
Fish Addict
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Olathe, KS
In my waterfall set up there will be a ton of plants, so I am obviously worried about low CO2 levels and lighting. I have heard of DIY CO2 injectors, has anyone made there own? How? Does it work well?
Hi sm,

There is DIY systems I believe the Mod Stix did an artical on it a while back.

Alternatively you could try the Hagen A-7690 CO2 Natural Plant System
or Nutrafin CO2 Natural Plant System - same thing. IMO good cheap option - I use one and it deffinately make a noticeable difference.

Heres a page of a site I use (sorry uk) but has some info on CO2 systems


Though I don't know how effective they'll be with a waterfall set up as this will likely exchange the CO2 back to the atmosphere much quicker??? :unsure:

The right lighting substrate and plant food are just as important for maintaing a healthy planted tank...

hth :)
I have been running a DIY CO2 in my 55 gallon tank for nearly a week now and I am very pleased with my results. The only thing with running CO2 is that you have to find a way to dispurse the CO2 in the water before it gets to the top. Now the way I have mine running some will say is wrong but I guess I am kind of an experimentalist so I am running mine through the feed tube comming up from my under gravel and letting it go into my power head and it breaks it up pretty good. I have read and been told that the CO2 will break down the parts of the power head and hence the experiment.
All together I have around 10.00 or so (give or take ) in mine and as I said it is running great. Within 2 days I had noticed a difference in my plants and a week later I am in awe. I have seen the ones in the LFS and the cheapest I have seen is around 25.00 in my area and you have to continually buy the CO2 packets to keep it going. With mine it takes 4 cups of sugar which I catch on sale here for .90 for a bag which makes the cost under .50 for the sugar and you can get yeast for about the same so the cost to keep it going is going to be minimal. Hope this info has helped you out

I'm going to be setting up a DIY co2 system in my 7 10 gallon tanks here in the next week. I've read that you can either put the airline to go into the filter tube (I use penguin biowheels) and the filter will desperse the co2. I've also read you can put an airstone at the end of the tube and use the top of a bottle or anything that will keep the bubbles from floating to the top right away. Anyone tried either?
We have experimented with different diffusers for Co2. One for a 58 gal tank and one for a 55 gal tank. We tried the bubbler method with a 2 liter bottle of mix. It blowed the bubbler apart so it was back to square one. We then purchased a Control that is used on a bubbler to adjust the amount of air that goes into it. It is a metal dual control one that was used connect two 2-liter bottles of co2 mix with a Hagan Diffuser which can be purchased online as a replacement :rolleyes: for $6.00 instead of the $25.00 for the kit. :D This has worked out great!!!!
Take Les's advice and mix your own Co2. It is much cheaper to make yourself.

For a 2-liter bottle, mix 2 cups of sugar in warm water. Added a pinch of baking powder ( to keep the yeast from going up your tubes) a teaspoon of yeast and enough water to bring the mixture to within 2-3 inches from the top. Drill a hole in the lid of the 2 liter bottle and put air tube in; enough to make it to the tank from where ever you are going to set it, making sure to securely glue this tube in place on the lid. Attach the other end of the tube to the diffuser to disperse Co2 in the tank. We have found that its best to replace part of the liquid in the co2 mix about every 14 days.
I use DIY on 2 of my tank, it works great :)

If ya got any Q's just give me a shout :thumbs:
I was actually just looking at the dual controler that you are talking about ($4!) and I thought that should work. Do you just have the bubble wand on the end or are you usign the bottle for the diffusser still?

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