Oh yeah!


New Member
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Grapeville, PA
I now have the original 4 black skirt tetras, 3 scissortail rasboras, 2 bright red swordtails (1 male, 1 female), and 1 cory. We also got 2 snails in yellow shells. I believe they are mystery snails. Man! Who said snails are slow? Those little guys are off to the races! I put in a small piece of lettuce leaf today and they made short work of that.

We had an unfortunate incident with the rasboras. When my wife put them in the tank after their acclimatization period, one of them went straight to the bottom. When we took him back the nice people at the pet shop gave us two to replace him. I think he was dead in the bag and my wife just didn't realize it before she put him in. Anyway...for a whil we had only one of them in the tank and he seemed very shy and reserved. As soon as we got his two new cousins into the tank he came out of hiding and started exploring with them.

Everybody seems to get along quite well. The cory doesn't seem to mind being the only one of his kind in the tank. Do you think he needs a friend?
Hi royhandy. I'm glad you are enjoying your tank so much. That's what it's all about. :)

I would get a few more corydoras if you have the room. They like each others company and it brings out the best in them. :)
hi royhandy, most small fish like rasboras(i've got harlequins) enojoy each others company and only feel safe when in a shoal, i had two adult harlequins and one died(no reason) the surviving harlequin became very subdued and shy, but as soon as i bought four little ones he was up swimming with them in the shoal happy as anything, it is all about company!!! :D and as smb said a few more friends for your corydoras would be good
Thanks! Sounds like the guy (???) is gonna gt at last one new friend. By the way...it's a 55 gallon tank so I could prolly put a couple more in but I don't want my tank to look like Grand Central!
Hi royhandy :) In a 55 gallon tank, you could easily add a few more cories without risking the grand central station effect, imo. I've read many times that you should have all one type of cory together or else they may not shoal, but I've not found this to be the case in my tank. I 'inherited' a mixed school of cories with a second hand tank years ago, and they're all the best of friends. They even shoal with my Chinese algae eater quite often! It's an amusing sight to see the CAE cruising along the lower glass with a few cories, or sitting on a rock with my big pepper cory, kind of like those pictures you see where a mother goat takes on an orphaned kitten or something. lol
Yes a 55g tank will have quite a lot of room for a few corys. He really does need his frds so he can live to his/her (do you know? Females are broader when you look above them 'fatter') potential. ;)

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