Leopard Endler


Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
I got a few leopard endlers at the w-end


But the best news is i got 2 spair pairs if anyone is intrested.
I can post them but let me know if ur intrested

These do breed true but they are a endler/guppy cross i belive
Very Pretty, but we live on different continents, and im broke for the most part, and im not allowed to get fish by mail( my mom dosent want me to get "ripped off"). But if those things werent applicable, i would definatley look into them. That male is GORGEOUS( spelling?)
Now they are very nice. I'd be having some but i've no space-cool fish though they are well tempting-cant see the national grid accepting another fish tank round here though!
they are known as snakeskin endler hybrids
As far as im aware, there is a difference on color pattern between snakeskin and Lepords, or atleast, that is what i was told my my freind who used to keep endlers.
As far as im aware, there is a difference on color pattern between snakeskin and Lepords, or atleast, that is what i was told my my freind who used to keep endlers.

there are many diffrent colour patterns in the snakeskin
the only leopard pattern that has been breed as far as i am aware is the ones adrian from swampriver is working on but these are not offerd for sale .
well i know the breeder got them from the BLA auction 07 but not who had them befor that

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