Ill Fish, Wats Wrong With Him?

Peas are good as it keeps the fish going to the toilet.
Cook frozen peas for a few minutes. let cool down and pop out of shell. Mush into small peices and add to the tank.

I've kept goldfish and they love peas, broc, spinach.
They might not touch them the first time so keep trying. Remove uneaten food.
do goldfish eat bloodworms?, because i give my tropical fish tank bloodworks

ok ill try that thanks for the tip.
Goldfish will eat anything.
Don't over feed bloodworms as they can make fish bloat up.
Frozen daphnia good as it helps the fish digest its food. Mine loved brime shrimp too.
(this question isnt about this post btw)
do u no much on pregnant fish coz i wanna no if my swordtail is close to birth. ill post a pic in a min.
There pinned thread in the livebearers section telling you the signs to look for when there about to give birth.
Mine would hide, and get snappy with other fish when there were due to give birth.
Good luck.
Keep us updated on fish progress, and your pregnant fish.

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