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  1. D

    Threadfin Rainbow

    Hi was wondering if anybody can tell me how to distinguish the differance between male and female threadfin rainbow Cheers in advance
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    Platy Baby

    Yes this is my swordtail pictured a couple of days ago Any ideas as to what to do with the fry have it sitting in a net at the moment keeps falling out the bottum of the fry trap
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    Platy Baby

    That would really add a hole new twist to this saga i did put him in a fry trap at first it fell out the bottum if that gives you any idea of how small it is
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    I have no idea to be honest i only found it by accident when i was trying to free one of the other fish that decided to swin in a hole on the drift wood and could not get out, since blocked up the hole with moss i am telling you this is all drama and its meant to be a relaxing hobbie posted a...
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    Platy Baby

    Hi Looks like i was not quick enough so set up a fry tank after all Found this little one by accident tried looking for more but i think i was to late thought i had about 10 days 2 weeks to go Now my other problem who is the mum they both still look the same kept them both in the trap last...
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Hi There Palty newbe maybe you should try giving yourself a new post might attract more attention for yourself if you need help doing this please ask am only suggesting this as someone might not read to the end of this one to see your question
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    Just following from oldman47 said about external parasite i had a bottle of anti white spot and i checked on reasons for use comment on bottle use when fish are flicking and rubbing against objects thought this might help shed some light for
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    Bloodworm Pellets

    I think ill just leave it then not worth upsetting other fish just an idea as i always have an amount of it Thanks
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    Fry Tank

    Hi am a little worried about the length of time i have to set up this fry tank so i was thinking and dont no if this will work so all help and input welcome. if i take some of the medium of existing filter and put it in the new filter and the new medium back into my existing filter and use the...
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    Possible Pregnant Platy

    Hi am a little worried about the length of time i have to set up this fry tank so i was thinking and dont no if this will work so all help and input welcome. if i take some of the medium of existing filter and put it in the new filter and the new medium back into my existing filter and use...
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    Bloodworm Pellets

    Hi I have bloodworm pellets which i use for coarse fishing could these be used as food source Ingrediants freeze dried bloodworm Marine protein extracs high protein vegtable extract vitamin mineral and caratanoid extracs If this is daft i apologise I have also posted above question in new to...
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    Bloodworm Pellets

    Have i posted this question in the wrong place or is just a ridiculous question
  13. D

    Can Anyone Recommend A Good Fry Muncher?

    Could you not make a deal with a LFS where they might take some of your fry i only ask this as i was is mine today getting a fry trap and it was them who suggested to me that i should bring them in if i didnt want them they wouldnt give me cash but i could be build up store credit Regards
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    Bloodworm Pellets

    Hi I have bloodworm pellets which i use for coarse fishing could these be used as food source Ingrediants freeze dried bloodworm Marine protein extracs high protein vegtable extract vitamin mineral and caratanoid extracs If this is daft i apologise
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    Possible Pregnant Platy

    Sorry if this seems stupid but i am assuming when you say mickey mouse and wag tail platy you mean the silver one and and the orange with the black tail and if so i now have two pregnant fish this is all getting very stressfull With regards to the swordtail should i take it back incase he...
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    Possible Pregnant Platy

    Sorry should of mentioned only had two platys as unfortunatly lost two. Went out and got the little man another two girls but hoping they will have a little more restrant Have also included a picture of the plant life to see if you feel its dence enough for fry if not its ok i did get a fry...
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    Possible Pregnant Platy

    Thanks Amberleaf Ok lets assume it is a she and its pregnant what do i have do for the fish i know i am asking alot but i really really dont have a clue i thought i was getting all male fish this thought never crossed my mind Maybe two weeks gone only leaves another four not a lot of time...
  18. D

