Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Loveland, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Hey i just wanted to add something to my tank of 8 5" red bellies. could i put a turtle in it without either eating eachother? obviuosly theres no gurauntee on whatll happen but i just wanted other peoples opinions...

no. turtles should not be kept with fish, they produce far too much waste and WILL have a go at the fish, no matter how bigger or smaller they are. you would also need a place the turtle could get out of the water, uva/b bulbs, heat bulbs, basking dock the list goes on...
I'd say no.

Because I seriously doubt you have a tank big enough to accommodate 5 rbp's and a turtle.

Turtles are possibly even messier than the piranhas, so filtration would have to be upgraded. Also, turtles require a decent sized land area with a basking spot and UV light.

Then you can think about the risk, I wouldn't put it past some turtles to take chunks out of the piranhas, and the piranhas could easily bite the turtles feet.
No. Depending on the species, a large turtle would likely try to eat the piranhas. The piranhas may also try to take a chunk out of the turtle too. They also produce much more waste and overall have very different environmental requirements.

What is your tank size? Judging by your question I seriously doubt you have thoroughly researched piranhas. I'm not trying to be offensive by this, I'm just making sure you have thought things through with these fish.
His tank is a 75gal with 100gal worth of filtration, according to past posts.

He has also spent the past few months asking for fish to go with piranhas...only to be told time n time again that they are basically species only. There is even a poll the OP made that confirms this...
no mate
the basic rule is 40l per inch of shell and 20l for additional turtles added to the tank and the do produce alot of waste they constantly wee too thus producing large amounts of ammonia
i dont know anything about mixing turtles and piranhas... can you buy piranhas at lfs?
His tank is a 75gal with 100gal worth of filtration, according to past posts.

He has also spent the past few months asking for fish to go with piranhas...only to be told time n time again that they are basically species only. There is even a poll the OP made that confirms this...
Directed at the OP not you: Look, if your going to ask for advice, don't ignore whatever advice you don't like. I can almost guarantee you will end up with some dead fish considering your tank size and filtration. With your 75g, either go for a single fish or a shoal of 3-4. Definitely not 8. You should also add to the filtration. I'm sure you have been told this before but you really are setting yourself up for a disaster.

EDIT: Btw the fish in your profile pic is not a rbp. I don't know if that is your fish/pic or not, but that is a rhom not an rbp.
No. Depending on the species, a large turtle would likely try to eat the piranhas. The piranhas may also try to take a chunk out of the turtle too. They also produce much more waste and overall have very different environmental requirements.

What is your tank size? Judging by your question I seriously doubt you have thoroughly researched piranhas. I'm not trying to be offensive by this, I'm just making sure you have thought things through with these fish.

ya i tank is either 75 or 80 i cant remember...and i cant tell you how often ppl say they dont think ive done the needed research for these fish; yea i know that u really cant put anything else in the tank with them, but i like ot ask questions just to get ppls answers bc they may have experienced something similar to my not like lashing out or anyhting i was just lettin ya know what i was doing.

i was gonna just try like a regular red eared slider in with them, and i would get a suction cup basking rock for him, i had a turtle once that i kept with a few 4" koi fish and the turtle never messed with the fish....what do you think?
His tank is a 75gal with 100gal worth of filtration, according to past posts.

He has also spent the past few months asking for fish to go with piranhas...only to be told time n time again that they are basically species only. There is even a poll the OP made that confirms this...
yes i know, and i am well aware that it is near impossible for any fish to be mixed in with rbps, and i hae taken the advice, bc I HAVENT PUT ANY OTHER FISH IN WITH MY RBPS!!!! i just am searching for somehting that may work, im sorry that i want to find something that can mix with reds. and there is nothing wrong with me searching for a fish that can mix with piranhas......

and mr. fishy------i have taken the advice like i said, and if i really have set myself up for disaster then it is taking a really long time for disaster to set in because i have had this many reds and this exact tank set up for about 10 to 11 months now. unless all 8 of my reds are just troopers, my set up is doing quite alright...and i know what kind of piranha is in my pic.....

and jonny_DW- what is wrong with asking for ppls opinions? im using this forum for what it is for, now i know u want to say " yea well u need to use ppls advise even if its not what u wanted to hear," so just because someone said that something cant lve with reds means that i cant search for something that can?

for example. i own an oscar fish too, i'd say he is at least 5" and guess who he lives with? a 2" cichlid, a 2"-3" silver dollar and a tiny frog, none of these fish fight at all....the oscar will enhialate any goldfish i drop in but not his tanke mates..that isn't very normal, and u prolly didnt think that an oscar could live with anything smaller than it, did you? oscars usually eat anything they can fit in there mouth too........

im sorry that i am ranting, but everytime i ask about a fish being able to live with piranhas everyone freaks out and says that i need to do research and that im prolly inexperienced to own just asking a simple question, and if u dont want to answer it bc you think im stupid, ignorant, or whatever else guess what....ur a free person u dont have toooo........

thank you
His tank is a 75gal with 100gal worth of filtration, according to past posts.

