

Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 danios and 3 rasboras. I just added needle leave java fern and Mayaca fluviatilis . Firstly, the java fern has a few brown leaves and im concerned with its growth. I got it in that condition. I have a clump of mayaca. What is good lighting conditions for these two plants. Right now i have a single 17W light and im guessing that isant enough. Secondly, i have three stones that i put in two days ago and was thinking about covering it with some moss like plants...kind of like a green "blanket" on them. Is it possible or is that an ambitious goal? I have no CO2 equippment and dont think i need it caz its not a heavy planted tank. All advice is appreciated

Co2 bears no relation to the plantmass. It is a lighting equation and in your case it shouldn't be necessary due to your low lighting.

I would get a new bulb for your light and a decent polished metal reflector for it. I would guess if it is the lighting that came with the tank that it will probably be a poor quality one and maybe even old.

Is the needle leaf Fern attached to something or in the substrate? It should be tied to wood or rock. Your lighting (once reflector is in there) should be sufficient for it. Just cut off any bad leaves and it will regenerate with nice new growth.

Myacca Fluvitalis requires good light (not necessarily high.) It can be very hard to keep well. I would replace it with Egeria/Elodia which is similar in its shape, More like a big brother in appearance and green rather than yellow/lime coloured. Its also much easier to grow.

Ferns should also be OK as you want to put them on rock under your lighting.

What do i use to hold down the fern on the wood or rock? and how do i go about it? Also, is the growth going to be affected if i leave the fern in the substrate? I still havant cut of the the browned leaves as i want the plant to get adjusted in the water and i then i can get rid of them. WOW..planting is a lot more complicated than i initially thought it was
There are many options:
Cable ties, rubber (elastic) bands, cotton woll, fishing line.

I tend to use rubber bands and then after a month or 2 when the plant has attached cut them and drag them through the growth and...voila one plant attached to wood/rock.

Plants with Rhizomes (Fern, Anubias, mosses) prefer to be attached to something. If they are in the substrate they tend to do quite badly. A bit like Ivy which tendsto attach to walls and trees etc.

This is how Philippine and needle leaf ferns plus Anubias should look when attached to wood and growing well (picture is of my latest scape 'Celestial Glade':

So basically i should take the fern out and attach it to the rocks i have using normal office grade rubber bands? And where should i look for a reflector for the light and what modifications would i need to make in order to attach it to my hood. The following is a picture of my the rocks i have in my tank. Also, do i need more substrate for the plants?? MAN!!! there are so many things that need to be considered when choosing plants!!

You could do with a 'real' substrate. A planted nutrient rich substrate or at least normal fine gravel or sand.

normal office grade elastic bands are fine. I use the ones the post office use. lol

reflectors can be bought for a fiver from P@H. They are made for T8 light (1 inch diameter) but if yours is a compact then it should still be better then nothing.

If you have T8 then it clips to the tube. If not then simply find some short screws and screw it to the hood.

What is P@H? lol..cant really make out by the shorthand. Where can i purchase reliable substrate for the plants? and do i need to remove the present gravel i have in my tank and then pour the live substrate or i just simply cover the present gravel with the new one? Also, what plants are good for planting in the substrate? I might need to cover the space i will have after removing the fern out of the gravel and onto the rocks *with rubberbands*.

Im guessing that a generic substrate can be used for planting many different types of plants
What is P@H? lol..cant really make out by the shorthand. Where can i purchase reliable substrate for the plants? and do i need to remove the present gravel i have in my tank and then pour the live substrate or i just simply cover the present gravel with the new one? Also, what plants are good for planting in the substrate? I might need to cover the space i will have after removing the fern out of the gravel and onto the rocks *with rubberbands*.

Im guessing that a generic substrate can be used for planting many different types of plants

Are you in the US? If so then I don't know where cheap reflectors are to be found there. P@H is Pets at home which is a chain like petsmart in the US. Good substrate will most likely have to come from a fish shop or from Dr Fosters & smith.

Take a look at the easy plants list pinned at the top of this forum.


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