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  1. B

    What About This Idea

    exactly. but its not only buy n sell, but just everything? eg if a LFS is having a sale or there is a bargan i would post that in the Australia tread, theres no point me posting LFS having sale in the general thread???
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    Suggestions And Help On 2ft Marin Tank?

    hey guys i have a spare 2ft tank. 66Liters and i was just wondering how hard is it to start a small marin tank just to get used to it? i have a 3ft tropical tank and its going fine. but i have no idea whats involed with salt water tanks. Can someone please help me with what i would need to buy...
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    Problem With 1 Of My Plants

    the top one is the one getting all the holes in it, u can only see a few in the photo but there are a lot of holes in all the leaves?? the bottom one is the good one on the drift wood but dont know its name
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    Problem With 1 Of My Plants

    the one thats getting holes is the Purple Waffle, Ambulia is the one going ok but i dont no what the good one is called?
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    Suggestions And Help On 2ft Marin Tank?

    please delete this tread sorry:)
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    Cichlids In Com Tank?

    just like neons, sucker fishs, 3-4 other little fish??
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    Cichlids In Com Tank?

    can u have Cichlids in a com tropical tank?? been told no way
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    What About This Idea

    silly idea truck, i dont no who is from oz and dont really want to click on every single person to find where they live mate :) rdd thats a good idea but i do see the problem with it, but why cant we have a topic than in the topic u have things like UK USA AUSTRALIA all them places would be...
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    Problem With 1 Of My Plants

    hey guys i just have a problem, i have a 3ft tropical tank with com fish. Now i have 3 differnt types of plants 1 on drift wood going every strong growning heaps anther going good not growning much, but my other one is getting holes though its leaves?? i have a 30w power glo grow light, but...
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    understand mate another filter, new filters in my old one. n yes iv added bacterial med
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    Breeding Fighters

    hey guys just would like to know if u can actually bread fighter fish in a normal tank??
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    Fighter Fish

    thanx spishkey, exactly what i wanted, but didnt no they were the bettas.. sorry kewskills my bad, what cant u read??
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    thanx dave, i understand about the goldfish, thought they were abit hardier to take 24 degrees though i dont think its over stocked, very understocked atm also thanx 2 wilder, i read that article but it says white fungus and they lose app, but its red spots/fungus and its loving dinner time...
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    What About This Idea

    how come there is no topics of where ppl r from, i am from ACT in Australia n with some things i would really like to know who else lives near me, buy sell fish to them, that sort of thing, every1 i have talked to are from different countrys??
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    Fighter Fish

    can some please tell me if its fine to have a Mex fighter fish im my com tropical tank?? also mite be dumb Q, but if i buy a male n a female will they be horn bags or kill each other??
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    dont want to kill it just yet cause i put some med in so hoping i was in time but can some1 please also help me with my other problem in my first post??
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    so does septicemia eat away their mouth? because around my dwalfs mounth is all eaten away??
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    done PH test its at 7 ammona is 0 hardness is 130 KH is 120 how can i treat septicemia??
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    What Is Wrong With My Tank!

    after looking at the fish i notice that it does pretty much look like blood under their mouth, not really dots but alot of red?? would it still be the same problem could this be caused by over cleaning??(maybe)
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    Fish Only At One End Of My Tank?

    thanx matt n waterdrop it is notihng very inportant just wanted to no how come, and i understand now thanks again
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    simple english mate whats TDS, RO??
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    Fish Only At One End Of My Tank?

    hey guys just got a question, all my fish (about 20) only stay down one side of my tank i have a 3ft 150L tank, i have my internal filter on the other end n bubbles in the middle?? how can i make them use all the tank
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    ok thanx 4 everys help
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    Blood Worms?

    well looking at the link i would have to say its Tubifex worms.. but it says gets into ur tank by live food or plants?? the only food iv stuck in is frozen blood worm cubes n normal fish flakes have added no plates either?
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    Blood Worms?

    hey guys i have a few cubes of frozen blood worms left over so i just put one in my fish take like once a week just for like a treat for the fish, and they love them.. but i just gav vac and found about 5 worns wiggling around in the rocks? they were much longer than the frozen ones.. is this a...
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    ok so i go down to my LFS n the tests are kept behind the counter, i ask 4 them 4 but she told me i only need Ammonia PH n hardness?? i asked about nitrite n nitrate n she told me that is just for marnie tanks??
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    Changing Water?

    cool i have all the other stuff n no how to use them lol thanx 4 ur help athena
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    no u have answered alot n i actually understand now
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    Help With Buying A Filter

    exactly what i was after, thanx heaps mate
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    Changing Water?

    ok thanx now if i buy a dechlorinator thats all i need for basic water change?
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    not bombarded its cool, but confused about one thing... u say around 15% water change but than u say most tanks just run the same? how does that work? u change the water wouldnt u have to compensate for the new water?? all 4 tests?
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    Changing Water?

    lol sorry but what is a dechlorinator liquid? do u just buy it from LFS dam i dont no how any of my fish have lasted knowing the things i know now
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    Tropical Tank Tests

    oh well that would explain why alot of my fish die so just them 4 tests is all i have to do? theres no other tests i need to know about??
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    Changing Water?

    hey guys, i just have a few questions on changing water in my tropical tank, now i no u have to change 1/4 every week but is there anything i have to do to the water b4 i tip it in my tank? do i test PH test n all in the bucket, 5 minutes after i fill it or the next day? another thing is do i...
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    Help With Buying A Filter

    thanx heaps Neale, but 1 question, if there were 2 filters with the same both turnover, use the same power cost the same, but 1 is internal n the other is external, What would u buy??