WHat are they?


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2003
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Mountains of Northern California, USA. At the
I recently bought some bulbs from Wal Mart seeing that I don't have any other options for live plants save mail order. They are Dwarf Lilly-Hybrid Ulvaceus and Hardy Aponogeton bulbs.
Does anyone know where I can go to find pictures of these plants so I know what to expect.
Also, I am in the Pacific Northwest of the US and am looking for a good mail order or online source that guarantees there products.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Brink, I have one of the lillies, and it looks like a sparse sword plant. Same texture and color, just not a dense. Don't know if it flowers or not.
I bought those WalMart bulbs a few years ago. It was an assortment package - Some grew quite fast and some were slow. I remember that at least one of them did bloom.
try here too:



Just wanted to let you know that I own one of the bulbs that you have mentioned from Walmart. Its a hybrid apon that was a joy to watch grow, but it wont be without a problem. It seems that version of bulb will grow leaves but eventually grow seed pods. Once produced, the plant will die. You have to keep cutting the seed pods off in order for it not to go into a trance then eventually die. "The Krib" has a whole article on this plant. Some people have been successful, but most are not.
All in all it is a joy to watch grow but does reach stages of non-growth after a few seed pods have developed.
Well I have had one finally start growing. It started under a deco. Silly Package said it needed at least 8 hours of light every day. I am beginning to think though that they didn't grow because my tank was brand new and there was nothing for them to live on. Now that the tank has cycled ( I hope ) and has some fish waste in the gravel they seem to be doing much better.

I think I will buy my bulbs and plants from a lfs from now on. Yes the one you showed in your pic has a note on it that you have to remove the blooms or they will seed and die.

Thanks for all your advice and help! :D

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