250 gallon tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
20 Miles from Hell, California
$250 for a 250 gallon tank w/ oak finished stand, rocks and pump. Sound like a good deal? Found it in my local swap-sheet. May have to talk to the fiancee about this one... :hey:
Wow what a bad deal, have them call me Ill take this loss on this one. :D If you have the money get it today, its a good deal.
I paid 150 CDN for my 33 gallon w/ stand, hood, filter, gravel and a bunch of other stuff. Paying 100 more for a 250 gallon?!?! :drool: :hyper: DEFINITELY go for it, just make sure tank is in good condition beforehand. And be sure to ask why he's selling and also how old the tank is. And remember, there's nothing you can't do with silicone, so patch the tank up if need be, but just get it!!! The stand itself would already cost $250, just because it's oak...
Man are you crazy? That's 250 of your hard earned dollars? And on what? A glass cage for fish? Bad idea. Here, post the number, and some of the members on here will tell that guy off.

DB :fish:
DannyBoy17 said:
Man are you crazy? That's 250 of your hard earned dollars? And on what? A glass cage for fish? Bad idea. Here, post the number, and some of the members on here will tell that guy off.

DB :fish:
:rofl: Great deals are hard to come by usually, but when you find one you should definately take it up as soon as you can. Get it, if your fiancee doesn't kick you out for it. :lol:
I pad $214 for a new 55 gallon with an oak stained stand and two hood lights.

$250 for a $250 gallon tank and stand is a steal.
Damn! Haven't logged on for a few days. Sorry to say I didn't get it. Don't know if it's still available or not, but the problem right now is space. I'm renting a 2 bedroom duplex right now and I've taken all the space I have right now. What with the 61" TV, 55 gallon set up, 65 gallon in another corner not set up, King size bed, 8 foot couch, monster computer desk, I don't have the space for it. The garage is maxed out with all my wood-working equipment, too.

But that would have been ideal in another 6 months or so when we buy our own house, I could have plugged that straight into a wall, which I'm going to do with a wall when we get our own house. And I kind of have to save some money for the wedding and honeymoon to Italy later this summer.

I also kind of got some cold feet when I thought about changing 125 gallons of water every week! I'm even thinking of getting rid of the 65 gallon corner-tank before I even set it up. I think the 55 may be enough for me. Just have to see what kind of space we get when we finally get out of this place and into a place of our own.
Speaking as an IT lecturer... Chuck out the computer, just get a laptop to log on here :p Fish are far more entertaining.


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