Tip Needed On Pellia


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I have ordered a bag of pellia. I plan on covering three rocks ive put in my tank. These rocks are layed out so that it make a little tunnel for the fish to swim through. Now, ive read up the plant its self and it seems that this plant is easy to take care of. I can simply fasten the plant to the rocks with simple rubber band (or a fishing line) and then just wait for it to grow. Does this work??

Also, i have bought potassium supplements for the plants which i have (one is a mayaca and the other is java fern). ive been adding less than 3ml of it directly to the water caz on the label it says to add 5ml to every 125L of water. My concern is about any adverse effects the potassium might have on the fish. Also, how effective is it for the plants its self?

All advice is much appreciated.
Don't know too much about regular pellia. I had some once but all it did was die. Its a fragile plant and will break apart quiet easily. I would suggest tieing it down to what ever you want to attach it to.

The plant fertilizer will not have any negative effects on the fish. The EI method of fertilizing uses fertilizers in amounts excess than what the plants can use, to make sure there are always enough nutrients for the plants. I've had no problems raising fish or shrimps using this method. You can use less than the recommended dose if you want, it may be a good choice if you only have a few plants.
hmmm..whats the EI method? maybe you can point to a forum thread. Also, i was thinking about carpeting the floor aswell..now..what plant is very to carpet and how do u carpet? can u explain the procedure and what things i'll be using such a stainless steel mesh...

Kind of new to keeping plants.

I have a 17inch bulb in which i just attached a reflector. My tank is a 20 gallon.

Current plants: Mayaca, java fern.
Future plants: pellia and java moss

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