Help! Guppy Injured?

Helen G

Apr 13, 2008
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OH NO!!!

I have only just brought home my 2 new girly guppies and disaster!!!!

I was observing them when all of a sudden the heavily preggers one darted behind the heater ang seemed to get stuck behind the plastic thing it sticks to. She got out, but now she's lay on the gravel with her fins going 10 to the dozen.

I can't see any immediate signs of damage, but she's not swimming round at all like she should.

Please help.
there is something wrong with the water in your tank. The hardness or PH could be different to the water the fish came from. You might have an ammonia, nitrite or nitrate problem.

How did you acclimatise them to the tank?
I introduced her the usual way, placed bag in tank, after 5 mins, opened bag and introduced a little water, did this for about 30 mins then netted her into the tank. She was trying to jump out of the bag though (the other girl I bought did actually jump out the bag into the tank!!) And once they were both in, they had a mad half hour where they kept on swimming to the bottom of the tank, and then shooting to the top really fast.

She hid away in a cave for abaout half an hour after her accident, but I have just seen her swimming about normally (if a bit gingerly) at the back.

Do you think she may have just stunned herself a little? I'm just worried because she is heavily pregnant.

Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm
pH 6.8
sounds to me she were spooked by something and just made a dash for it
she should be fine let her hide away and come to terms with her new home it will help if you keep the lights off for a day
She seems to be ok now, she's out in the open again and showing no signs of damage or difficulty swimming
probably just scared and stressed, she sounds like she is gonna be OK now :) fingers crossed.
Well she did freak me out for a while, I thought I was going to loose her (my hubby already calls me the nurse beverly allett of the fish world :( )

I worry too much about them all and have even lost sleep over fish, I guess I'm just a typical mum.
:lol: LOL!
yeah , i worry about my fish too.
like sometimes i see fish about to die. Strugling to survive im like AWWWW!!
DAD! lol. and he's like nothing much you can do about it,.
im 13 btw. rofl.
so is your fish fine now?
swimming around normally?
so she's pregnant?
i think she might of just got a bit shocked and got stuck a bit..
but if she is swimming around normally now.
i'd say there is nothing to worry about :D

ox ,
She seems fine now, she came out last night and I saw her quite a bit before I went to bed. The pair of them just seem to be happy hiding in the plants for now.

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