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  1. C

    Tip Needed On Pellia

    hmmm..whats the EI method? maybe you can point to a forum thread. Also, i was thinking about carpeting the floor plant is very to carpet and how do u carpet? can u explain the procedure and what things i'll be using such a stainless steel mesh... Kind of new to keeping plants...
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    Tip Needed On Pellia

    its a regular pellia
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    Tip Needed On Pellia

    Hi! I have ordered a bag of pellia. I plan on covering three rocks ive put in my tank. These rocks are layed out so that it make a little tunnel for the fish to swim through. Now, ive read up the plant its self and it seems that this plant is easy to take care of. I can simply fasten the plant...
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    Emergency: Danio Down!

    some description might help: It cant mantain its balance in the water. It swims to the surface and falls backs down to the gravel. Its not paying attention to its surroundings or to the tank residents Its rapidly breathing. I cant really make out if theres excessive slim coating on the body...
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    Emergency: Danio Down!

    i had recently purchased a long finned blue danios and have had it for a few days. Today, i woke up and found it very lethargic, lying on the bottom floor with labored breathing. Its not moving, even if i tap on the glass. Something is not right. All the other fish seem fine (2 zebra danios and...
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    Plant Substrate do i know wat size reflector do i need? I have a 20 gallon tank and the bulb i use is an 18inch 17Watt. So apart from the reflector, i need a substrate of sand? wont that be kind of hard to mantain as compared to gravel and wont i need to add fertilizers for the plant growth?
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    Plant Substrate

    What would be a good example of plant substrate. All i have right now is regular gravel. I want to have a nice plantted tank with a few plants which need to root themselves and for that i might need to add that substrate. Also, where can i grab a cheap reflector so that i can mount it on my hood?
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    Lighting Issues

    well i think u were having algea problems because the algea was out competing your plants for the nutrients and henceforth u had algea problems. I want enough plants to use the excess nutrietns. Hmm, maybe i need to get plants which require low lightings. Could u help point to species of plants...
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    Lighting Issues

    Hi! Ive had this aquarium from about a month now and everything looks good. Ive just added two plants which happen to be the java fern and a mayaca. Well i planted both of them in the substrate. As i found out, the fern does better attached to wood, rock or some structure. So ive decided to move...
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    What is P@H? lol..cant really make out by the shorthand. Where can i purchase reliable substrate for the plants? and do i need to remove the present gravel i have in my tank and then pour the live substrate or i just simply cover the present gravel with the new one? Also, what plants are good...
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    So basically i should take the fern out and attach it to the rocks i have using normal office grade rubber bands? And where should i look for a reflector for the light and what modifications would i need to make in order to attach it to my hood. The following is a picture of my the rocks i have...
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    What do i use to hold down the fern on the wood or rock? and how do i go about it? Also, is the growth going to be affected if i leave the fern in the substrate? I still havant cut of the the browned leaves as i want the plant to get adjusted in the water and i then i can get rid of them...
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    Options For Planted Tank

    java moss is one option. what other options are there for covering rocks with plants? Keeping in mind that im adding more plants, do i need a CO2 diffuser system along with a heavier wattage for the lighting? Right now i have a single 17watt light for the whole aquarium
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    Options For Planted Tank

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank setup with 3 rasboras and 3 danios. I recently put in a few plants which are: 1) microsorum pteropus 'narrow' 2) Didiplis diandra Well i wanted a few more plants...namely to bring a bit of variety in the tank. I dont have a CO2 system and dont want to purchase one...
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    I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 danios and 3 rasboras. I just added needle leave java fern and Mayaca fluviatilis . Firstly, the java fern has a few brown leaves and im concerned with its growth. I got it in that condition. I have a clump of mayaca. What is good lighting conditions for these two...
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    so wats better? bog wood or drift wood? and wat would be a good website to buy them from. theres all this fuss about whether its african or malayian or of some other origion...does it really matter where its from?? Also, could someone recommend a good online LFS which are reliable and have cheap...
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    Identification Of These Plants

    pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 its works so smoothly! Thanks for the tip 3 fingers. well here both of the pictures and now u can view them closely!
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    Where can i look for good driftwood. Ive looking at petco and other LFS and have read reviews which made me reconsider buying them there. Im looking for something which wont leach into water and decompose out of control. Also when i was looking at some driftwood, i came across african, malaysian...
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    Identification Of These Plants

    Hi! I recently purchased these two plants and seem to have forgotten their name. I would appreciate it if someone can help pinpoint the name out of these plants and i can start researching on their care and how to mantain their health. Here are the pictures: * might need to look at them...
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    Umm Has Anyone Seen My Nitrites?

