Changing Water?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys, i just have a few questions on changing water in my tropical tank, now i no u have to change 1/4 every week but is there anything i have to do to the water b4 i tip it in my tank?

do i test PH test n all in the bucket, 5 minutes after i fill it or the next day?
another thing is do i have to add anything to the water b4 it goes in??

i'v heard things about charcol n few other things but its there anything inportant?
Buddy - yes, before you add fresh water to your tank you need to use a dechlorinator liquid at the correct dose. This will neutralise any harmful chlorine, chloramine and other chemicals that are dangerous to fish.

Try not to add really cold water to a warm tank as fluctuating temperatures can cause the fish stress from the sudden shock and in some sensitive fish they can get sick. Stress = lowered immune system.

You don't need to keep testing the PH of your water every time you add it. It's handy to know what your tapwater PH is, but you might just as well do your water change and then, say, once a week you can do a test on ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH - just until you can see that everything is running the same week after week (and levels are what they should be - and if not, take measures to correct it asap).

Soon enough you will understand your tank and fish behaviour and will notice any slight change to anything. Then you can whip out the test kit and double-check all is ok!

lol sorry but what is a dechlorinator liquid? do u just buy it from LFS

dam i dont no how any of my fish have lasted knowing the things i know now
LOL :lol: Don't worry, Buddy - we all have to start somewhere. Thing is, most people are guilty of doing it the wrong way when they first start to keep fish. Think of all those goldfishies kept in little round bowls...

Main thing is, you're learning now.

Yes, go to your LFS and tell them you want a good dechlorinator for when you do water changes. Check the bottle before you buy to ensure it neutralises both chlorine and chloramine.

I use Tetra Aquasafe - but there are many to choose from.

ok thanx now if i buy a dechlorinator thats all i need for basic water change?
Yes, that's it - plus a new bucket or washing up bowl (nothing that's been used beforehand in case there are any traces of cleaning agents in it).

Other things needed in regular tank maintenance:

A gravel vac (sucks up all the gunk from beneath the gravel)
A glass scraper (either one of the magnetic types that have one piece outside and one inside that you pull across the glass to remove any bits of algae - or, like the Tetratec glass scraper I have, which is a blade on a long stick).
A stick-on internal thermometer (check the temp before a water change - and again after. If you see it drop dramatically then you know the water was too cold and next time try to get it closer to tank temp if you can (add a little drop of boiled water or if you have a new combi boiler that produces hot water taken from the cold water supply, then you can add hot water from the tap. But not hot water from an emersion heater!).
A toothbrush (to occasionally give any rocks/ornaments etc a bit of a scrub to remove any food debris/algae).

cool i have all the other stuff n no how to use them lol
thanx 4 ur help athena
You're welcome - and sorry, I wasn't sure what you had so thought I'd best make a note for you...

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