He has also spent the past few months asking for fish to go with piranhas...only to be told time n time again that they are basically species only. There is even a poll the OP made that confirms this...
yes i know, and i am well aware that it is near impossible for any fish to be mixed in with rbps, and i hae taken the advice, bc I HAVENT PUT ANY OTHER FISH IN WITH MY RBPS!!!! i just am searching for somehting that may work, im sorry that i want to find something that can mix with reds. and there is nothing wrong with me searching for a fish that can mix with piranhas......

There is a problem when you are REPEATEDLY told NO, it not a good idea. You've been told many times that it isn't a good idea. And that your tank is inadequate for 8 rbp's and likely underfiltered for even a correct amount of rbps.

People doubt you've done your research because of the countless threads you start asking questions that have been answered time and time again. I personally doubt you've done much research if you are still asking questions like you are asking. Or maybe (probably?) you do research and completely ignore what everyone says. Your second to last post epitomizes this. You've been told no by me along with other members yet you still say, I'm gonna go do this against all advice I've received. If you are going to do it regardless of what people say, why even ask?

As people have said before, we are tired of being led in circles. You've repeatedly asked questions that would be answered by a simple search, been given the same advice over and over again, and yet still ask questions that result in the same advice given to you again. Then you go and say, well I'm just going to ignore everything everyone is telling me and go do it. Listen to people when they tell you something or don't ask the question. And don't come crying in 6 months when everything has gone wrong while people told you all along, DON'T DO IT.

EDIT: I'm not saying don't ask questions that may seem stupid, I'm saying don't ask the same question over and over again, get the same advice over and over again, yet still just decide to do it anyways.

And with reference to the oscar, it doesn't belong on a 40g tank. Neither does your silver dollar. I don't care if in your experience it's working, it isn't good for your fish. They should be in about a 75-80g minimum. There is a difference between surviving and thriving. Just because you can live life stuck in a 10x10 room, doesn't mean you should or that you would be thriving by any means.

There is a problem when you are REPEATEDLY told NO, it not a good idea. You've been told many times that it isn't a good idea. And that your tank is inadequate for 8 rbp's and likely underfiltered for even a correct amount of rbps.

People doubt you've done your research because of the countless threads you start asking questions that have been answered time and time again. I personally doubt you've done much research if you are still asking questions like you are asking. Or maybe (probably?) you do research and completely ignore what everyone says. Your second to last post epitomizes this. You've been told no by me along with other members yet you still say, I'm gonna go do this against all advice I've received. If you are going to do it regardless of what people say, why even ask?

As people have said before, we are tired of being led in circles. You've repeatedly asked questions that would be answered by a simple search, been given the same advice over and over again, and yet still ask questions that result in the same advice given to you again. Then you go and say, well I'm just going to ignore everything everyone is telling me and go do it. Listen to people when they tell you something or don't ask the question. And don't come crying in 6 months when everything has gone wrong while people told you all along, DON'T DO IT.

EDIT: I'm not saying don't ask questions that may seem stupid, I'm saying don't ask the same question over and over again, get the same advice over and over again, yet still just decide to do it anyways.

ok well first i have a penguin 350B and also the 100B

and second i do do research and it says that there are no fish that will live with reds, but it says the same for oscars and i have an oscar with 3 other fish and they get along. so i figure well maybe some people were able to keep something with their reds, so i posted these. and as i think of another possible fish to live with my reds i post a thread to see about it...

what makes u all think im not taking ur advice???? i havent put anything in with my reds? so clearly i have taken ur comments into thought.....just because i keep asking about a fish that can live with reds doesnt mean i havent used your advice, i just really want to find one that could work, so i keep searching.....

yes i could search web for answers to this but, it would be just a general, scientific fact that says nothing can live with reds; but once again like my oscar, it is said that nothing can live with them, but it is possible that something can......

with the oscar......ya i got it from a friend that couldnt keep it anymore, and when it comes to captivity it is really the same? sure 75gal. is bigger and better than 40gal. but its not like any fish is living a great free life.......
not to jump in and add my two cents that will raise all sorts of hairs. i know nothing of your current set up or filtration but...
turltes need a TON of filtration. serously. they are filthy pets. awesome, but dirty. so crazy filtration is a must.
i know that piranhas are messy fish too that need ridiculous filtration. the larger they get, the more waste they produce, even just in their feeding scraps.
res turtles can grow upwards of a FOOT carapice length. that's a LOT of swimming room (and not just horizontal room....VERTICAL room! they also live for upwards of 35 years. that is a lotttt of commitment and tank maintainence (with loads of BIG waterchanges), coupled with the size of the tank. they also need a HEATER and HEATLIGHT in the basking area and UV.
piranhas also grow LARGE and need loads of room to swim. and very high protein diet. and are dirty. and live a long time.
now, mix the two. BAD IDEA! too much tank and too much work!
it would be possible with a hundrEDS of gallon tank. i wouldnt worry about an adult RES to bother the fish. they eat mostly veggies at that point. the fish may take a bite at the turtle, but i woudnt suspect it to last long. turtles are pretty agile in the water and would teach the fish a thing or two, but it wouldt outrightly eat the fish.
so if you have, say. a 300+ gallon tank, basically a POOL FILTER, appropriate clean up crew, lots of money for food and a load of free time on your hands for the concieveably ten years, then go for it.
otherwise, id say no.

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