    Yeah i guess u guys are right. Just gonna have to wait it out. Thanks guys, especially you WD. Ur always explaining me stuff and i really do appreciate it. Your alright! Well lets see how long it takes for the tank to cycle!
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    Umm Has Anyone Seen My Nitrites?

    man!!! my tank hasn't yet started stage 2: ammonia 0ppm and nitrite xppm. Im doing a fish in cycle on 20 gallon with 3 rasboras and 2 zebra danios. The fish look fine and healthy. Honestly, i think they actually grew a bit. Which is cool as its been over a week now that my tank has residents in...
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    Fish In Cycle Report

    hey WD!! Thanks for the input man! ur a great help always!!!! Well it has only been a week since i started off with the fish in cycle. the temperature is at 74F which i think is a mutual ground with the fish and the bacteria. My pH is near neutral. So im not too worried about the conditions in...
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    Fish In Cycle Report

    Hey guys, for those of you who have been replying to my posts, i would like to present reports. As you guys can remember, i have been persuing a fish in cycle and it has been going good. I have been regularly getting ammonia readings and have been regularly doing water changes (25%). Its been...
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    Topfin 20 Filter System

    Thanks OM. That really cleared up my sponge dilemma. So all i gotta do is make my way to the LFS and ask for a sponge that is made for TopFin 20 filter *thats the one i have*. Now i read up on WDs idea of cutting 1/3rd of the sponge size to fit into the filter system. I might need some more...
  27. C

    Topfin 20 Filter System wait.. i can either add piece of pillow filling stuff (the non fire retardant and antibacterial) to my filter or/and i can add a piece of sponge? What sponge are we talking about and what size? Also, if my filter media is safe when i preform a water change, as long as the media remains...
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    Topfin 20 Filter System

    So the topfin filter which i have is a Aqua Clear filter system? Okay and wat do use to extend the tubing? Recommend a fish/water safe material for tubing. Also, how do i add another filter media to my exsisting filter system so that i can have two filter media with beneficial bacteria growing...
  29. C

    Topfin 20 Filter System

    Hi there! I have a quick question and this is regarding the filter. When ever i preform a 25% water change, water stops flowing through the filter. Thats understandable as the water level recedes. When i checked my filter, i carefully observed whether or not it is submerged in water as i dont...
  30. C

    Quick Question

    Im trying to establish a 2 gallon quarantine tank and was thinking about doing a fish less cycle. Ive seen folks here talking about filter media and filter floss. Is filter media the bag that goes in the filter that cycles the water in the tank? So what is a filter floss and where do i get it...
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    Quick Question

    Im trying to establish a 2 gallon quarantine tank and was thinking about doing a fish less cycle. Ive seen folks here talking about filter media and filter floss. Is filter media the bag that goes in the filter that cycles the water in the tank? So what is a filter floss and where do i get it...
  32. C

    Adding More Fish?

    So leopard danios are the same species as the zebra danios huh? i mean, i wanted to add more of the zebras to keep their "curiosity" of other fish in check. But if these two species will school together and keep each others behavior in check, then that might be a good idea. I can then certainly...
  33. C

    Adding More Fish?

    lol yeah everyone did advice me for a fish less cycle and im considering that for my 2 gallon quarantine tank. So there's going to be a bit of a trouble when it comes over to identifying the individuals of the the same species huh? Hmm, i was thinking about snapping a photo of Chase and kind of...
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    Adding More Fish?

    Ummm..its kind of silly, but heres the thing. I have two zebra danios and 3 raboras herlequin. Im doing a fish cycle and its looking good so fish arent in a lot of stress and these fish are hardy!!! Ive named one of the danios "Chase" caz he likes to chase every one around. Now im going...
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    Wonder Pump

    hey guys! I was wondering whether or not i could use wonder pump to siphon the water out of my tank. the only question i have is that the end of the hose is made of out metal and i don't wanna put it inside the water as it might be toxic for the water and its residents. But on the packaging, it...
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    Fish Cycle Using Safestart

    yeah. I read the reading today and it is above 0.25ppm which is dangerous. I do need to change the water at least 25%. Hopefully, the bacterias developed wont die off and my fish will be safer. Its just that i don't have a large bucket to dispense all the water that im going to discard and...
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    One Aggressive Zebra Danios

    Im doing a fish cycle and addded 3 rasbaros and 2 zebra danios. Everything is fine, in the sense that im getting all the reading from my test kit as predicted *high*. There is just one thing. One of the zebra danois is aggresive. He chases everyone around and maybe even nip. Dont exactly know...
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    Fish Cycle Using Safestart

    Hmmm your right. I should keep be testing the water regularly. Well thank for all your input. You've been a great help Leeds. I will keep this thread updated regularly. Maybe you can check it out every now and then to see where im at and answer some more of my frantic questionnaire..LOL :P. Fish...
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    Fish Cycle Using Safestart

    I do have a test kit. Its the API master test kit. I tested my water today. The nitrties were zero and the ammonium is 0.25ppm. Will these measurements help determine when to partial change the water?
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    Fish Cycle Using Safestart

    hi leeds! Hopefully the cloudiness will go away. I should do a partial change of 25% whenever i get a reading of 0.25ppm ammonia over next few weeks? The partial water change is whats confusing me as i dont know when to do it. I just dont wanna loose any fish. I like the little critters! Well...