Neon Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2003
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In my 23 gallon tank, i have 6 neons, and one is a black neon and the others are the normal blue red grey etc..... The wee black neon sames very lonely as it doesn't be with the group of other neons. I was wondering if i would need a few more black neons to group with it???

I'd suggest getting some buddies for your loner. Sometimes you'll find a particular fish doesn't care what color (or even species) his schooling partners are - for example, I have a Green Tiger Barb (notorious fin nipper and necessary schooler), who seems to have decided he's a Zebra Danio - he never nips anyone, and swims with the Danios quite happily. However, since this doesn't seem to be your case (though if he's new to your tank give him awhile longer for adjustment time), I think getting him some buddies would be a good idea. Tetras especially like to be in a school. Schooling fish will often become stressed when they're alone and sometimes even die, because they feel unprotected out in the open by themselves.
smyth19 said:
In my 23 gallon tank, i have 6 neons, and one is a black neon and the others are the normal blue red grey etc..... The wee black neon sames very lonely as it doesn't be with the group of other neons. I was wondering if i would need a few more black neons to group with it???

Black neon tetras are a completely different species to ordinary neons. As they are schooling fish you should really get the little guy some friends of his own kind.
I have four black skirt tetras in my 55 gallon and one of them just hangs out around one of the plastic plants I have in the tank. He comes out to socialize around feeding time and then runs back to his shelter. He is on the smallish side compared to the other three.
Also neons are little pirahanas so to speak (Like you probably know) and this species really (idealy) needs to be kept in a shoal of minmaly 10 (possibly 8) ;)

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