 more angels and hope for survival. :lol:
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    Fish Killa

    Will try to make a long story short. I put the guppies in the tank to supply food of sorts to an eel that was once an inhabitant. The eel has since been moved to another tank. As far as the PH at the LFS, they had once told me their water parameter was 8.0. So going from that to 7.0 would be...
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    Newbie Tank

    Thank you for the welcome. This is my first attempt at a home aquarium. The plants were quite small a month ago, but have now grown to the top of the water. :unsure:
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    Fish Killa

    :( Since I'm new to this forum , I guess I'd better start from the beginning. I have a newly cycled tank that has been up and running since February. I did a fishless cycle and worked out quite well. The tank was initially set up for Angelfish, but now am not sure that was a wise choice. My...
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    Just another Newbie

    [COLOR=green][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1] :D Been reading this site for months now, so I thought I'd just join in the fun as I might have needs for help and may be able to give some amount of useful advice at times.