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  1. C4ARL

    New Guppie I Am Working With

    There is endler in the fish but this is way down the line The one I started with were the tiger hybrid endler I got them showing a red tail instead of the blue the strain were very week and I lost all but one male to which I put with a blue moscow the first fry were very poor looking washed out...
  2. C4ARL

    New Guppie I Am Working With

    this is one of my guppies i have been working on for a few months now i would like at this stage to get everyone’s opinion how you think they are looking at some point I would like to make the golden yellow body colour a little more golden
  3. C4ARL

    Getting The Bun In The Oven

    i would not use moth balls in the tank you can use moss balls :hyper:
  4. C4ARL

    Internation Guppy Show 08

    i will be there just booked my hotel room
  5. C4ARL

    Wanted! Endlers

    sent message
  6. C4ARL

    Our Guppies Are Dying?

    When you say it stops them from breathing do they look like they are gasping for air at the top of the tank This sounds like a water problem what are your water readings and when did your last water change take place
  7. C4ARL

    Pregnant Livebearers! Big Problem!

    All you need to do is add as much live plants as you can get your hands on Java moss is one of the best I use this will provide a safe hide out for the fry and also provide them with any food they will require As for your auto feeder do not over feed your fish while you are away as this will...
  8. C4ARL

    Looking For Guppy Pics Again!

    hope these help you
  9. C4ARL

    Looking For Guppy Pics Again!

    i have one i took of a guppy haveing her young
  10. DSC04140.JPG


  11. C4ARL

    Look How My Guppy Has Coloured :d

    2nd pic defiantly looks like a male to me
  12. C4ARL

    Leopard Endler

    there are many diffrent colour patterns in the snakeskin the only leopard pattern that has been breed as far as i am aware is the ones adrian from swampriver is working on but these are not offerd for sale .
  13. C4ARL

    Leopard Endler

    nice looking endlers they are known as snakeskin endler hybrids
  14. C4ARL

    Online Fish Shops/auctions i have used these
  15. C4ARL

    Help! Guppy Injured?

    sounds to me she were spooked by something and just made a dash for it she should be fine let her hide away and come to terms with her new home it will help if you keep the lights off for a day
  16. C4ARL

    Pic Of Fry

    dont want to pinch your post lee but here is a pic of the last lot of betta fry i had
  17. C4ARL

    Would It Be Illeagal

    it would be illegal to sell any pets at a carboot sale but why dont you try selling fish food or something fish related you could put some pics of your fish i am sure if any one is very intrested they will come to your home to buy the fish