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  1. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    hm...whta kind and how bigs ur piranha?
  2. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    ok sounds good
  3. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    ya he just started doing it and it is reallly odd....and i know what i said i meant like according to basically everybody here. and as much as i wanna find a fish that can, i know its slim. im not really oging outta my way to find its just if i come across something that seems like it could work...
  4. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    i always forget what 2 filters i have....i have like the biggest penguin bio wheel one and the smallest bio wheel one. what is a canister? i think that i would like to have a current in my tank i just think that it could look cool with plants, so what gph or what kind would you advise...and do...
  5. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    okay so powerheads are just more filtration, which isnt a bad thing. but does it make the tank look kind of col bc there is a current in it? do u think itd just be a waste to get one? and again r there any tricks to removing the base of your tank? the coral in my case?
  6. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    yes i know im already aware that there is really no fish that can live with them, but im still trying to search for one and again its not like looking is gonna kill anybody...and i got another question....... so sometimes the biggest piranha in my tank swims up to the top really fast barely...
  7. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    o and i also wanted to get a there will be a current in my fish tank. Is this okay? and if i can get one are they any that you would recommend for a 75gal. tank? And how much power does it need, like how many GPH should it be? because im sure that 5283 gph is too much but i dont...
  8. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    ugh...didnt u see? i just explained this....i dont say i know best and i dont ever recal saying "im not gonna listen to you, ill do what i want." correct me if im wrong? and ya i may have a little attitude but its bc i ask a question and just get criticized....yea maybe some questions are...
  9. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    ok, ill work on gettin the coral out first.....any tricks to gettin it out..ive done it i just wanna know if there is an easy way???
  10. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    haha not what i had in mind, and i dont apprectiate the attitude.....
  11. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    well its in my profile pic...but i just have 2 logs 2 rocks and some tan crushed coral at the bottom. there are quite a few fake plants but the rbps have ripped em up quite a bit and i need some new stuff...i kind of wanted to get some floating plants, but im concerned about snails? i want...
  12. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    ya i had one that was prolly 6" but they ate it, and i dont wanna spend like 3o$ on a big pleco and have it get eaten
  13. sryan0609

    Pictures Of Prianha Tanks

    i was thinking of redoing my prianha tank. it is 75gal. i just wanted to see some pictures of ppls' tanks so i could get ideas for my own..... thanks
  14. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    okay, well i know that is the case, but i keep asking about more fish to, once again, try and find one that may work. maybe il find one thatmight actually work
  15. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    yea getting a turtle would be another big investment
  16. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    o hey thanks for the GREAT advice man, im glad that there was absolutely no sarcasm in your last post........... that was uncalled for........... Please watch the name calling wow thats amazing! well enjoy your slider, if that doesnt teach you hardwork then i dont know what will!
  17. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    yes i understand where you are coming from but i just dont believe that there isnt one fish that can live with rbps, so i keep looking then find one that i think looks suitable and i ask about, bc im sure ther is at least one, and i think it is worth looking for one. thats what i am doing, i...
  18. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    haha yea i thought that a turtle was my best bet on anything living with my reds, but then i found out about how much filtration was really needed and it is WWAAYYY too much, thats a the turtles REALLY need as much filtration as websites say they do, like is it really tha bad? ya...
  19. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    well i am taking ppls advice, its just nice to get lots of ppls opinions....and when did i ever say i was just gonna do something even though i was advised not too?????? u all r assuming that because i ask questions that have the same main idea that i dont take ur advice....i did take it, i...
  20. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    There is a problem when you are REPEATEDLY told NO, it not a good idea. You've been told many times that it isn't a good idea. And that your tank is inadequate for 8 rbp's and likely underfiltered for even a correct amount of rbps. People doubt you've done your research because of the countless...
  21. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    yes i know, and i am well aware that it is near impossible for any fish to be mixed in with rbps, and i hae taken the advice, bc I HAVENT PUT ANY OTHER FISH IN WITH MY RBPS!!!! i just am searching for somehting that may work, im sorry that i want to find something that can mix with reds. and...
  22. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    ya i tank is either 75 or 80 i cant remember...and i cant tell you how often ppl say they dont think ive done the needed research for these fish; yea i know that u really cant put anything else in the tank with them, but i like ot ask questions just to get ppls answers bc they...
  23. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    well, then excuse me....but im pretty sure that this forum is meant for people to ask questions, and seek help on learning about their fish. why does this exist if im suppose to do all my research myself?? sure i do research, but i wanted people's input on it to see maybe actual experiences...
  24. sryan0609

