How To Attach Background To Tank

I have just used tape in the past.

I am sure there are other methods?

Just don't put it on the inside of the tank, like one member on here did... :lol: :shifty:

ohh look a local lol dont suppose u no how to wash sand do you lol

You can put sand in a bucket, then run a hose down into the sand(with the hose turned on of course), all while stirring the sand with the end of the hose. This will allow the debris in the sand to rise to the surface and over full out of the bucket.

Then, if you want, you can fill the sand into a pillow case and run water through that as well for further cleaning.

Not from experience - I have gravel, but from what I've read put it in a bucket under a running tap and swirl it around until the water runs clear. Obviously don't completely fill the bucket else you'll lose all the sand down the plug hole! ;) try doing a search for washing sand - there's bound to be someone asked that question before! :)

Where abouts in Bfd are you?

Edit: pipped to the post by FHM :) heh.
East Bowling - tis nice to know someone who is close by, just incase there's any tank emergencies! Only friends I have with tanks have coldwater tanks so not much help with the tropicals!
when i put my backing on the 216 litre i managed to slide the bottom on the backing along the slot in the base of the tank then taped around the sides to keep in place :)
You can buy an adhesive which you apply on the glass and smooth out the backing over it and it sticks,makes the backing stand out also.the local lfs tried to flog me some but i didn't warant another £5 on top of the £8 backing i bought at the time :lol:
In Relation to attaching your back ground you could try SeaView Aquarium Fish Tank Background Adhesive Glue

i used this worked wonders just spread over the background liberally stick it the back of your tank smothout with a piece of plastic i:e ATM card to remove any airbubbles job done
I have wet the back of tank with a spong then placed backgound on, slide my hands all over pushing out the air bubbles just like you would when wall papering, then tape it as edges, it makes the colours brighter and the image very vivid when the tank light is on.

vaseline sounds like a good idea, probably better than water thinking about it.

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