    Possible Pregnant Platy

    Hi Was disgusing an issue with what i thought to be a sick platy in new to the hobbie and it was suggested that i look hear for help If this fish is pregnant what do i do please and when do i do it Have only posted one picture if more needed please let me know and ill try and get them she...
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Dont want to replace either they are my first fish a little bit sad of me i know ok ill run with this get maybe just one female if i can get away with it and figure out how to look after the possible female and if it turns out that this Platy is not a female i am going to feel like a tool and...
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Thank you very much I have moss growing of some drift wood not to sure if its Java moss was just sold to me as moss can i also ask what pictures help you distingues it was female so i can use them in the Common Livebearers section Thanks
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    So i Have one and one it would seem so it is a suggestion that i get another one or two females is that not going to land me in the world of trouble Also i would have no idea of what to expect when she close to birth (again if its female)to know when to move her in to a breeding trap will she...
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Dont get me wrong posting another thread is not to check its to know what to do. thought i had all blokes i bought four platys to start two of which have died for what appeares to be no apparant reason the tank is well established at this stage have not added any other fish with the exception...
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    So what do i do, where do i look for help do i need to post another question hear or in a differant area sorry for all the questions a little confused also how could you tell from the pictures Cheers
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    My misunderstanding or your mis spelling thought they were blokes what do i do about the pea
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Dont know if this right Hope this works dont know if these pictures are any good had trouble getting him to pose Cheers
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    Diagnosis Help For A Platy

    Morning Afternoon or evening depending on were you are Just a little help please Have two Platys remaining in my tank both of which i believe to be males and have just realised one of them has almost become swollen like arond the underneath and sides I have searched the net but to no avail...
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    Nutrafin Cycle...

    Dont mean to be rude based on everything i have read on your post its advising you that the product you have been supplied with wont work if this is not the feed back you were not looking for i suggest you try things your own way and if it does not work you will have no one else to blame...
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    How To Attach Background To Tank

    In Relation to attaching your back ground you could try SeaView Aquarium Fish Tank Background Adhesive Glue i used this worked wonders just spread over the background liberally stick it the back of your tank smothout with a piece of plastic i:e ATM card to remove any airbubbles job done
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    Advice On Fish To Add

    My List started out at Platys--- Which are still in contention Threadfin Rainbow--- Little bit more work but really like these Rosy Barb--- Has moved up the list Red Tailed Black Shark (1) Not Happening Congo Tetra---Going to have to rethink which is a real shame had my heart set on these...
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    Advice On Fish To Add

    Sorry Water Conditions are nitrate level between 0--10 nitro 0 general hardness around 10 kh level aroung 6 ph level around around 7.2 cl2 level 0 ammonia 0 With regards the Ram i was thinking about a papiliochromis ramirezi AKA Butterfly cichlid How about the lyretail what are they like by...
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    Advice On Fish To Add

    Ok never thought of that so lets say i take two shoals of 6. Congo Terta and Black mollys assuming that they are shoal fish what fish would be a good choice to add
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    Advice On Fish To Add

    Hi I have a question and all input and advice greatly appreciated Have 125 litre tank up and running for a while have encountered a couple of problems along the way but fingers crossed all appeares to be going well at the moment in the tank at the moment is two platys had four two passed ...
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    Having Trouble With Platys

    Evening Thanks for all your help and advice in relation to Platy issue the temperture is down and based on a comment previously made oxygen introduced an air stone to the picture there appeares to be massive improvement in one platy (Hope i am not speaking to soon) the other one improvment yes...
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    Having Trouble With Platys

    Unfortunatly no visable signs of improvment with my Platys as of yet . I have noticed that thay eating my plants 1 impaticular water is unchanged nitrate level between 0--10 nitro 0 general hardness around 10 kh level aroung 6 ph level around around 7.2 cl2 level 0 ammonia 0 Am i as well of...
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    Please Help...all Fish Are Dying :-(

    Hi i am very new to all this so not to sure if i should leave a comment I have been having trouble with some of my fish rising to surface and dwelling there appearing to be taking air one of the post left for me was saying that it might be advisable to change about 50% of the water and continue...
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    Having Trouble With Platys

    Ok have i got this right i have now changed 70% of the water did another water check everything was still ok at this point Going forward i should add some fertilizer for the plants lower the water temp to 24c 25c ( I should state the reason i increased a couple of degrees was based on info...
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    Having Trouble With Platys

    Hi and thanks to everyone for all the support i have been given went out and purchased the API test kit only one available by LFS checked all levels and came back the same except the ph level which increased to 7.2 which i am assuming is the differance between the kits also checked the ammonia...