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  1. F

    Scheme flourish excel

    The fertiliser I’ve ordered is the tropica specialised nutrition, will this suffice and I’ll change over to one you mention afterwards? That’s handy to know regarding the root tabs, I don’t think I’ll need to use them now as I’m just kinda doing the carpet plants right now and I’ll build my way...
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    Scheme flourish excel

    Thank you that’s websites very helpful! also I’m gonna be using liquid fetilizerwill that be sufficient enough as I’ve noticed on thread people talking about using root tabs
  3. F

    Scheme flourish excel

    Okay thank you that’s what I thought when I was reading up about it after word. Yes I’m gonna try with low light and slow growing plant. I’m all new to the planted aquarium so it’s gonna be a learning curve for sure! the substrate I’m using is gonna be the fluval plant substrate so I’m hoping...
  4. F

    Scheme flourish excel

    I haven’t had an aquarium in around 4 years and my last one was a saltwater aquarium, I’ve not done a planted aquarium before but I am going to get a fluval spec 19 that I wanna do a nice planted tank for. I read co2 would be good for it. But I’ve done some more reading and a lot of people say...
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    Turning Yellow

    no nothing like that she is acting just like normal, and it looks like velvet i think
  6. F

    Turning Yellow

    ye i think it is coz i got it from a mate his goldfish had babies and i got 2 the water is room temp, the swordtail and platy is fine in the water theyve been in i over 6 month, and the swordtail gave birth in it so about the right temp for them. there a goldfish cross breed i no that, i just...
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    Turning Yellow

    i am treating it for other bacterial infections/body rot with maxazin, the size is roughly 55 gallons, other occupants 2 fancy goldfish, 1 big goldfish, 2 albino koi swordtails, 1 medium goldfish, 1 blue platy, 1 sucker fish, 2 i dont no the type of. cant test water not got kit. picture coming...
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    Turning Yellow

    ok ill do it as soon as possable
  9. F

    Turning Yellow

    i have this fish and it is supposed to be black but it is mostly yellow all over now . i dont no what the fish is, its a cross breed of something. it has been like this 3 weeks now, i have been putting medicine in, but it is not working what shall i do?
  10. F

    Pregnant Neon Tetra

    got a pic of one?
  11. F

    Pregnant Neon Tetra

    i think one of my neon tetras is prgnant, but im not sure. could you plz post a pic of one. thanks in advance. :good:
  12. F

    Cherry Shrinp Eggs

    can someone plz post pic of cherry shrimp eggs coz i think i might have some.
  13. F

    Friends Of Fry?

    oh ok, are there any that swim around? i heard mollies and bumble bee guppies are ok.
  14. F

    Friends Of Fry?

    wat fish are vegitairian
  15. F

    Friends Of Fry?

    ok any more? r guppie & platie?
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    Friends Of Fry?

    not it is huge
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    Friends Of Fry?

  18. F

    Friends Of Fry?

    i am going to set up a tank for my baby swordtails, and it is big tank for only 5 fry, so are there any fish that wont harm the fry. the fry are 1 week and 1 day old
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    Could It Be?

    i recon she is thou coz shes getting a bit chubbyer each day.
  20. F

    Can Anyone Recommend A Good Fry Muncher?

    insted of getting something to eat them, y not post a thread on here t give them away to people that want them?
  21. F

    Could It Be?

    so is that y the gravid spot didnt go wen she gave birth them?
  22. F

    Can You Post Me Some Pics Of 4 Week Old Fry

    i love ur mollie! were u get it? so cute!
  23. F

    ! Beautiful Guppy Fry - Can Post To Mainland U.k !

    how much would it be in total for 3-5?
  24. F

    Could It Be?

    could it be that my albino koi swordtail is pregant again, coz shes getting chubbyer, but she only gave birth 1 week ago? so do u think she could be pregnant again?
  25. F

    Some Pics Of My Fish!

    they are really nice! were did u get em from? :good:
  26. F

    Can You Post Me Some Pics Of 4 Week Old Fry

    i need some pics so i no wat my swordtail fry will look like at 4 weeks old, this is because i want them out of the breeding net asap. so thank in advance.
  27. F

    Final 10 Gallon Stocking

    yep sounds fine.
  28. F

    Albino Koi Swordtail Fry At Last!

    there the same as mine. i got 6 fry she only gave birth 1 day ago.
  29. F

    Stocking Ideas

    those are some good ideas, mabye a few swordtails? the look great
  30. F

    Male Guppy Pregnant?

    ok thanks for that, i think its the bloodworms i feed them, i heard they make some fish bloat up. his belly is small again today, but not back to how it used to be. ill try the peas. :good:
  31. F

    Male Guppy Pregnant?

    I was wondering if my male guppy is pregnant, because i have 2 male guppys in my tank, they were once the same size but now one is really huge, so im wondering if my male guppy is pregnant. also wondering if guppys can change their sex? i will post some pics of them tomorrow, so you can get a...
  32. F

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    I woke up this morning and looked in the tank, and she was real big, so i think she must be pregnant, and soon to give birth i think.
  33. F

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    I woke up this morning and looked in the tank, and she was real big, so i think she must be pregnant, and soon to give birth i think.
  34. F

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    ok, but im sure i can see some shiny little dots in the gravid spot, he tummy is more squarish today. heres a pic. sorry pics arnt that good, my photobucket wasnt working.
  35. F

    Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

    ok will do. thanks again for all ur help. :good: :good: :good:
  36. F

    Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

    ok thank for that.
  37. F

    Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

    mine has gotten a squareish tummy now... is the a sign?
  38. F

    Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

    (this question isnt about this post btw) do u no much on pregnant fish coz i wanna no if my swordtail is close to birth. ill post a pic in a min.
  39. F

    Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

    do goldfish eat bloodworms?, because i give my tropical fish tank bloodworks ok ill try that thanks for the tip.