Fighter Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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can some please tell me if its fine to have a Mex fighter fish im my com tropical tank??

also mite be dumb Q, but if i buy a male n a female will they be horn bags or kill each other??
if you are on about betta splendens (siamese fighter fish) then you could get away with having a female in a community tank (depending what fish are in there) but not a male. a male needs there own tank. you cannot keep a male and female together permanantly they will kill each other. we have a complete section dedicated to bettas here on the forum, if you go over there i guarantee there is lots of advice and help :)
Buddy33 please type in plain English as there are a lot of people on here who English is not a first language and get confused when you abbreviate so much.
thanx spishkey, exactly what i wanted, but didnt no they were the bettas..

sorry kewskills my bad, what cant u read??
I don't think there's anything specific he can't understand, but you'll get a much better response from this forum if you try to avoid abbreviations and 'text speak' and just try to use proper english, just imagine you're in school..... ;) :D

Agree with the above, a male fighter will not work in a community tank at all, a female can do but it depends on what else is in the tank and on the individual fish. Fighter fish really do have their own personalities so sometimes you get a chilled out peaceful one that could go in a tank with anything, sometimes you get a super agressive one that will kill even tankmates that are usually considered 'safe'. Because it's pretty much impossible to tell what your fighter will be like when you pick one out at the shop it's generally recommended that you keep them in their own small (around 5 gallon) tank as that's pretty much guaranteed to work!
im thinking that horn bags might have thrown him off as i looked at it and was like huh? til i thought about it. I just googled mexican fighting fish and yes some people call betta splendens, a mexican fighting fish. as far as the posters question. having the mexican fighter fish would all depend on the size of your tank, and other fish you have in that tank. I get a single male in with the rest of my 55 gallon tank. If your going to do this, which it really isnt recommended, you want to make sure that the other fish dont have long flowing fins like a betta as a betta will see this as another one and want to fight it. also you dont want to keep 2 males together period. now as far as the females if i remember correctly and please someone correct me if i am wrong you need to keep females in a group of at least 3 or just by themselves as they will form a little group and the dominant one will kill another. if you have more than 2 then it has 2 to pick on and they will give each other a break. now keeping the male with the female isnt sugested unless it is breeding time and even then it is fo a short while as the male will kill the female. hope this awnsers your questions.
...and sometimes the female will try to kill the male! (as was the case in my tank when I stupidly put the two together after my LFS told me "yeah, you can keep male and females together, no problem" - you live and learn!)


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