Discus And Other Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2007
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Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone out there has succesfully kept any other kinds of fish with their discus?
Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone out there has succesfully kept any other kinds of fish with their discus?

Many of the Discus users on this forum have their Discus with other fish! Personally, I have Ram and an Angel with my group of 5 Discus in a 50 gallon. I have also kept Corydora and big Tetras with them, all with no problems! :good:
Cory's are good fish to go with discus imo, help clean up waste, and if you get the right kind which like higher temps it's a great combination.
I've kept various rainbow fishes with mine, never got stressed out with them, in fact I think they draw them out into the open if anything.
Rams and other SA dwarf cichlids are usually good choices, tetras can be as well.As discuslova has had success with.Look for fishes which are in their natural habitat, as most compatible fishes are (obviously) from there.
I had Uarus and tetras with my Discus. I also had a Peckolita sp. and Hypancistrus sp. pelco in them with them. However, you have to be weary of plecos as some will suck on the sides of discus. I've heard people putting otos and corys in with their Discus.
I had Uarus and tetras with my Discus. I also had a Peckolita sp. and Hypancistrus sp. pelco in them with them. However, you have to be weary of plecos as some will suck on the sides of discus. I've heard people putting otos and corys in with their Discus.

Very true! I should probably mention to also be careful with Angelfish, they can sometimes become bossy and aggressive towards the Discus, especially in smaller tanks.
I just wanted to add on about angels. If you have the angels in the tank first then they will have an even more aggression towards your discus, as the angelfish will already have its territory staked out. Introducing some angels is risky, but can be done.

I have kept angels (they bred so got aggressive and had to sell them)
Apistogramma, corys, yoyo loaches, khuli loaches, plecs, rummy nose tetras, neons all successfully.

With discus some people advise you to have a good sized shoal of "dither" fish like neons or rummy nose tetras. As for angels a lot of people advise against it because angels carry alot of parasites but i never had any problems.

I think you could try most fish but be prepared to watch for trouble over the first wee while.

we had discus in general community tanks with tetras, barbs, catfish, loaches and angelfish. They did fine but the tetras age quickly in warm water.
In the past i have kept many different fish with my discus.

i have had or now have; Corydoras (sterbai or schwartzi), L260(Queen Arabesque) and L183 (Starlight Bristlenose), Farlowella, Guppys, Tetras (Black phantoms, Serpea((Were a pain very nippy)), neons), Rams, Kribensis worked well though from africa, Keyhole cichlid, Angel fish.

Thats all i can think that ive had over the years with my various discus. Though currently i have 4 corys 3 guppys 1 L183 and getting some neons soon, currently with a pair of discus (confirmed).

hope this info helps!

Gd luck

DA :)
How compatable are bettas & discus?

To be honest, I am not sure how well it would work out, I myself have never done it, IMO I don't see much problem with it. Water stats are a little different, just make sure you don't lower the Ph (6.8 minimum) if you choose to do so. If you buy small Discus, then you need to watch the Betta isn't nipping at them, as Discus are quite touchy, and need daily water changes. If you are going this route female bettas may be a little better suited.
i have been keeping a single discus along with 2 african cichlids, 2 green terror cichlids, clownknife, and 2 gouramis all in a 40 gal tank... Has been working out well, and the only time the discus gets bars on his body is when i am working on the tank a lot... other than that all the fish are in good health, great red coloring to my discus's eyes and i haven't witnessed any fin splittage due to harassment in any of my fish so... i might be lucky
i have been keeping a single discus along with 2 african cichlids, 2 green terror cichlids, clownknife, and 2 gouramis all in a 40 gal tank... Has been working out well, and the only time the discus gets bars on his body is when i am working on the tank a lot... other than that all the fish are in good health, great red coloring to my discus's eyes and i haven't witnessed any fin splittage due to harassment in any of my fish so... i might be lucky

:hyper: ok i think your poor discus may be very stressed! for starters they need to be kept in groups of at least 6 unless you have a breeding pair, secondly you have 2 Gt's! and 2 africans which are both aggressive fish. for the discuses sake please rehome it. because the min tank size for a shoal of discus is 55uk gallons.

You wont be lucky in the end and neither will your fish so please do the right thing :)
discus are only a schooling fish when young. Once they mature they become territorial and only socialise with their partner. You can keep a group of adults together but they have to be in a big tank otherwise the dominant fish will bully the weaker individuals and eventually you will start to lose the smaller weaker fish.

For jpjagged
you must be very lucky to not have any problems considering your selection of fish :)
but it does go to show that discus aren't as weak as most people think.
discus are only a schooling fish when young. Once they mature they become territorial and only socialise with their partner. You can keep a group of adults together but they have to be in a big tank otherwise the dominant fish will bully the weaker individuals and eventually you will start to lose the smaller weaker fish.

For jpjagged
you must be very lucky to not have any problems considering your selection of fish :)
but it does go to show that discus aren't as weak as most people think.

i have kept discus for years. and never experienced anything like this, have you ever kept discus?

well Jpjagged go for it. they are shoaling fish and they will live happily in a group.

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