Diagnosis Help For A Platy

Dave T

Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Co Clare Ireland
Morning Afternoon or evening depending on were you are

Just a little help please
Have two Platys remaining in my tank both of which i believe to be males
and have just realised one of them has almost become swollen like arond the underneath and sides

I have searched the net but to no avail the closest i could get was dropsy, but the scales are fine its haging around the centre of tank and eating well very social
have recently lost two platys trying not to loose another thought i was getting to grips with this
any ideas would be great
did a water check all fine

If you could possibly post a pic maybe someone with much more knowledge on fish illness will be able to help, does sound a bit like dropsy though.

Constipation maybe?, could try a semi cooked de-shelled pea to see if that is the problem.
If you could possibly post a pic maybe someone with much more knowledge on fish illness will be able to help, does sound a bit like dropsy though.

Constipation maybe?, could try a semi cooked de-shelled pea to see if that is the problem.

Sorry no idea how to post Picture

Semi cooked pea fesh frozen or canned
Sorry no idea how to post Picture

Semi cooked pea fesh frozen or canned

To post a pic just upload to a file holding site like photobucket (free to sign up) and then once it uploads it will give you a code wrapped in tags post that within your reply and pic should show up

LOL any will do as long is its soft enough to mush a little bit, most important part is to de-shell it first before adding to the tank :)
Sorry no idea how to post Picture

Semi cooked pea fesh frozen or canned

To post a pic just upload to a file holding site like photobucket (free to sign up) and then once it uploads it will give you a code wrapped in tags post that within your reply and pic should show up

LOL any will do as long is its soft enough to mush a little bit, most important part is to de-shell it first before adding to the tank :)

Dont know if this right




Hope this works dont know if these pictures are any good had trouble getting him to pose

HER to pose, she looks pregnant so that is probably the reason she looks a little bloated, other than that it looks to be a healthy fish :)
HER to pose, she looks pregnant so that is probably the reason she looks a little bloated, other than that it looks to be a healthy fish :)

My misunderstanding or your mis spelling thought they were blokes

what do i do about the pea

lol, no it's definitely female :), the pea is never a bad idea to give fish occasionally anyways. Helps clean them out so to speak.
HER to pose, she looks pregnant so that is probably the reason she looks a little bloated, other than that it looks to be a healthy fish :)

My misunderstanding or your mis spelling thought they were blokes

what do i do about the pea

lol, no it's definitely female :), the pea is never a bad idea to give fish occasionally anyways. Helps clean them out so to speak.

So what do i do, where do i look for help do i need to post another question hear or in a differant area
sorry for all the questions a little confused
also how could you tell from the pictures
She seems a little rounded in the belly area which looks more like a pregnancy bump than an illness bump, put together she is actually female is giving me that thought.

Not sure what you mean by making another thread, what for?. If it's to check she is pregnant then yes if you want confirmation but tbh i think she is probably in early-ish stage of pregnacy so time will tell :)

She doesn't look unhealthy looking at the photo's, no clamped fins no visible signs so all in all leaves pretty much her been pregnant.

Never be sorry about all the questions, that's what we are here to do, i know I'm always glad to help when and if i can.
She seems a little rounded in the belly area which looks more like a pregnancy bump than an illness bump, put together she is actually female is giving me that thought.

Not sure what you mean by making another thread, what for?. If it's to check she is pregnant then yes if you want confirmation but tbh i think she is probably in early-ish stage of pregnacy so time will tell :)

She doesn't look unhealthy looking at the photo's, no clamped fins no visible signs so all in all leaves pretty much her been pregnant.

Never be sorry about all the questions, that's what we are here to do, i know I'm always glad to help when and if i can.

Dont get me wrong posting another thread is not to check its to know what to do. thought i had all blokes
i bought four platys to start two of which have died for what appeares to be no apparant reason the tank is well established at this stage
have not added any other fish with the exception of a bulldog pleco.
so my question is how do i care for her and the young if turns out she is pregnant
i have not got a clue as did research into this

if she is not any form of contraception lol
No it is always best to get more than one persons confirmation, she looks healthy and that's the main thing, basically now you need to make the ratio correct they really should be kept 2-3 females to every male to stop the males constantly harassing just the one fish. She will get larger and larger over time and once it has happened a few times you can pretty much guess the time of any baby arrivals.

You could either leave her to give birth(if she is in fact pregnant) in the tank and leave it to nature to decide weather any survive or not or get a breeding trap for when she is ready to pop and then move her to that till she has given birth and then move her back keeping the babies in the trap to grow on.

It's really a choice dependant on weather you want the babies or not, they breed like rabbits when they get started and over populating with live bearers can always be a problem if you cant either sell or pass on any unwanted fry/juvenile fish.
All righty then; here goes~

The reason we could tell that SHE is a female is because of her anal fin.... If you look near the anal area of platies, if they have sort of a triangular fin there it is a female; in males it is short and straight. :) Almost like a.... uhh. :p

If you want the fry to survive, you should put some java moss into the tank where the platies live, as they can hide here, and then feed them First Bites fry food or Liquifry! :D ^^;

Hope I helped; go to the Common Livebearers section and look at the pinned topics for more information. ;)
No it is always best to get more than one persons confirmation, she looks healthy and that's the main thing, basically know you need to make the ratio correct they really should be kept 2-3 females to every male to stop the males constantly harassing just the one fish. She will get larger and larger and over time and once it has happened a few times you can pretty much guess the time of any baby arrivals.

You could either leave her to give birth(if she is in fact pregnant) in the tank and leave it to nature to decide weather any survive or nor or get a breeding trap for when she is ready to pop and then move her to that till she has given birth and then move her back keeping the babies in the trap to grow on.

It's really a choice dependant on weather you want the babies or not, they breed like rabbits when they get started and over populating with live bearers can always be a problem if you cant either sell or pass on any unwanted fry/juvenile fish.
So i Have one and one it would seem so it is a suggestion that i get another one or two females is that not going to land me in the world of trouble

Also i would have no idea of what to expect when she close to birth (again if its female)to know when to move her in to a breeding trap
will she act differantly
i assume you mean by letting nature decide there is the chance my bulldog pleco will eat them which i would not be to keen on
Will post another thread with picture and see what other feed back i am given what pictures were of use

All righty then; here goes~

The reason we could tell that SHE is a female is because of her anal fin.... If you look near the anal area of platies, if they have sort of a triangular fin there it is a female; in males it is short and straight. :) Almost like a.... uhh. :p

If you want the fry to survive, you should put some java moss into the tank where the platies live, as they can hide here, and then feed them First Bites fry food or Liquifry! :D ^^;

Hope I helped; go to the Common Livebearers section and look at the pinned topics for more information. ;)

Thank you very much
I have moss growing of some drift wood not to sure if its Java moss was just sold to me as moss

can i also ask what pictures help you distingues it was female so i can use them in the Common Livebearers section


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