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  1. R

    250 gallon tank

    I pad $214 for a new 55 gallon with an oak stained stand and two hood lights. $250 for a $250 gallon tank and stand is a steal.
  2. R

    glass catfish

    I was at Petsmart the other day and they had glass catfish. I don't remember how much they cost.
  3. R

    Went to the local big chain store today...

    A two-fer on plastic plants. A big bag of rabbit food. 5 tiger barbs and a Cory. I have no idea what the species of the cory is. So now my tank is populated by 2 Bala sharks, 2 Scissortail Rasboras, 4 Blackskirt Tetras, 2 Corys, 1 plecostomus, and 5 tiger barbs. While there, I saw a...
  4. R

    My Balas

    Here are my Bala "Sharks" and also two of my Black Skirt Tetras.
  5. R

    Had to get a new tank.

    Man. Tell me about it. I felt so guilty putting all those guys in that little tank. Had to move the cat to the garage, too! The rasbora lived up until the point where I tried to put him into a baggie to let him get accustomed to the temp of the new tank. I did that with all the fish and he...
  6. R

    Had to get a new tank.

    It was a very old tank and the silicon seal had been repaired by the person from whom it was purchased. ( I traded the guy an old Palm Zire for the tank!) There was no obvious crack, but I could not find the leak even though I lost about 3 gallons of water into my surge suppressor...
  7. R

    Had to get a new tank.

    Well, last Thursday my wife called me at work to inform me that our 55 gallon tank was leaking. I arrived home an hour later to find our tank unplugged due to water leaking into the surge strip all our gear was plugged into. I got the fish out fairly quickly and was able to get them into a...
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    You guys were right...

    Well, when I say that they ate him, what I mean is that he died and the next morning they were both chowing down on his remains. I don't think they hunted him down or anything. Still, it was very traumatic. :(
  9. R

    alligator gar...

    Please tell me that guy didn't noodle that fish! If he did he's lucky he's only missing the tip of his finger!
  10. R

    You guys were right...

    Man...they swim around together, forage together...they are so cute! My damn sanils ate my male swordtail so I got another to replace him, too. He is doing fine.
  11. R

    Oh yeah!

    Thanks! Sounds like the guy (???) is gonna gt at last one new friend. By the's a 55 gallon tank so I could prolly put a couple more in but I don't want my tank to look like Grand Central!
  12. R

    Oh yeah!

    I now have the original 4 black skirt tetras, 3 scissortail rasboras, 2 bright red swordtails (1 male, 1 female), and 1 cory. We also got 2 snails in yellow shells. I believe they are mystery snails. Man! Who said snails are slow? Those little guys are off to the races! I put in a small...
  13. R

    Neon Question

    I have four black skirt tetras in my 55 gallon and one of them just hangs out around one of the plastic plants I have in the tank. He comes out to socialize around feeding time and then runs back to his shelter. He is on the smallish side compared to the other three.
  14. R

    Redhook fish

    Found this link via google: Thought you might be interested. They appear to eat anything including other Pacu if they grow at a faster rate than the others in their tank.
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    Okay so my Emperor 400B has three filters...1) biological, 2) chemical, 3) biowheel. Do I need to put AMMO-Carb in the second stage filter or should I use something else? My understanding is that the beneficial bacteria feeds on ammonia and turns it into nitrates. Does using the AMMO-Carb...
  16. R

    Never again!!

    I was in my local WalMart today and the tanks were horrible. In fact, they were all 'closed for treatment'. Most of them (about 20) had dead fish, fish with what I think was finrot, dying fish trapped against the pump intakes, or dead snails. Actually I am assuming the snails were dead...
  17. R

    New Tank

    Well, I don't have any leaks and the pump works! :) Ummm...TetraAqua AquaSafe is a dechlorinator. The guy didn't sell me anything...I traded him a Palm Zire for all this stuff! He had had the tank setup and wanted to get rid of it. I had heard that using the biowheels that he had in his...
  18. R

    New Tank

    I will purchase some of the test strips. I really didn't want to have a bunch of test kits for different water factors lying around. I didn't even know they made five in one strips! Thanks for the advice and link! Roy
  19. R

    New Tank

    Well...last Sunday I got a 55 gallon tank, manufacturer unknown, with an Emperor 400B HOB and an EBO-Jager 200W heater. I got this stuff in exchange for a Palm Zire (the white model)! I have not introduced any new fish into the tank yet, but here is what I have done so far: 1) Tank was...