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    Hey i just wanted to add something to my tank of 8 5" red bellies. could i put a turtle in it without either eating eachother? obviuosly theres no gurauntee on whatll happen but i just wanted other peoples opinions... thanks
  25. sryan0609

    Do Diferent Species Of Piranha Get Along Well?

    hey, just wondering if i could add any other kinds of piranhas in my tank of 8 4"-5" red bellies. i know there is no guaruntee that there won't be any fighting going on but i was wondering what piranha is most compatible with the red belly? Also any tips on fun or interestings things to feed...
  26. sryan0609

    Tank Design Ideas?

    i have had my tank for quite some time now and was wondering how i could either make it better for my 8 red bellys, or just make it look cooler. Dont get me wrong i love my tank but i was just wondering if anybody has found anything that you really really like? Or anything i could buy to...
  27. sryan0609

    Piranha Bite.

    i have 8 reds all about 5-6 inches and have had them for 2-3 years. i was cleaning the tank and thought that they were all on the other side of the tank but one was hiding right next to a plant i was about to pick up. i grabbed the plant and the red swam out and bit me on the inner part of my...
  28. sryan0609

    Why Do Red Belly Piranhas Spaz Out Somtimes?

    i have had them for at least 8 or so months..moving the tank isnt really an option, but ill dim the lights, and cover the tank but is it bad for them to freak out like this?
  29. sryan0609

    Why Do Red Belly Piranhas Spaz Out Somtimes?

    sometimes my reds like freak out when i walk in the room, turn on a light and things like that. Why do they do this, and is there anyway i could stop them from doing this. And is it bad for them
  30. sryan0609

    What Kind Of Cichlid Or Oscar To Get?

    what about a knife? and is a barracude hujeta actually aggressive?
  31. sryan0609

    What Kind Of Cichlid Or Oscar To Get?

    i have a 35 and 75
  32. sryan0609

    What Kind Of Cichlid Or Oscar To Get?

    i was also looking at the aba aba knife fish and the Polypterus senegalus? dont know what to get, so many cool fish out there, advise? thanks
  33. sryan0609

    What Kind Of Cichlid Or Oscar To Get?

    i really wanna buy an oscar or cichlid, but i dont know what kind i want a fairly agressive one, but also not very expensive. I was thinking of buying a wild oscar from trinidad off of any advise? what kind i should look at? thanks
  34. sryan0609

    Poll On Piranhas

    hey just wanna know what would happen if i take one of my reds outta the tank for a second to look at it more closely and measure it? would it stilll be okay, would you advise doing or not doing that? also any ideas on whats unique and interesting to feed reds? thanks
  35. sryan0609

    Poll On Piranhas

    ok thanks
  36. sryan0609

    Poll On Piranhas

    if i wanna get a decent, cheap filter for like under water in my tank, what kind should i get, where can i get one online? thanks
  37. sryan0609

    Need Some Red Belly Piranha Meds

    ok well he hasn't been attacked yet and it has been about 2 weeks or so, and looks to be healing quick thanks
  38. sryan0609

    Need Some Red Belly Piranha Meds

    hey one of my red belly piranhas get in a little scuffle with another and had a decent bite taken out of his stomach, he swims fine and eats well but im worried about infection. anybody know where i can get meds? what kind? how much are they? please help thanks
  39. sryan0609

    Poll On Piranhas

    whats a comon fish? scientific name?
  40. sryan0609

    Poll On Piranhas

    im positive its a 30 gal. its 2ft.long 2ft wide. i think im gonna get convicts and try em out....what should i feed them? are shrimp pellets ok until they get larger?