Internation Guppy Show 08


Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
BLA Convention
& 3rd International Guppy Show 18 - 19th October 2008

Location: The Gateway Hotel, Nuthall Road, Nottingham, NG8 6AZ.

Saturday 18th
Wild livebearer show (pairs only)
Lectures commencing at 10.00 am include:-

Brian Chittendon - Tank making made easy.
Herman Magoschitz - Guppy lecture.
Mark Wilson - Food nutrition (New Era).
Ivan Dibble - Mexican Ark update.
David MacAllister - Costa Rica 2008.

Sunday 19th
To commence at 11.00 am.

Auction of livebearers & Guppies ( 15% from all sales to be contributed to BLA funds ).
Only BLA members can Bid on fish in the auction so non members will have to join on the day.
Member ship is £12 for a year

Prices are £65 per room - twin or double, a single is £55 per night. Full English breakfast is included.
The hotel website has photos of the rooms & lecture area plus a page containing a map & directions. A link to Multimap is included.

Click Here to see flash add (cant show flash on this site)

If you have a sight u can also add the banner to your site
By reading this link

For Last years video of the show look here

Also if you think your be along then please let us know here :)

i will be there just booked my hotel room

Your have to introduce your self to me
I'll be there form Friday.

how much does the average pair go for?
out of wonderment!


I depends of course.
the for sale stand will be priced by the bag (pair's or fry) depending on the owner. Average last year was £5-8 a pair
Auction fish will start from £3 and last year was averaging £5-15 a pair, with many show quality pairs selling for £30.

However a couple of pairs sold for silly money, 1 pair was £69 and the other was £110 a pair

here is a clip of them
wow that is a nice endler! i would pay £20 max for a little fish like that but as its a pair u can kinda get the money back but £110 is a tad tooo much!

thanks for the info!!

I know the feeling ;)
It's a Japanese blue bottom sword and not an endler BTW ;)
Wow £110 for a guppy thing. Woah thats a lot for - imagine you got home and they died haha funny. I would have to like wait for two of my birthdays just to afford them!
I know the person who got it and he been breeding them now for nearly a year :)
They was from an Italian breeder sent them to the show, gotta say though they are a stunning fish.
I cant go, ont he other side of the Atlantic. But, if you plan on making a video of the Nutrition speach, you know who to PM it to!
It's not just a guppy show btw, there will be plenty of wild livebearers there also.

I may not be able to go as I may be in Argentina, but I am hoping that I will be able to get there.
Well if i don't see u there I'll see you some other time soon.

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