Turning Yellow


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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i have this fish and it is supposed to be black but it is mostly yellow all over now .
i dont no what the fish is, its a cross breed of something.
it has been like this 3 weeks now, i have been putting medicine in, but it is not working what shall i do?
What are you treating for? and what with? i really dont think you should treat it with anything untill your sure its ill- i suspect its probably just gaining its colours.. but without knowing what fish it is theres no way of knowing

can you get a photo of it?
and while your at it, test the water and post the results up too.. and tank size, other occupants etc :)
i am treating it for other bacterial infections/body rot with maxazin, the size is roughly 55 gallons, other occupants 2 fancy goldfish, 1 big goldfish, 2 albino koi swordtails, 1 medium goldfish, 1 blue platy, 1 sucker fish, 2 i dont no the type of.
cant test water not got kit.
picture coming in a min
Well, if it is a goldfish, then almost all black ones become gold and almost all turn white by the time they reach 15-20 years old.

Also your platy and swordtails are tropical fish and should not be kept in water which is below 17⁰C in temperature, while the goldfish should remain no higher then 18⁰C for the sake of their well-being.

Many LFS will test the water for you for free, so try that. It is also well worth having test kits and is quite important that the water quality is kept good for your fish to be healthy.
ye i think it is coz i got it from a mate his goldfish had babies and i got 2
the water is room temp, the swordtail and platy is fine in the water theyve been in i over 6 month, and the swordtail gave birth in it so about the right temp for them.
there a goldfish cross breed i no that, i just thought it might be ill because it still has a patch or 2 of black and the other is still completely black.

ok i didnt no that they canged their colour thank for that though.
this isnt about the same fish, but when would it be alright to let my babie fish back into a commumity tank (not the same one my tropical one) it has 1 fighting fish, 1 albino shark, 1 brittlenose plec, 5 neon tetras and 2 male guppies?
How many gallons is the filter for. As with goldfish you need double filteration due to them being massive waste producers.

Take a sample of your tank water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.

Just want to make sure the fish dosn't have a desease. So if you could answer some of these questions.

Does the yellow on the fish look like cotton wook, gold dusting or velvet.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, darting, erratic swimming, laboured breathing.
no nothing like that she is acting just like normal, and it looks like velvet i think
Is it possible to load a pic up.

If the fish has velvet would expect to see flicking and rubbing, maybe darting.

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