Search results

  1. jpjagged

    New Discus Tank

    i use frozen bs with spirolina frozen bloodworms frozen mysis shrimp tetra bits and flake all the frozen food i buy in 16 oz flat packs and that is much more cost effective than buying the 3.5 oz cubes... i stay away from beefheart as it fouls the water quickly and studies have said that it may...
  2. jpjagged

    Discus Juvies Becoming Adults?

    How are the Discus acting when they aren't fighting? Do certain fish swim together constantly and stay near each other? They may be pairing off, but I'm assuming that they are probably just sorting out the pecking order if you cant really tell... FYI these fish have been known to pair off...
  3. jpjagged

    Adding Sand To A Mature Tank

    If you want to go a cheaper route, buy silica sand aka pool filter sand. It works great and is bright. i think it goes for around $8.99 for 50 lb bags... can be found at a pool supply store/ this is what i use in my planted discus tank with no problems yet. and i have added sand to an already...
  4. jpjagged

    Albino Chinese Algea Eater

    are they just different color morphs of the same exact fish?
  5. jpjagged

    Albino Chinese Algea Eater

    has anyone seen an albino Chinese algae eater?
  6. jpjagged


    i just ordered a coralife one with a built in moonlight only a 48" light but that should be putting me up around 260 wpg from what the site says... annd if i need to bump it up a bit i can throw my 30" cf up there along side it appreciate the help thanks
  7. jpjagged


    i just bought a used 125 gal tank that is 24 inches tall and i need lighting for good plant growth... how many watts per gallon should i look for? do i need hps or mh lights? only growing plants in a freshwater tank with discus... should i get a t-5 set up?etc i need help... and trying to stay...
  8. jpjagged


    i have a 38 gal tank with the dimensions 36x12x20 i currently have a 30" single linear strip compact fluorescent light by coral life. it has the the 50/50 bulb in it which is true actinic blue with 10,000K daylight. No Co2 injection, but substrate has fluorite beneath a layer of natural sand...
  9. jpjagged


    has anyone used digital thermometers vs glass vs strip type??? i have a digital and glass in my tank right now and they both read at two different temperatures... which one should i trust? i am going off of the glass thermometer right now thinking its a safer bet... the digital is reading at...
  10. jpjagged

    Discus Maturity

    at what age do discus become sexually mature and how does the breeding work with discus in regards to which discus can spawn with which? does it have anything to do with the number of stress bars they have?? etc...
  11. jpjagged


    with the rocks i found
  12. jpjagged

    Discus Id Needed?

    and i think its a cobalt blue..
  13. jpjagged

    Discus Id Needed?

    elaborate? is it in their behavior or physical features? or both?
  14. jpjagged

    Discus And Other Fish

    this IS the FIRST discus i have had (he was given to me), and it will be a temporary tank combination as i am planning on getting a new tank eventually, probably somewhere around 100 gal then move my cichlids into that, and keep the discus roaming in the 40 gal, but honestly my discus is doing...
  15. jpjagged

    Discus Id Needed?

    how do you know it's female? is it a previously bred fish?
  16. jpjagged

    Discus And Other Fish

    i have been keeping a single discus along with 2 african cichlids, 2 green terror cichlids, clownknife, and 2 gouramis all in a 40 gal tank... Has been working out well, and the only time the discus gets bars on his body is when i am working on the tank a lot... other than that all the fish are...
  17. jpjagged

    100 Gal Tank Suggestions

    IMO Discus do better at temps exceeding 83F whereas i think Rays prefer cooler temps around 77F, Although I agree they probably will adjust. However I can never understand why people buy a fish that they can't care for for the whole of its life? not a personal pet of mine so i couldn't tell...
  18. jpjagged

    Electronic Monitoring Systems;pcatid=4506;pcatid=14821
  19. jpjagged

    100 Gal Tank Suggestions

    they guy that owns the only fish store besides petco in town suggested them to be good together and be able to work in there... and yea i dont know anything about rays as of now, but will have to check out water parameters to see what i can work with obviously i wouldnt put a LARGE ray in...
  20. jpjagged

    100 Gal Tank Suggestions

    yea, i was thinking discus with some rays and some rasboras possibly? plant decently and use some mopani wood for decor along with some rocks not sure what kind yet... sand on bottom only problem is that these fish are soooo d... expensive (besides the rasboras) to stock a full tank at...
  21. jpjagged

    100 Gal Tank Suggestions

    looking for suggestions for a 100 gal tank, has a emperor biowheel 450 on it and a hob canister filter that gives good water flow, looking for some smaller fish? possibly cichlids but just wants some colorful fish that will get along well together, fish chemistry is going to be important in...
  22. jpjagged

    Electronic Monitoring Systems

  23. jpjagged

    Feeling A Bit Disheartened...

    when you remove the water that was in the tank with the medicine, you are removing the medicine with it... therefore add the correct dosage back into the tank for the amount of water that you replace/d back into the tank
  24. jpjagged

    Electronic Monitoring Systems

    does anyone know of a way to get electronic probes that analyze certain substances in your water such as ph, hardness, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine levels in your aquarium then a way to route it to your computer?
  25. jpjagged

    Spikes In Levels?

    it depends what size your tank is as just saying you've done 10 gal isn't enough info. if its a 20 gal tank and you changed 10 gal (50%) in theory your nitrie should come down to around .25 (half / 50% of .5). Whereas if you had a 40 gal for instance it wouldn't lower the nitrites as much ...
  26. jpjagged


    awesome thanks for the info, i found a bunch of round granite and i am probably going to use that but i do still have to figure out what a couple of these are
  27. jpjagged

    Spikes In Levels?

    it was reading at .5 ppm and the ammonia levels have been reading 0 the last 2 weeks since i got back. i do have some plants that are dying slowly... those unfortunately have not been a forte of mine, i may need new lighting and to add co2 some way, but i have been keeping up on keeping the...
  28. jpjagged

    Spikes In Levels?

    what can be the cause in spikes in different levels in my tank, such as nitrite without any of the other levels being off or bad?
  29. jpjagged


    what about boiling to remove and contaminants?
  30. jpjagged


    ok, so these rocks arent in a river but are probably from a river... there is a 7 foot pile of round rocks at my friends house and he told me that i could take what i wanted... also he has a quarry at his house that has been filled with water since i can ever remember (23 years at the least)...
  31. jpjagged


    can rocks i find in nature be used in a freshwater tank? will different rocks buffer water or add minerals that could be harmful? j/w for future reference
  32. jpjagged

    Fish Together

    the picture is kinda blurry but these two are very rich in color and seem happy? i think you are right about the yellow fish, but the black one is a little different than the pictures show, its all black with a mild blue over his body and his fins are white... will that change with age or is it...
  33. jpjagged

    Fish Together

    these are the cichlids in my tank that are the african ones... they do look a lot like the ones you showed but different in color thanks for the info!
  34. jpjagged

    Fish Together

    2 of the cichlids are random african cichlids and im not sure what the other two are... i will get a few pics... but yea i was afraid to put the discus in the tank at first but after thinking about it i did it anyways since the discus is bigger than the others in the tank, i was going on a whim...
  35. jpjagged

    Fish Together

    New to the whole forum world... so bear with me I have a 40 gal tank set up nicely with about 4 pieces of driftwood, one of which is huge, and three decor rocks (not sure what kind they are) and 2 plants and some java moss spread out in 4 bundles, the tank is mature and the fish seem to be...