Had to get a new tank.


New Member
Aug 30, 2003
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Grapeville, PA
Well, last Thursday my wife called me at work to inform me that our 55 gallon tank was leaking. I arrived home an hour later to find our tank unplugged due to water leaking into the surge strip all our gear was plugged into.

I got the fish out fairly quickly and was able to get them into a very small 5-gallon octagonal tank. I put in a heater and rigged up an airstone to try to keep the water oxygenated.

I emptied the tank and saved a bunch of the water. I kept the Bio-Wheels from my Emperor 400 floating in the 5G tank with the fish.

The fish (2 Bala Sharks, 4 black skirt tetras, 2 spotted Corys, 1 pleco, and 3 scissortail rasboras) made it through 'til Saturday.

We went out Saturday morning and looked around for tanks. I ended up with a new 55G and a stand for a little over $200. This included the lights.

I had everything back up and running later that night and my fish were in the new tank at around 8pm.

I lost one of my rasboras due to the stress, though. I am sort of angry at myself about that because I have had those fish for over a year and a half. I moved them last year in the dead of winter and didn't lose a single fish. I am going to go out and buy an emergency 30 Gallon tank in the near future so that I can keep my guys (and girls, maybe) in there for a while longer.
canarsie11 said:
What was wrong with tank? Was there a crack?
It was a very old tank and the silicon seal had been repaired by the person from whom it was purchased. (Okay...so I traded the guy an old Palm Zire for the tank!) There was no obvious crack, but I could not find the leak even though I lost about 3 gallons of water into my surge suppressor, floor, and stand.

I thought about resealing it for use as a spare aquarium but I don't want to risk a catastrophe. After I reseal it I hope someone will want it for a reptile. Or maybe I can make a huge ant farm out of it!
I was going to make a joke about over stocking your 5 gallon but I couldn't make it funny. Instead I would like to tell you how impressed I am that you kept them all in the tiny tank healthy and well, except for your one loss--which isn't fun under any circumstances and I'm sorry to hear about.
Eh, lol. He said a 55 gallon, not a 5 gallon.

Well that sucks that your tank went all crappy on you and your fish died. Oh well though, on the plus side you have new sh..stuff. And, it's always nice to have new stuff... lol.
Spilk said:
I was going to make a joke about over stocking your 5 gallon but I couldn't make it funny. Instead I would like to tell you how impressed I am that you kept them all in the tiny tank healthy and well, except for your one loss--which isn't fun under any circumstances and I'm sorry to hear about.
Man. Tell me about it. I felt so guilty putting all those guys in that little tank. Had to move the cat to the garage, too!

The rasbora lived up until the point where I tried to put him into a baggie to let him get accustomed to the temp of the new tank. I did that with all the fish and he was the only one who didn't make it.

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