Adding More Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Ummm..its kind of silly, but heres the thing. I have two zebra danios and 3 raboras herlequin. Im doing a fish cycle and its looking good so fish arent in a lot of stress and these fish are hardy!!! Ive named one of the danios "Chase" caz he likes to chase every one around. Now im going to add more the same species later on to equal things out. So herez my question: how will i be able to tell Chase apart from the rest of zebra danios that im going to add?? i like him and i wanna be able to point him out. He also kind of likes me caz when ever i go to the aquarium *which is like every 3 hours* he comes to that side and chills there. Any advice as how to differentiate between the individuals of the same species? Thanks!
Ummm..its kind of silly, but heres the thing. I have two zebra danios and 3 raboras herlequin. Im doing a fish cycle and its looking good so fish arent in a lot of stress and these fish are hardy!!! Ive named one of the danios "Chase" caz he likes to chase every one around. Now im going to add more the same species later on to equal things out. So herez my question: how will i be able to tell Chase apart from the rest of zebra danios that im going to add?? i like him and i wanna be able to point him out. He also kind of likes me caz when ever i go to the aquarium *which is like every 3 hours* he comes to that side and chills there. Any advice as how to differentiate between the individuals of the same species? Thanks!

First I'll warn you that most people here will advise a fishless cycle.

However to answer your question, It depends on the individual fish, but sometimes you can pick out a certain feature, like a stripe, that is unique to Chase. Also, sometimes you can use size or just personality. However I'll warn you that my zebra danios, cories, and a few of my guppies that are all the same color and generally the same pattern are nearly impossible to tell apart.

Good luck with your tank!

lol yeah everyone did advice me for a fish less cycle and im considering that for my 2 gallon quarantine tank. So there's going to be a bit of a trouble when it comes over to identifying the individuals of the the same species huh? Hmm, i was thinking about snapping a photo of Chase and kind of get used to his appearance.
If you want to tell Chase apart from the other zebra danios, you can get a different variety. Leopard danios are the same species, and there's also blue, gold, long finned, and albino varieties.
So leopard danios are the same species as the zebra danios huh? i mean, i wanted to add more of the zebras to keep their "curiosity" of other fish in check. But if these two species will school together and keep each others behavior in check, then that might be a good idea. I can then certainly keep track of Chase. I gotta tell you, he is a character. Every time i catch him chasing some fish around extensively, i tap on the glass and he stops and comes to side of the tank im at and chills there. Then when he thinks Ive left, off he goes again!! I love him! man..i don't wanna loose him to something as simple as cycling a tank. I think i need a quarantine tank just in case. Whats a good size for a quarantine tank? Also. Ive seen folks here talking about filter media and filter floss. Is filter media the bag that goes in the filter that cycles the water in the tank? So what is a filter floss and where do i get it from? I want to make cycling for the quarantine tank a bit easier on me. Thanks!

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